If you're talking about it from an environmental standpoint, then I disagree. Unless we decide to kill ourselves with a Nuclear holocaust, nature will kill us before we find a way to end life on this planet. It is true, we might extract, burn out, and waste all of our resources and leave the Earth as a toxic dump and kill all of the pretty animals and plants -- but I'm sure the Earth has been through worse. And as Turtelman pointed out, we're not doing that, so it's all chill.
But after what happened to the plants in Japan, people are more reluctant to build new ones and consider demolishing old ones.
They've got to pick something. So as long as they don't revert back to coal or something it's all good. People need to stop being so scared all the time. I feel that if I lived anywhere near a Nuclear Power plant, I'd probably die before it explodes. Most haven't blown up, and I hope most don't, that's all I can really do. What's to stop a nuke dropping on my location tomorrow.
Personally, I think poverty breeds all kinds of these issues. Poor areas have the worst respect for the environment, they have the highest rates of terrorism, stupidity, lack of education, lack of resources, etc.
But after what happened to the plants in Japan, people are more reluctant to build new ones and consider demolishing old ones.
They also didn't keep up with their plant and having a nuclear power plant on an island isn't that great of an idea to start with considering how bad some islands can be hit with weather. The disaster in Japan being a perfect example.
We are working on this, though. Just look at all of the wildlife protection programs. And although it's going to be some years before this is universal, but we're working as fast as we can to establish clean, renewable fuels for all of our energy sources.
Yeah, but when we did it, new countrys are rising and pollute the planet. When a developing country or an emergent nation is rising, then they want to produce cheap energy. Best example this days are China and India.
Yeah, but when we did it, new countrys are rising and pollute the planet. When a developing country or an emergent nation is rising, then they want to produce cheap energy. Best example this days are China and India.
You can't blame them, we did the same thing. The only hope is that developed countries will quit seeing developing ones as resource and labor extraction pools, and technology will be free one day with boundless infrastructure to better help the human race conquer its goals of...
You can't blame them, we did the same thing. The only hope is that developed countries will quit seeing developing ones as resource and labor extraction pools, and technology will be free one day with boundless infrastructure to better help the human race conquer its goals of...
I'll never stop hoping that. Maybe someday it really is going to happen.
I think it is either ignorance or apathy. People who don't understand things leads to intolerance and injustice and people who do not care enough to do anything about it are a burden to society.
Selfishness. I think if people were less selfish, and weren't always centered on themselves, the world would be much better. Selfishness causes divorces, corruption, greed, war, just to list a few.
the biggest problem is no unity . for example religion , there is no unity because there are many religion . another example is countries , there are no unity because other country wants to own the world and others disagree . you see what i'm trying to say. thank you and good day/night .
On first thought I would say that this world's largest problem is the human itself. We as humans desire to put down others and generally hate others and think ourselves better than another race, another religion, another people of our own race for a lack of confidence, intelligence, or any other ignorance rationalization.
This is not to say that every human is so close minded, but look into the religions of this world; they preach acceptance and yet they put down their fellow brotheren, the human. Are people of Islamic belief and Christian belief so different? How do Allah and God differ?
What about African Americans And Caucasian Americans. How do they differ? African American's have more Melanin produced in their skin pigmentation, which is actually more practical than a Caucasian's skin as it is a natural defense against UVA and UVB rays. (FYI: I am Caucasian). And actually Any other color than Black is a mutation as early man originated from Africa.
Anyways, that is what I believe is the largest problem: the concept of reputation and sense of self worth being better than another.
I believe that destruction is one of the biggest problems, because if destruction did not exist summer days would stay the same, environments would be untouched, and ecosystems would be saved. But you cannot take a problem and say that it is the worst because all problems must be solved by definition this is true. Thank you dictionary.com
[quote] any question or matter involving doubt, uncertainty, or difficulty. a question proposed for solution or discussion.