I would say the biggest problem is either Self-Righteousness or Destruction of the Environment.
As humans we want to be better than everyone else. Because of this we often refuse to get along with other people when it may be for a good cause. We refuse because we think we are better than them - and if we are, why should we help them?
We need to get over our differences and love people no matter what. So what if you think you are better than them? Be nice anyway and show some humility.
And for my point in Destruction - I agree with destruction101 (ironic how you think it's the biggest problem, and that is your name).
In my opinion, the biggest problem of humanity is overpopulation. There's is too much of us, which makes us value less other humans. as it can be seen in market, the more an object is rare the more it is valued, same thing on the job market. So when you feel that you are not valued, trashed or common it is highly depressing, thus some people submit to light or heavy drugs. Beeing jobless also produces this effect, but it this case some fall into crime (a person has to eat), and drugs. No i'm half wrong the biggest problem is our unsustainable way of life, i mean how our society fuctions, if we stop purchasing unnecessary goods our market crumbles, so we buy and overconsume, while others don't have enough food. In conclusion i would say there is no ONE BIGGEST problem, there are many, that's why it so hard to make things right.
racism and stuff will ALWAYS be around it will never be stopped but the biggest problem is WAR because you got people who get pissed off at the rest of the world just because they dont believe in the same stuf as them so you got them bombing the surronding country thus begins war and all it does it kill millions of innocent people
Well my teacher read us an article that says science has proved people are born racist and always have been racist since the beginning of history. I have a tough time beliveing that but hey, it was on the internet so it's got to be true (Sarcasm; Don't believe that comment about the internet).
The world's biggest problem is most certainly our minds.
The mind is actually a very useful tool that has brought about many great things. If we didn't have a brain, we wouldn't be alive. Without the human brain, the internet wouldn't exist. Without a brain and we somehow were still able to function, we couldn't tell right from wrong, the worlds' greatest inventions wouldn't exist, and we'd be killing more than we are now.
Wasting Time is the world's biggest problem. If we did not waste time on things like video games we would have already solved all the world's problems.
terrorism and kidnapping in my opinion and child abuse these are 3 thing that i seem to see on the new happen a lot and no one really does anything about it except for when they killed osama
I can't think of many wars that didn't have some sort of religious element to them. In fact...yeah well, none come to mind.
Not even the Iraq War/Operation Iraqi Freedom/Second GulfWar which was started in fear of weapons of mass destruction? (Or some say: Oil) Not even the New Zealand land wars?