You may put the worlds Irony and Hippocrates on this Thread.
John Stewart has Hilariously pointed out that Dr. Bachman (Michelle Bachman's husband who try's to "cure" gay people.) Is a FLAMING HOMOSEXUAL. Jerry Seinfeld is quoted saying.... "He buys Brawny paper towel for the packaging." that is IRONY AND HIPPOCRATIC.
These can be from the news and from life exp.
*don't post a story if you have not learned what irony or Hippocratic means.*
You have no idea how confused I was upon seeing the title of this thread.
I would like to question one's methods of curing gay people, are you going to douse them in holy water, or make them recite bible verses until the sin is burned from their very soul? I absolutely detest when people try this sort of bull****, homosexuality is either a personal choice or a scientific fact, I'm not sure which yet. In either case it should matter to no one but the person in question.
I agree with Kyouzou that is a personal choice.No one is quite sure if someone is homosexual due to their environment of their childhood or possibly a past experience.It might also be an uncommon gene.I myself isn't sure whether or not it is a personal choice.
so long as the land you live in has any law or rule at all... then you are not "free" to do whatever you want. ...just saying. The slogan is kinda misleading.'s more like "the land of the what is defined by most people as civil"
Well I was being overtly blunt, but in my experience every homosexual I have ver spoken to says that it most certainly is not a personal choice, that you cannot choose to be attratcted to men, you can choose to exsclusively act upon attraction to men and not women, but you are none the less a homosexual, I have never heard or seen any reliable evidence that say homesexuality is any sort of choice.
I don't know many, but they are split on the issue. I realize that it requires psychological change but it doesn't mean it's not a choice. Men and women are attracted on some level because their pheromones effect the other, in the case of homosexuality that is the only way it would be true, if their bodies simply rejected any pheromones produced by the other sex.
The only way in which I can accept that it is a choice is when a person has both feeling for men and women, but choses to exsclusively have sexual/physical relations with the same sex.
For most homesexuals do not have bisexual feeling and therefore it is not a choice