ForumsThe TavernThe Zombie Apocalypse And You

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Theories on how to survive? What would you do? Best survival technique?

Discuss here the aesthetics of becoming a zombie, and how to live through the zombie apocalypse. Be ready, the clock is ticking.

  • 53 Replies
15,595 posts

I would gather up my family members and close friends, put some supplies into backpacks and duffel bags, get a few cars and put the supplies into the cars, drive to a gun store, get guns and ammo, then continue driving until we're somewhere safe and build up a fortress. We could also drive to a mall and seal off all the entrances and exits. Or just keep on traveling until we find a city that hasn't been infected and they have walls there so that zombies can't get in.

262 posts

Why not?

Assuming that the rabies virus (which is most likely to become "the zombie virus&quot has evolved with the abilities to spread faster and keep the host alive, then I would:

1. Grab the avaliable supplies: water purification pump level 3, lightweight single shot(ammo conservation) rifles, sidearms (also light weiht and single shot), silencers, food rations, flashlight(extra batteries included), crop seeds (This outbreak could last a LONG time!), flares, hardware tools(for fashioning barricades, NOT fighting zombies unless there is no choice), a bicycle(it's silent, decently speedy, and relies on muscle power other than fuel), a hand held radio, and a blade or blunt weapon that can decapitate or crush a zombie skull in one swing.

2. Form a group with other survivors with a sum of around ten (but if someone else is found, by all means help them) being silent and stealthy is the key to surviving this.

3. Get out of the urban area!

4. Find a rural settlement

5. Go to the church or school(banks and prisons work too) of the settlement, as they are most likely built to withstand riots.

6. Make additional fortifications to your chosen building

7. Avoid urban areas, as they are most likely to become victim of saturation bombing.

8. Avoid using lights, TV, or anything else that could attract the roaming zombie.

9. Use your radio to stay updated on the locations of zombies, safepoints, etc.

10. Wait it out.

This is really just a summary of what you must do to survive.

262 posts

I have a question. How do we know all the attributes of zombies? They've been portrayed from barely mobile, to super-human like in Left for Dead.
And how do we know they're right? I mean...when's the last time we went zombie hunting and one? I think it's to theoretical. Its hard to make a good plan when theres so many possibilities for the zombies.
Like...what if they can climb? I'd definitely head somewhere with strong concrete/steel walls, people, and food. Being alone would drive me insane. I'd make a face on a wall and talk to it.

We have an idea of what zombies can do because they were once human. And we're human. So we know humans. Zombies won't have superhuman powers unless they already had them. And rabies does not grant any superhuman powers at all. Rabies, however, will probably have affected the brain so much that their motor skills will probably be less than to those of an insect. Feed. That is the only command that the zombie brain has. If you've seen something with rabies, you'll notice that they were simply crazy. Not doing anything whatsoever that takes even a very small amount of intellect. Such as turning on a television.
1,370 posts

We have an idea of what zombies can do because they were once human. And we're human. So we know humans. Zombies won't have superhuman powers unless they already had them. And rabies does not grant any superhuman powers at all. Rabies, however, will probably have affected the brain so much that their motor skills will probably be less than to those of an insect. Feed. That is the only command that the zombie brain has. If you've seen something with rabies, you'll notice that they were simply crazy. Not doing anything whatsoever that takes even a very small amount of intellect. Such as turning on a television.

If they are 'dead' rigor mortis will kick in so they will become slow like in dawn of the dead but if it is just a strong dose of rabies they will most likely become faster and more agresive but they wont be stonger then normal people.
106 posts

How do we know all the attributes of zombies?

excuse me for being... retarded but why the heck do we need to know that anyway? someone please fill me in!!
106 posts

sure zombies may be able to climb and stuff.... or have superhuman powers but by the time we figure that out we may as well alredy be dead! (unless you also have superhuman powers in the unlikely case that you are captain america)

289 posts

Hopefully by the time the zombie apocalypse happens, they will have discovered how to resurrect dinosaurs, because dinosaurs are resistant to zombies. (according to the Dr. Mcninja web comic)

106 posts

oh yeaaaaaahhhhhhh. we dont even need to be superman!!!

289 posts

Killing zombies is easy anyway. you just have to inject them with SCIENCE! or flamethrowers. but science definitely works.

370 posts

1. First thing I shall do is buy a copy of Max Brooks' Zombie Survival Guide.
2. Second thing we need to do is stock up BEFORE the apocalypse.
3. Before the apocalypse start doing cardio, exercise, learn to shoot a gun, etc.

4,710 posts

possible ways to survive a zombie apocalypse:


try to find a helicopter with pilot, take some medicine, seeds, chickens, water, tools and anything else what you need and fly to a safe place where the zombies cant reach you (they cant climb, right?). start a farm, build houses/find shelter and rescue survivers.


like nummber one but only with a ship/boat (i hope zombies cant swim, but if that happens you/we take weapons) to travel to a island where nobody lives and to create our own civilization (like in nummber one).


take everything you need, built a sky-city with hot-air balloons. you know the rest, farming and try to start humanity over again.

you see, to survive a zombie apocalypse you must only kill yourself (shooting in the head or so, but not so that you turn into a zombie) or you take food, seeds, water, weapons (only a possiblity, but do not choose noisy/loud weapons), tools and everything else you need, search a safe place where the zombies cant reach you and tada! you survived! dont forget to save some non-infected womens and mens to create a new civilization.

seeds and chickens to make a farm, some doctors to heal the wounded and naturally some people with the right skills to survive, i mean nobody wants an artist in his group except he can something do that helps to survive.

26 posts

All I can say is I am PREPARED! my friend and I have spent hours mapping out our strategy. Hope to see you guys alive too :P

289 posts

I hope that by the time the zombie apocalypse happens, I will be 18, and thus old enough to get a class 1 gun license so that I can at least buy a shotgun. I hope to God that the zombies don't have laser eyes, but you never know.

370 posts

Another thing to do is to be far out in a desolate area so buy a house out in the woods and stock up and prepare your house. Just in case.

11 posts

walmart, guns (lots of guns) and ammo. simple as that.

Showing 31-45 of 53