ForumsForum GamesImpending Zombie Apocalypse

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I know that there are many Zombie Survival RPGs out there. What makes this thread different from others is that you will have time to prepare for the apocalypse!

This game takes place exactly one week before the zombie apocalypse. You should use this time to prepare (e.g. barricade, gather supplies, etc.).

Here is the character sheet that you will use:

Status: Healthy
Primary Weapon: None yet
Secondary Weapon: None yet
Melee Weapon: None yet
Now divide 20 points between these three skills:

I'll post more stuff later if I think of anything else.

Have fun!

  • 409 Replies
1,626 posts

I want to thank you all for making this such a popular Forum Game. A while ago, this thread was dead. Now it is filled with people who are eager to play this game. I wish I could return the favor by updating more often.

Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Bio: Was a smart and athletic boy, was popular in school and really liked to be a ninja/assassin one day.
Status: Healthy
Primary Weapon: None yet
Secondary Weapon: None yet
Melee Weapon: None yet
Strength: 7
Endurance: 6
Dexterity: 7

"Great!" The clerk replies. "I just hate people who don't believe in us! Did you know that this building is invisible to people who believe in zombies?" That sounds impossible. "So, what do you need help with?"

"Well, I had this weird dream..." You describe the dream to her.

"That sounds like a message!" She exclaims. "Good thing you received that. Here's how we can help you prepare." You are given a zombie survival manual.

"And, if you come back tomorrow, we'll give you some weaponry to defend yourself!" The clerk says.

"Sure!" You say. Then you go home.

It is now late at night. What do you do now?

a) Read the manual
b) Sleep

Name: Brett "Spam"
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Bio:been hunting since the age of 4.lived off of the land
Status: Healthy
Primary Weapon: good old pump shotgun
Secondary Weapon: .357 revolver
Melee Weapon: dad's old axe
Strength: 5
Endurance: 14
Dexterity: 6

Sorry. What was the last thing thing that happened? I'm very forgetful.

Name: Alan Orik
Gender: male
Age: 18
Bio: Alan is an aspiring firefighter. His neighbor, James, was a firefighter, and he loved his job. Alan forged a close relationship with James. They both shared their pashion for firefighting.
Occupation: Volunteer Firefighter
Status: Healthy
Primary Weapon: None yet
Secondary Weapon: None yet
Melee Weapon: None yet
Strength: 8
Endurance: 6
Dexterity: 6

Sure you can join!

You wake up one morning from a very weird dream. Here is basically what happened:

In the dream, a man came up to you, and told you that you had one week to prepare for the impending zombie apocalypse.

"Zombies!?" You exclaimed. "They don't exist! How can there be an apocalypse?"

"See for yourself." The stranger pointed to several zombies lumbering towards you. "Prepare." Then the stranger vanished.

You turned towards the zombies. You looked around, but there was no weapon of any sort. You tried to run, but you were stuck to the ground. You could only watch in horror as they got to you.

Then you woke up.

"I wonder what it means." You say to yourself as you get ready for work.

As you are walking down the road, you come across an ornate building with "I.Z.A. Co." written on the front. You look around, and see that no one else is paying attention. You wonder why. Then you remember that you have to go to work.

When you are finished with work, you remember that strange building you saw. You wonder if you should look around. On the other hand, however, you are pretty tired. What do you do?

a) Enter the building
b) Go home to rest

i want to delete my old profile and make another one

OK. Fill out another character sheet.

Name: Johnny Johnson Jr.
Age: 20
Bio: Born in America, been asthmatic since age of 3, wears glasses, game-geek, now in college, worked at a grocery store for a part-time job as a checkout clerk.
Occupation: College student/I.Z.A. Member
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Flee
Inventory: Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide, $1,000 worth of food, 500 L of fuel, Engineering Tools
Primary Weapon: Rifle
Secondary Weapon: Pistol
Melee Weapon: Machete
Survivors: 11 (not including me)
Transport: Modified Bus "The Road To Survival"
Strength: 8
Endurance: 7
Dexterity: 5

I tell 'em, "C'mon guys, you think I can 'imagine' all of this and you know I'm not crazy, have a temper, but you know I'd never act this serious. This even fits in with the incident on the news! The IZA Co gave me this! *shows them the Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide* How can you explain this!? And I told you I got these weapons from them. Guys, when we see our first zombie in our journey, then you'll truly believe me. If it will make you feel better, if we go, we're gonna miss the Electricity Test that none of us studied for so the teacher will give us a make-up test for being absent. For now, just stay at your stations."

