ForumsThe TavernMost Awkward Moment Ever

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162 posts

I was bored so I made this. What is the most awkward moment or situation you've ever been in? For me it's talking to a friend then his girlfriend breaking up with him with him while I was still there.

  • 53 Replies
8,051 posts

Stare at someone.

If they look back, question the action.

37 posts

The repeated squeaking noise from your parents bedroom :S

5,340 posts

depeends. if by aawkwaed youo mean embbaraassing:

i had to do an assignmennt for school. and i had to ask people questions. i went to my grrandmothers neighbbour. but his voice wwaas so weird and i couldnt understtand aa single word. so i just did as if im writiing what he ssais and left XD.

if by aawkward yyou meant just random then:

there is a crazy lady that idk and everytime she sees me she tells me "good luck" one time she told me "i wish yyour mother good luck" too. she also chased my friend once.

tthere is a crazy man that ttalkeed to me in hebrew+russian and i couldnt undeerstand hiim so he just got mad and starated yellling at me something about languages and physiccal heallth...

and one time during math class a girl idk jusst sudently entereed the class and said: "(my namme) ccongrats, you won 2nd place onn the cutest personn in school" and left... ii waas like.... "wwhat???..."

as youo cann see there are many crazy people in mmy town XD

also... i woonder who ggot first place in that compeetittioon i neever heard of XD

(this keyybaord is baad sorry)

3,139 posts

I wouldn't post my most embarrassing moment on the internet.
But, one of the most awkward moments that happens a lot is when you watch a movie with your parents and there's a real raunchy scene. I hate that :|

5,061 posts

^That. There is nothing quite like watching two people go at it and then seeing your parents in the same room.

For me it would have to be that moment when you're talking to someone, and you've just met them so you don't enough to continue a conversation, and there's just that dead silence when you both run out of things to say.

2,261 posts

[quote]But, one of the most awkward moments that happens a lot is when you watch a movie with your parents and there's a real raunchy scene. I hate that :|
^That. There is nothing quite like watching two people go at it and then seeing your parents in the same room. [/quote]

'Tis what I was going to say. :/
6,800 posts

When you're walking down a narrow hallway, and you meet someone head on. So you step to your right, and they step to there left.

So then you move left, and they go right.

Then you both back off, wait, then try to go.

Then you both awkwardly laugh...

1,564 posts

I was talking to my Canadian friend on MSN and we were using voice chat. He tells me he has a girlfriend and I asked him if he told his parents. He said no. His mom eventually comes in and he asks me to tell her about it. I knew him from camp and I never met his parents. So it was pretty awkward telling his mom about it.

5,340 posts

When you're walking down a narrow hallway, and you meet someone head on. So you step to your right, and they step to there left.
So then you move left, and they go right.
Then you both back off, wait, then try to go.
Then you both awkwardly laugh...

lol one time that almost happened to me. the guy just went streight forward, picked me up and moved me away XD

also its embarrasing when someone you dont know comes to you telling you something like: "omg how much youve grown. i remember you since...." and you just trying to act as if you do remember that person XP
6,800 posts

also its embarrasing when someone you dont know comes to you telling you something like: "omg how much youve grown. i remember you since...." and you just trying to act as if you do remember that person XP

A few friends and I were lotiering inside Wal Mart (we were bored), and we all dared one guy to randomly run up to a person and pretend he knew them. It was hilarious, because once the lady realized it was a joke, she started playing along. XD
2,226 posts

one of the most awkward moments that happens a lot is when you watch a movie with your parents and there's a real raunchy scene. I hate that :|

I know. One time I was watching King of the Hill and my mom came in. Normally, that show is fine but on that particular show, Hank's Dad was there. And of course, with his young wife (my mom hates it when old dudes get with young women), told Bobby about "women's work", took Hank to Hotel Arlen in a flashback to get prostitutes, and just a bunch of other stuff.
600 posts

I had to break the news to my best female friend that her boyfriend was breaking up with person.

402 posts

one of the most awkward moments that happens a lot is when you watch a movie with your parents and there's a real raunchy scene. I hate that :|

That is so true.. I mean, this one time, my parents were just chilling, watching this movie, and I went in and sat on the chair like "what are you guys watchi-" as all of a sudden in the movie .. these.. things start to happen.. And I mean, I couldn't just walk away, so I just sat there while my parents and I were completely silent... for a long time.. and then when the part was over I was like "yeah ok" and I walked away xD It was horrible ...
529 posts

well this was not awkward for me but for my best friend.
so I had to go to dinner with my family so i invited her to come she didnt want to but she came anyway

so i was gonna get something but my dad decided to get me something different for dinner...( me and my dad do not get along)

me: what, why did u do that?
dad (beast): cause i just did there is barely a difference ( he keeps going on)
me: i shout ok!
Dad: dont cut me off or ur going to get in trouble
(now this is about the time when my bro and friend are just looking down and i am getting very mad at my father and its like a fight till death)
me: Try me!
Mom: guys it doesnt matter! Rick control yourself! (rick is me dad)
dad: glares at me
me:gives him a smerk

i know to u guys it might not seem that awkward or that big of a deal, its just me and my father will yell at each other non stop so anything we do will bug each other

1,242 posts

I once checked my reflection in a window, and on the other side of the window was a guy staring into space. We both suddenly realized that we were staring at each other. I kinda jumped and carried on walking, trying to act like nothing happened.

one of the most awkward moments that happens a lot is when you watch a movie with your parents and there's a real raunchy scene. I hate that :|

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