ForumsThe TavernAlaska: YOU think that we live in igloos!

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113 posts

Ok some people might think that up in Alaska (Where I live) everybody lives in igloos, and that we are totally ignorant to the modern world. Well you are wrong. I live in a house that has a T.V a computer a fridge a dishwasher running water power. All of that modern stuff. Outside in the summer it never goes below 60 and is usually warm and sunny. In some places it rains a lot. But it ONLY gets really cold in the winter and in most places it does not go below 0 unless you live in the interior or up north in Nome. I think that I speak for most Alaskans when I say this.

  • 33 Replies
15,595 posts

Implying you can't have modern things in igloos.

But okay, not sure why you made this when nobody here said anything about it. To my knowledge, that is.

5,365 posts

...Ok? I didn't think they lived in Igloos. Nobody here, as far as I know, thinks they do. In fact, as far as I know, nobody I know, period, thinks they do. When I picture Alaska, I see small cities, and farther out, cabins and the like. No igloos.

2,261 posts

You know, I think you've been watching too much of It's A Wonderful Live:

in which John encounters a rabid PlayStation3 fan who thinks all Canadians live in igloos.

Don't worry, I don't think you live in igloos. Not all of you, at least.

6,800 posts


u r all eskimos who eat sno and raw fish and liv in igloos. u dont hav internet, or cable, and hav 2 use dogsledz to go nywher. y dont u cralw bak in2 ur iceblok and freez or sumthin. derp.


Though really, I figured the Inuit peoples were the only ones who still used igloos. And even then, I figured that with government funds, they had all gotten actual homes with the aid of oil money and stuff. Snowmobiles have replaced dogsleds for practical reasons, and Alaska is just as modern as the rest of the US, if less populated.

1,416 posts

As someone who lives in Alaska but spends time in the lower 48, I have never met anyone who thinks we live in igloos. People here just like to believe that lower 48 people are all ignorant for reason. I mean, there are probably 200000 shows on television about Alaska right now, and none of them feature igloos. Also, it gets under 60 degrees pretty much every day where I live. And it's almost always overcast. And it gets below zero often in the winter as well. And I live near anchorage, not in the interior or the north. I'm guessing you live in Juneau, which is basically Seattle but without the culture.

113 posts

At least some people know what Alaska is like sometimes tourists talk to me and they had this image where we have no idea what the modern world is like. I am glad that there are sane people out there thank you.
Also GhostOfMatrix I know that you said of my knowledge. But in some older posts I was looking around and some people on a older forum thought that we all lived in Igloos. And so I was inspired to write this Forum.

5,952 posts

Dude I have been there and I didn't see any igloos. It's was cool, no pun intended
I really liked it there

9,504 posts

You know what Alaska really has? SPACE. Lots and lots of space. Each house we saw when we went on the trip would take at least .7 miles in space that's either grassland or forestry. Some of the houses are a wonder to behold. Mansions in log cabin form I tell ye.

The people there are friendly.

... Until you stand next to them by a stream. If both of you are holding sticks and string, you are automatically fishing rivals faster than the punch you receive when you tangle them up.

The Male/Female ratio is drastically over-represented.

It's bigger than Texas by 2.5 times or summat. There are many representations of T-shirts sold in gift shops with this, one having Alaska with scruffy beards and muscles and Texas wearing a bib, binky, and is pink.

Moose attacks.

2,911 posts

u r all eskimos who eat sno and raw fish and liv in igloos. u dont hav internet, or cable, and hav 2 use dogsledz to go nywher. y dont u cralw bak in2 ur iceblok and freez or sumthin. derp.


But I've never met anyone who thinks this, even on the internet. I have found arrogant Canadians, though on Youtube who think all Americans are F*** nuggets and should go die (that's word-for-word, those last few words), but that's a completely different sotry.

I don't even know where you'd even come up with something like that, in the first place. Maybe 50 years ago, that was the stereotypical thoughts of Alaska. But now I think the stereotypcial thoughts on Alaska would be more around what Legion has said, plus everyone working in the oil industry.

...But that's I think the stereotypical thoughts of Alaska might be, so I could be dead wrong.
3,415 posts

Yeah, in Alaska everyone lives in igloos and ride seals. In Alaska you can explore, and see Russia from the top of your igloo.


Just kidding. Seriously, does anyone really think you live in igloos? If there are people that tell you they thought people in Alaska live in igloos, it's probably just some other idiotic stereotype- perhaps even a joke.
It's like how I told people I live in Israel so they asked me if we ride camels instead of driving cars.

I've been to Alaska, actually, and I must say it is modern. There are towns, not villages... That said, the only real human settlement I got to visit was Anchorage, which is the biggest city in Alaska; and ****, it's small. In comparison it seems smaller that some of the major cities in Washington...

Well, destruction, even if Alaska IS modern, tourists don't come there to visit cities or different human-made tourist sites... They come there for the nature. The amount of space that isn't polluted by humans in Alaska is amazing.

That's why Alaska is just so darn awesome.

5,365 posts

u dont hav internet,...

Ah, but how did he make this thread?

Though really, I figured the Inuit peoples were the only ones who still used igloos.

...Wait, Inuits still exist?

@Freakenstein I laughed at everything but the male/female ratio, lol. And that was only because I didn't get it.

I have found arrogant Canadians, though on Youtube who think all Americans are F*** nuggets and should go die (that's word-for-word, those last few words), but that's a completely different sotry.

Wow. I have major problems with this country, but I'd never write anything like that on the internet.

Yeah, in Alaska everyone lives in igloos and ride seals.

I thought they rode moose? :P
113 posts

You see saying that Alaskans live in igloos is a general term of one of the many stereotypes that people call us I am not saying that everybody thinks that we lives in igloos.

489 posts

Ok some people might think that up in Alaska (Where I live) everybody lives in igloos, and that we are totally ignorant to the modern world.

I live in Canada and the same goes for me.
113 posts

Listen to DeadlyVelociraptor he is right.
The population in Alaska is very small some of the major cities like New York of Los Angles have a bigger population then. In most towns the population is only a couple thousand. Everybody here likes it that way thou because we get to enjoy the vastness. Because it is so big every city that you visit will have different animals or different geography, and different climate. So we get to enjoy modern technology with the wild right outside

858 posts

Igloos aren't even permanent dwellings. They're used as temporary shelters.
But here in Canada, everyone lives in permanent igloos and rides to school on their schoolmoose with their pet beaver.

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