"This is all too weird." One friend says.

"I want to go home." Another says.

"What about our families?" Another asks.

My Defensive Layout

Great job.

I keep going to my sister's house. If we see a zombie, I'll give them proof and take the body, completely destroy the brain the gush and take it to show my sister's family. She shouldn't get too grossed out, she likes seeing this in other bloody games. Eventually I will get to my sister's house, explain her family everything and show her my 3 proofs. I ask her to look at me in the eye and to believe me, she's grown up with me so she knows me. I tell her if she comes with me then 'inshalla' we will survive.

No zombies yet. Thank goodness.

P.S. So Dexterity is basically speed?

Yeah, pretty much.
18 posts

name:stg tom
bio:was a soldier of kamloops on another zombie apocalypse.after reclaiming the city and finding the cure was sent to other places and cured the other poeple in the country and found a strange portal and saw a"zombie" lift a it was found out there was no zombie it was a creature which are now called "zed".so it is known that THERE ARE NO SUCH THINGS AS ZOMBIES.
strategy:attack and defend
inventory:backpack with weapons at home and a "crash landed helicopter somewhere in a forest(need to repair)
primary weapon:none
secondary weapon:none
melee weapon:fists
transport:car and(check inventory)

i want to say something to johnny johnson jr.if you do completely destroy a zombies brain and stuff what will the other survivors say?i know they will say:-
"oh thats sick"
"what are you doing"
"i think i am going to hurl"

18 posts

i mean"oh,thats just sick"

1,447 posts

Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Bio: Was a smart and athletic boy, was popular in school and really liked to be a ninja/assassin one day.
Status: Healthy
Primary Weapon: None yet
Secondary Weapon: None yet
Melee Weapon: None yet
Strength: 7
Endurance: 6
Dexterity: 7


1,626 posts

name:stg tom
bio:was a soldier of kamloops on another zombie apocalypse.after reclaiming the city and finding the cure was sent to other places and cured the other poeple in the country and found a strange portal and saw a"zombie" lift a it was found out there was no zombie it was a creature which are now called "zed".so it is known that THERE ARE NO SUCH THINGS AS ZOMBIES.
strategy:attack and defend
inventory:backpack with weapons at home and a "crash landed helicopter somewhere in a forest(need to repair)
primary weapon:none
secondary weapon:none
melee weapon:fists
transport:car and(check inventory)

Saying that zombies aren't real completely defeats the point of this game.

Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Bio: Was a smart and athletic boy, was popular in school and really liked to be a ninja/assassin one day.
Status: Healthy
Primary Weapon: None yet
Secondary Weapon: None yet
Melee Weapon: None yet
Strength: 7
Endurance: 6
Dexterity: 7

There are three chapters. Which do you read?

Name: Jared "foe hammer" Jaques
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Bio: Former Marine Captain, served for 12 years. During all missions showed exemplary skill with all weapon types. 6'3", white, emerald green eyes, right-handed
Status: Healthy
Primary Weapon: None yet
Secondary Weapon: None yet
Melee Weapon: None yet
Strength: 7
Endurance: 6
Dexterity: 7

It's late at night. You'll have to wait until morning.

232 posts

Name: Johnny Johnson Jr.
Age: 20
Bio: Born in America, been asthmatic since age of 3, wears glasses, game-geek, now in college, worked at a grocery store for a part-time job as a checkout clerk.
Occupation: I.Z.A. Member
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Flee
Inventory: Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide, $1,000 worth of food, 500 L of fuel, Engineering Tools
Primary Weapon: Rifle
Secondary Weapon: Pistol
Melee Weapon: Machete
Survivors: 11 (not including me)
Transport: Modified Bus "The Road To Survival"
Strength: 8
Endurance: 7
Dexterity: 5

"This is all too weird." One friend says.

"I want to go home." Another says.

"What about our families?" Another asks.

