ForumsWEPRChristianity and Homosexuality

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I am not ashamed to admit two things about my life. One, I am a Christian. Second, I am bisexual. I am a Libertarian at heart, and I believe in equal social rights for all.

I have heard church propaganda over and over again about how it is immoral to be gay, or to engage in any homosexual activity. The pastor at the Lutheran church that I used to go to has said, "Gays are immoral and will burn in hell." Most right-wing "Christians" will say the same thing. In high school, I fell into the same trap. I tried to repress those homosexual desires. I spoke out about immoral the gays were, and that the government should only be filled with Christians who would create a perfect Christian society.

It was my first year of college that I finally stopped fooling myself. I had repressed my desires for nearly 3 years. It is time for right-wing "Christian" politicians to accept that homosexuality is a biological function. There is no choice in sexuality. If sexuality is a choice, can straight people change to being gay? No! So why do anti-gay groups think gays can become straight? There is no 'on/off' switch that can be flipped to change sexuality.

What these anti-gay groups should be focusing on is not gays. I donât know the exact figures, but there are hundreds, if not thousands of references to helping the poor in the Bible, while there are a dozen or so references condemning homosexuality. A real Christian would not spend his/her time condemning homosexuals; instead they should help the poor, needy, and less-fortunate.

  • 142 Replies
60 posts

@ Strop:

Thank you for bringing that one to my attention.

@ TenaciousC and others making like posts:

I hate having to repeat what others say, but...:
open your eyes!

...Or shut them, if certain sights offend. To harm another because of what they are is a greater sin than being that person. Some things are best left unspoken. "Unthought" would ask for too much.

902 posts

I'm strongly right-wing. And yet I don't have a problem with gays. They're just people and whatnot. It's not up to me to judge if you're going to end up in hell. Live however your think God wants you to and remember that you have to answer to Him. Whether homosexuality condemns you to hell is up to the big guy to decide, not you or I.

60 posts

Aye to that. Plus, if someone believes that God will judge him upon death, hs ought to reflect on that before judging another.

750 posts

The bible-thumpers are referring to Leviticus 20:13 and Romans 1:27
of the NIrV Bible. However, they neglect their own Bible, you need only look on the same page as the second quotation to find Romans 2:1 "If you judge someone else you have no excuse for it. When you judge another person you are judging yourself. You do the same things you blame others for doing." And also, if you quit telling people about God all problems will be solved with people going to Hell Romans 2:12 "Some people do not know God's law when they sin. They will not be judged by the law when they die."

May the Flying Spaghetti Monster bless you. RAmen.

60 posts

Yes. God's wrath is not something to swing around wildly, or with malice.

660 posts

i'm so glad nobody is g@y bashing on this thread anymore

2,662 posts

People hav a right to do what they want. Just because its in the bible doesnt make it sin. I personally am an atheist and as the bible hasnt changed since all those years but peoples viewpoints have. I mean America until 140 yrs ago still had slaves and now it has equal rights. Things change. So do attitudes

1,416 posts


So everything you find disgusting should be outlawed? Are you all powerful? I find onions to be disgusting, so should they be outlawed? That sounds absurd, doesn't it? So why should certain sex acts be outlawed? Just because you find them to be gross does not mean it should be outlawed.

"But...people shouldnt do things that disgusts other people!" Again, same argument. Just because you find something to be gross, what right does that give you to stop them? Vegetarians find meat-eating disgusting, so does that give them the right to stop me from eating meat? I find my girlfriend's carrot casserole to be completely horrific. But I'm not going to stop her from eating it. It would be absurd for me to. Just like it would be absurd for you to stop gays because YOU find it gross.

242 posts

@TenaciousC: Two points

1) Try to outlaw things you find disgusting means other people should be able to outlaw things they find disgusting. Allow this, and soon you'll find that YOU have been outlawed.

2) There are evolutionary benefits to having a small portion of the population be gay. Since, as you note, gays are less likely to reproduce, then there are more adults in group to take care of the children in the group. Basically, if you have a gay uncle, you have more people that can take care of you since the uncle doesn't have his own children to take care of. Also, if a parent or parents die, the child still has an adult to support them. Since this allows children to reach mating age, the population is preserved.

@Strop: I hope #2 up there did it for you

@thelistman: you said it before me. I got ninja'd!

519 posts

Okay thats right too , i cant do nothing to stop them ...but i never said i wanna stop them.
I just said its disgusting...

1,101 posts

K im a christian, and those who say "gays are demons" well lets just say (and when i say this im mostly talking to the dumb s.h.i.t redbedhead) that u go to far into the religion and u should be shot for doing so.... honestly u think that by being born with a defualt of liking the same sex is a demon trait... If so didn't god make us? He gave us that trait... So if u wanna be going into all this God stuff about how humanity is going to die because of homos... well lets just say God made them that way and ur calling God a demon. So rlly all in all u should die in hell for saying that.... See how this religion can be easily turned around you ignorant peice of crap... The only reason i take offence to what u said is because i too am a catholic, and one of my best friends is gay... The only thing i beleive would be hard is for a kid to be raised by 2 gays. Like honestly he might get teased in highschool and in most scools, but he or she will eventually get over it... It's not the end of the world. And to be honest,isn't marrage the right to be with someone for life? So if ur gay u'll stay with the person you love, and all they want is to be married. Is that to hard to ask? And btw if someone is gay how do they freak u out? I mean there not scary like transvestites (k those scare me worse than clowns... and thats hard to beat :P) Like most gays don't really hit on men that are straight. Are people so ignorant as to think that??? They're not like a animal with limited intelligence, thay actually relize whos gay, and whos not gay. I feel bad for the gays because of people in society who shut them down, like queef cookie redbedhead... Tenacious... u don't know shit so stfu...

881 posts

alright, a few things
1) That was nonsensical gibberish
2) Don't swear, its against the rules
3) I really don't care who's gay I just don't want to see them making out public... (honest opinion, no offense)

1,101 posts

well sry to say, but most religions can be "nonsensical gibberish" and of course we all know swearing is against the rules.... don't need that repeated.. and lastly this is gonna kinda contradict myself but i agree....:P

136 posts

Do you guys know that this topic is being debated in other parts of the world, such as colleges and church groups? My cousin is a youth minister and they had a discussion on this within themselves for a couple of weeks. During this time, my brother attended but neither he nor my cousin revealed my brothers homosexuallity. During this time the discussions got cruel at points and supposedly poingnant at others. My brother told them about his homosexuallity only after they had all convinced themselves it was a moral dilemma. My cousin was very quiet through most of the talks, unless the topic went stale. When my brother outed himself to the group, most of them were speechless, but, ultimately barradded him with the, "You going to hell", "You should repent" blah, blah, blah.

He told me the moment that truly affected them was when he asked them if they had any clue that he was, of course they all said no, then he asked them if he was the first g@y man they had ever met, and once again, yes. Then he asked if they remembered talking about the possible genetic and disposition side to the talks which all seemed to acknowledge and understand, and he told me that half of them began crying. They did so because because until confronted with a homosexual face to face, they were very staunch and kinda mean about there points of view.

My brother went to church with them up until last Wednesday, but my point in this is, how it seems to be so easy for any of you to critisize, slander, insult, or just be so acute towards that community, without being face to face with them. I wonder what would happen if you had to spend time with that community and see what life was like from there perspective for just a day.

2,662 posts

Being gay shouldn't be an issue anymore. Anti gay groups are just proffessional bigots who hate gays because they arent allowed to hate blacks anymore and yet being gay is still up for discussion. However being bi thats just greedylol

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