ForumsWEPRChristianity and Homosexuality

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I am not ashamed to admit two things about my life. One, I am a Christian. Second, I am bisexual. I am a Libertarian at heart, and I believe in equal social rights for all.

I have heard church propaganda over and over again about how it is immoral to be gay, or to engage in any homosexual activity. The pastor at the Lutheran church that I used to go to has said, "Gays are immoral and will burn in hell." Most right-wing "Christians" will say the same thing. In high school, I fell into the same trap. I tried to repress those homosexual desires. I spoke out about immoral the gays were, and that the government should only be filled with Christians who would create a perfect Christian society.

It was my first year of college that I finally stopped fooling myself. I had repressed my desires for nearly 3 years. It is time for right-wing "Christian" politicians to accept that homosexuality is a biological function. There is no choice in sexuality. If sexuality is a choice, can straight people change to being gay? No! So why do anti-gay groups think gays can become straight? There is no 'on/off' switch that can be flipped to change sexuality.

What these anti-gay groups should be focusing on is not gays. I donât know the exact figures, but there are hundreds, if not thousands of references to helping the poor in the Bible, while there are a dozen or so references condemning homosexuality. A real Christian would not spend his/her time condemning homosexuals; instead they should help the poor, needy, and less-fortunate.

  • 142 Replies
737 posts

I've got to throw my 2 cents
1. to answer the last question, i'm going to have to agree with the fact that men were the higher social class of the times, and in fact with nearly all laws of the bible men are mentioned and not both men and women (with a reference like all people, or persons).

2.I really don't like this topic in christian society because most people fail to realize that sin is sin, no matter what it is. Whether your lookin at porn every night, lieing daily, killing, or your homosexual its all sin regardless. So the fact that many christians hate on Gays is really sad because they are no better in any right.

121 posts

i ate homo's thats all lol!

660 posts

redbedhead you really need to be quiet i'm really not in the mood to deal with ignorant people like you right now so just stop being such a d.i.c.k. ok thanks

136 posts

Those of you who are offended by the comments of red, fronation, and a few others, forget them. They are young and haven't had time to really be exposed to the rest of the world. I just ask that before you set your ways in stone, take off your blinders and look at the rest of the world through others eyes and see what its like.

And for record, in my opinion, its not a sin, but a choice.

40 posts

you don't understand what i mean. we are created to reproduce a certain way. if a couple is sterile i don't think that they shouldn't get married i just think that gays are pointless when it comes to benefiting the population. and plus the gay penguin doesn't matter because adopting doesn't solve the anything it just means that one parent gave to another but the gay couple didn't create any offspring.

660 posts

yeah but then that baby would have died from neglect

290 posts

In the back of my mind I'm screaming not to get involved in this argument but I have nothing better to do so here we go: Unfortunaltly the Catholic church does condem homosexuality but it is not a choice. I will repeat that IT IS NOT A CHOICE. It is becuase of a hormonal influx(I beleive thats what its called) Homosexuals do not choose to become gay they are gay by hormones and chemicals in there systems. This makes me have a problem with the teachings of comdememing homosexuality.

To BASHA many orphens do not die of neglect. Now it is true that homosexuals cannnot reproduce by themselves they will either adopt, which allows the child to usally live a better life, or higher a surgate, which allows them to have a half-child at least.

My on personal opnion is that I do not care. I personally know a very nice homosexual couple, that is now planning on having a offical wedding(I'm my friends best man!!!) I hope one day the world will be able to move away from this and just accept the fact that there will be gay and bi people in this world.

660 posts

congrats dude give your friend my condolences my friend's dads are getting married next week

136 posts

Congrats to your friends Strategy_guy. I was just saying that when someone who is of the younger demographic, their beliefs are so staunch that they can't see past their own nose. BASHA, I'm with you in this, I mean, my brother is gay and he is still one of my best friends.

60 posts

I will admit that seeing two guys holding hands the way lovers do still creeps me out, but more power to them!

On another note, those Christian sects that rail against homosexuality tend to quote the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Torah, or the Christian Old Testament), where such is forbidden (as is masturbation...) However, I read the laws laid out in Leviticus as applying chiefly to the Jewish community. As such, homosexual Jews would most likely find themselves drummed out of the community at worst (Whether that is via death, I must read further).

I do not believe that the New Testament says much about homosexuality as a sin. If I am wrong, someone please quote any relevant verse.

Finally, I'm convinced that any who condemn others to Hell will themselves fall into the fire should they act upon such condemnation. Examples will follow in later posts.

10,816 posts

There is one passage in Romans that is really contentious and I think I did link to it at one point...but that's it. I've said before: Jesus said nothing about homosexuality per se. But then again my own commentary on the Gospels tend to be about highlighting context, because Jesus' own preachings highlighted the same.

(Here I am telling myself I shouldn't be posting when I should be writing but I CAN'T HELP MYSELF!)

So that said, I think we're at a point where we've come to a more general question "what is a choice"? We have evidence that suggests that our behavior is at least influenced one way or the other by factors that are most certainly not determined by ourselves (at least in terms of a conscious, decisional action). At the same time most of us appear to also wish to cling to what seems intuitively essential: that we have free-will.

Which brings up the question of 'how far does influence extend?'

While you're pondering that, I'll offer something that takes the best of both Ichibon's and Strategy_Guy's posts into a single, coherent statement: We have a predisposition to do certain things but ultimately any action that we contemplate consciously and make a decision informed by this consciousness is an example of 'free will'. Think about it this way: if we didn't have predispositions, then there would be absolutely no expression of I prefer. If we didn't have predispositions either, there would be no discussion of morality as we know it today.

Applying this to sexuality (because the concept just so happens to be expressed in this way...this is something that needs updating, IMO), "being g@y" is arguably not a choice. However, behaving according to one's g@yness is. Because behavior, by my definition above, entails choice.

So you could be g@y and closet, and choose to hide it for several years until you have a mid-life crises and can't keep it a secret from your wife and two kids (a common situation, so stop thinking 'g@y ppl don't reproduce' because those of you who do obviously don't know what really goes on!) Or you could be a total flamer. Or a transvestite. Or...Even these profiles in themselves entail predispositions to certain sets of behaviors (...e.g. do you like leather?). But for everybody whose decisions are apparent, are those whose motives you might never know as a result of suppression, for better or worse.

Also, I've already demonstrated how "homosexual behaviors" can benefit populations several times. Do I have to post it again? Or can I entrust that task to somebody else?

100 posts

if gays are bad christains are bad, btw christ was emo

40 posts

this is pathetic. i can't believe this. i am fed up with gays and people who support that crap. i can't take it anymore! why does this type of thing exist and why should it be allowed, its sick and its disgusting!

519 posts

Its disgusting ...yeah...that makes me think a lot.
"The goods of one end up in the rights of other"
By :i dont know lol
But...people shouldnt do things that disgusts other people!

PS:I dont believe in god and im a homofobic...(i think)

660 posts

Strop I finally read a whole post of yours
and tenaciousC, get a life, do you really have eneough free time that you can care what people do behind closed doors and doesn't effect you in any way, wow thats low

Showing 46-60 of 142