I say, "I know, think how I felt when I found out that a dream warning me of an apocalypse was a real warning and now I'm gonna really have to live those zombie games I played on Armor Games, like Rebuild and The Last Stand. Also, we were just in our college, how can you suddenly be missing home? And, if your talking about if they're worrying about you, they'll think your in college, but if you are worried about them for the apocalypse, we were gonna go retrieve them anyway.

"Any more questions?"

If not I head to my sister's place, then my friends' families' places, then the single retirement home where all of our parents conveniently live. And yes, I explain. Again, if there are zombies, I use it as proof. Oh, instead of taking the body, I'll just photograph it. (Because armor1234567890 might be right, they will get grossed out.)

armor1234567890, in your character sheet, you totally stole that concept from Rebuild!

You know, MrStuff, your putting a sense of reality into the game. (Except it doesn't make sense how a disease can make undead, but who cares. example: A faulty cancer cure made zombies in Dead Frontier.) The people don't just stand in the background, they are with me in the foreground, and they are even obstacles. And they all give different outcomes! You are good at this stuff.
1,447 posts

Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Bio: Was a smart and athletic boy, was popular in school and really liked to be a ninja/assassin one day.
Status: Healthy
Primary Weapon: None yet
Secondary Weapon: None yet
Melee Weapon: None yet
Strength: 7
Endurance: 6
Dexterity: 7

The first one

1,626 posts

The reason that this is so late is because Armor Games wasn't working for me for a while. Did the same happen to you guys?

Name: Johnny Johnson Jr.
Age: 20
Bio: Born in America, been asthmatic since age of 3, wears glasses, game-geek, now in college, worked at a grocery store for a part-time job as a checkout clerk.
Occupation: I.Z.A. Member
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Flee
Inventory: Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide, $1,000 worth of food, 500 L of fuel, Engineering Tools
Primary Weapon: Rifle
Secondary Weapon: Pistol
Melee Weapon: Machete
Survivors: 11 (not including me)
Transport: Modified Bus "The Road To Survival"
Strength: 8
Endurance: 7
Dexterity: 5

Also, we were just in our college, how can you suddenly be missing home?

He was probably thinking of his family.

You almost get to your sister's house when you notice something on the road ahead.

What do you do?

Name: Jared "foe hammer" Jaques
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Bio: Former Marine Captain, served for 12 years. During all missions showed exemplary skill with all weapon types. 6'3", white, emerald green eyes, right-handed
Status: Healthy
Primary Weapon: None yet
Secondary Weapon: None yet
Melee Weapon: None yet
Strength: 7
Endurance: 6
Dexterity: 7

What about sleep?

Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Bio: Was a smart and athletic boy, was popular in school and really liked to be a ninja/assassin one day.
Status: Healthy
Primary Weapon: None yet
Secondary Weapon: None yet
Melee Weapon: None yet
Strength: 7
Endurance: 6
Dexterity: 7

Here is a summary of chapter 1:

Zombies are undead human corpses that feed on human flesh. The humans turn into zombies by means of the virus Solanum. When Solanum enters the bloodstream, it enters the brain and alters it, killing the human in the process. The human then turns into a mindless human-eating machine, commonly referred to as a zombie.
Zombies appear to have enhanced sensory organs, such as improved sight, hearing, and smell. They are able to use all of their senses equally. They also feel no pain or emotion of any sort. The only way to dispatch of one is to destroy the brain.
1,447 posts

Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Bio: Was a smart and athletic boy, was popular in school and really liked to be a ninja/assassin one day.
Status: Healthy
Primary Weapon: None yet
Secondary Weapon: None yet
Melee Weapon: None yet
Strength: 7
Endurance: 6
Dexterity: 7

Then I read chapter 2

232 posts

Name: Johnny Johnson Jr.
Age: 20
Bio: Born in America, been asthmatic since age of 3, wears glasses, game-geek, now in college, worked at a grocery store for a part-time job as a checkout clerk.
Occupation: I.Z.A. Member
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Flee
Inventory: Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide, $1,000 worth of food, 500 L of fuel, Engineering Tools
Primary Weapon: Rifle
Secondary Weapon: Pistol
Melee Weapon: Machete
Survivors: 11 (not including me)
Transport: Modified Bus "The Road To Survival"
Strength: 8
Endurance: 7
Dexterity: 5

I move the car further up the road to see what on the road. If it is a zombie, then I open the front-windshield-on-hinges modification and shoot it with my pistol. I then photograph the zombie and continue my journey.

