ForumsWEPRChristianity and Homosexuality

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I am not ashamed to admit two things about my life. One, I am a Christian. Second, I am bisexual. I am a Libertarian at heart, and I believe in equal social rights for all.

I have heard church propaganda over and over again about how it is immoral to be gay, or to engage in any homosexual activity. The pastor at the Lutheran church that I used to go to has said, "Gays are immoral and will burn in hell." Most right-wing "Christians" will say the same thing. In high school, I fell into the same trap. I tried to repress those homosexual desires. I spoke out about immoral the gays were, and that the government should only be filled with Christians who would create a perfect Christian society.

It was my first year of college that I finally stopped fooling myself. I had repressed my desires for nearly 3 years. It is time for right-wing "Christian" politicians to accept that homosexuality is a biological function. There is no choice in sexuality. If sexuality is a choice, can straight people change to being gay? No! So why do anti-gay groups think gays can become straight? There is no 'on/off' switch that can be flipped to change sexuality.

What these anti-gay groups should be focusing on is not gays. I donât know the exact figures, but there are hundreds, if not thousands of references to helping the poor in the Bible, while there are a dozen or so references condemning homosexuality. A real Christian would not spend his/her time condemning homosexuals; instead they should help the poor, needy, and less-fortunate.

  • 142 Replies
1,416 posts


According to you, we are created to mate. So that means couples who are sterile should not get married? That also means once women no longer produce eggs, she should get divorced according to your logic. What about couples who don't want kids? My sister and her boyfriend have already decided not to have children. But according to your logic, they are not being natural, thus they shouldn't be together.

Everything listed above is "unnatural" according to your definition. So do you really believe all that? If not, then your argument against gays is bunk.

660 posts

haha you just got told:P...but seriously this shouldn't even be a topic, who cares if your bi or gay, and if you think that all gay people are going to go to hell then you should think about it, if god has a plan for everyone which is most of the religous people's argument on why abortion should be illegal) then wouldn't god have planned for them to be gayo_O

297 posts

very controversial I don't wanna get into this

242 posts

@TenaciousC: You do realize that homosexuality exists outside of human beings, right? Zoos have problems all the time explaining to enraged parents that two male or two females getting it on is normal. In fact, a couple of gay male penguins adopted an egg in the New York Zoo.

thelistman already pointed out how being 'unnatural' is a really bad reason to be opposed to gays. Christianity isn't natural either, you know.

341 posts

@kanethebrain: You do realize that one of those gay penguin's father was blind (litterally not sarcastically) and they both watched the blind penguin make love to another male penguin. They learned from that because noone in the zoo taught them other wise so thats how they thought they were suppose to mate. It isn't instinctual it was learned, just like most kids that have gay parents become gay because there parents usually force it on to them.

242 posts

Time to bring out the cites again:

Gay Penguins in New York:

There is apparently more than one pair of gay penguins in New York.

There's also gay penguins in Germany. There, the zoo keepers tried to set them straight by putting a plethora of female penguins in with them. Guess what? It didn't work because homosexuality is not a choice, even for the lower animals.

Reading through the first cite, it shows that penguins aren't the only animals to display this behavior. Homosexuality has been observed in the wild and in captivity. It's a natural part of most populations.

And for your claim that the gay penguins learned it from a blind father? Unless you can produce a cite for that, I'm going to say that it's completely made-up, just because it sounds so implausible in so many ways.

And as for your claim that gay people come from gay parents:

A) There's so many gay people out there reproducing.

B) All those gay people with straight parents came from somewhere

C) The gay kids that were put in the hospital by their straight parents MUST HAVE learned to be gay in between the beatings from their parents.

1,416 posts

"just like most kids that have gay parents become gay because there parents usually force it on to them."

Where in the world did you come up with this redbed? Gays would be the last people to "force" a sexuality on someone. They have been pressed all their lives to be straight. Do you think they would turn around and do that to their own children?

163 posts

"just like most kids that have gay parents become gay because there parents usually force it on to them."

Just like many parents force Christianity upon their children. They don't have a choice. Either do homosexuals, they didn't choose to be gay, they just are. And no one can change that.

660 posts

it's so refreshing to hear someone who listens to logic but it doesn't happon very often...and seriously redbedhead you probably have never even met a gay person so you need to stop basing opinions off of sterio types

132 posts

RedBedHead... You're an ignorant d*ck.. Did you know that?

70 posts

As an ardent Christian, I am EMBARRASSED to hear you say that somebody else is going to hell for sining. The Bible says that homosexuality is a sin. Prove to me that you are without sin... THEN tell thelistman he is going to hell for sinning. NONE of us is without sin, and Jesus loves us anyways. If thelistman accepts Jesus as his Lord and savior, all thats needed to go to Heaven. ONLY ONE MAN was perfect. ONLY ONE MAN is without sin. And that one man DIED for EVERYBODY'S SINS. THATS why Jesus died on the cross, so that EVERYBODY who accepts him can be saved. If thelistman truely believes in Christ, then he'll go to Heaven. HOW DARE YOU BLASPHEME AND TAKE YOUR PERSONAL OPINION ABOVE THE WORD OF GOD. YOU CALL YOURSELF A CHRISTAN? READ THE BIBLE.

5,001 posts

So, ignoring redbedhead's ignorant and fallacious comments, I want to take this topic in a slightly new direction.

I was reading up and noticed there is no mention of female homosexuality in the Bible. So, for all you Christians out there that actually think the Bible is the way, what do you make of that?

1,416 posts


The Bible I have sometimes uses the word "homosexuals" or "homosexuality," etc. That could refer to both men and women. My Bible's Leviticus 18:22 says, "Do not practice homosexuality; it is a detestable sin." But my Bible is more politically correct.

It is possible that the translations throughout time favored males. With males typically being above females in social class throughout most of history, most topics dealt with men. So when referring to homosexuality, the above verse usually says something like, "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; it is an abomination."

1,416 posts

But then again, I have never read the purely original texts (I only read English). So I'm not sure of the correct answer.

37 posts

Also, back during these times the males were the higher ranked in the social class, and scholars acted upon what happened during this time period.

Since the Bible says for Christians not to do it, they shouldn't do it, its as simple as that.

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