528 posts

lol me and awesome sauce made one a lot like this! But its kinda gone downhill sense everybody started not being active and...

1,626 posts

Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Bio: Was a smart and athletic boy, was popular in school and really liked to be a ninja/assassin one day.
Status: Healthy
Primary Weapon: None yet
Secondary Weapon: None yet
Melee Weapon: None yet
Strength: 7
Endurance: 6
Dexterity: 7

Here is a summary of chapter 2:

Although knowledge of zombies is useful, alone it is useless when surviving a zombie apocalypse. You also need tools to defend yourself.

We live in a society where guns are used a lot. This means that guns are, in theory, relatively easy to get. But what kind of gun should you use? That depends on what you need the gun for. A shotgun, for example, is good for close combat, while a sniper is good for a single long-range kill. It is up to you to decide what weapons you want.

Machine Guns: Good when there are a lot of zombies that you want to incapacitate, not necessarily kill. Not very useful for other situations, however.

Submachine Guns: A somewhat useful weapon. Just make sure you don't waste ammo by going full auto.

Rifles: A very useful weapon. Consider this to be a multi-purpose gun.

Shotguns: Very useful at close range, but due to bullet dispersement, not as good at long range.

Pistols: A very good close-combat lifesaver. Consider this weapon a very good secondary weapon.

Melee Weapons
One should also carry around a melee weapon, in case they run out of ammo. There are two main kinds of melee weapons: Bludgeons and blade weapons.


Sledgehammer: A good bludgeon, but also is heavy and needs skill to wield.

Crowbar: A very useful bludgeon. Not only can it crack open a skull, but it can be used for many other purposes as well.


Hatchet: Useful for close combat.

Sword: Also needs skill to wield, but can decapitate more easily than a hatchet.

Machete: A useful multi-purpose blade weapon.

Name: Johnny Johnson Jr.
Age: 20
Bio: Born in America, been asthmatic since age of 3, wears glasses, game-geek, now in college, worked at a grocery store for a part-time job as a checkout clerk.
Occupation: I.Z.A. Member
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Flee
Inventory: Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide, $1,000 worth of food, 500 L of fuel, Engineering Tools
Primary Weapon: Rifle
Secondary Weapon: Pistol
Melee Weapon: Machete
Survivors: 11 (not including me)
Transport: Modified Bus "The Road To Survival"
Strength: 8
Endurance: 7
Dexterity: 5

Turns out it was just roadkill. No zombies yet.

Name: Jared "foe hammer" Jaques
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Bio: Former Marine Captain, served for 12 years. During all missions showed exemplary skill with all weapon types. 6'3", white, emerald green eyes, right-handed
Status: Healthy
Primary Weapon: None yet
Secondary Weapon: None yet
Melee Weapon: None yet
Strength: 7
Endurance: 6
Dexterity: 7

I don't think that an RPG will be very useful against zombies. And which of the other weapons will be your primary and secondary weapons?

18 posts


18 posts

hello?anyone her??????

232 posts

Name: Johnny Johnson Jr.
Age: 20
Bio: Born in America, been asthmatic since age of 3, wears glasses, game-geek, now in college, worked at a grocery store for a part-time job as a checkout clerk.
Occupation: I.Z.A. Member
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Flee
Inventory: Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide, $1,000 worth of food, 500 L of fuel, Engineering Tools
Primary Weapon: Rifle
Secondary Weapon: Pistol
Melee Weapon: Machete
Survivors: 11 (not including me)
Transport: Modified Bus "The Road To Survival"
Strength: 8
Endurance: 7
Dexterity: 5

Okay, I keep going (after I headshot this roadkill to make sure zombieism doesn't infect it).

Hurry this up MrStuff! You should make it so that all my written actions are done. I can only post once a week! Several weeks since I started this journey and I haven't even gotten to my sister yet!

Showing 391-405 of 409