I think evolution should not be taught in schools. I am a Christian, and I believe in intelligent design. I think I speak for all Christians when I say that evolution should not be taught as fact in schools.
It's the best theory we have, and is continually being refined and improved. Until a better, more plausible theory replaces it, I see no harm in teaching it as fact.
Then teach it as the best theory we have not as fact. I'm not saying its wrong just that we should teach it as what it is.
The young persons should know the most important theories, after that it's up to them to decide whether they agree or not with it. The Evolution theory is probably the theory which has influenced mostly our history. One other thing Darwinism became widely accepted in the 1870s, if you don't like it you can't do nothing about it, cause there is no better theory. It's quite useless fighting facts, years of research and experiments with words and rhetoric tricks.
One of the worst things is hiding the truth and having theories, which is forbidden to learn about them. We should all have access to knowledge equally.
Evolution and all the important and useful things which a young person should know should be taught in school.
Anyways...well hey the one things I've always noticed is that whenever evidence is cited for evolution it seems to me that it's evidence for creationism. It's my belief that we were created and the evidence is circumstantial and often based on pre conceived notations. I could be wrong but you know, I obviously don't think I am.
There is nothing wrong in believing that humanity, life, the Earth, and the universe were created in some form by a supernatural being. The problem is when you think that humans and dinosaurs lived at the same time.
Ever hear of dragons? Records from such notables as Marco Polo and Alexander the Great have reports of such. They are found on ancient pottery. The word dinosaur wasn't invented until the 1800s. Man had destroyed the dragons by then, but we did live together.
Ever hear of dragons? Records from such notables as Marco Polo and Alexander the Great have reports of such. They are found on ancient pottery. The word dinosaur wasn't invented until the 1800s. Man had destroyed the dragons by then, but we did live together.
That has to be some of the WORST BULLSH*T I have ever laid eyes on... I'm positive your fellow Theists won't ever back you up on that one..
Religion is illegal to involve in public schools for this reason. so cut ur shit and go get in a private christian school were u can learn about itelligent design which by the way isn't proven and neither is watever the hell esle u believe in. evolution at least is a theory. Intelligent design is just some guy that thinks he just popped up out f'in nowhere and said hey i just appeared so im gonna call it intelligent design. f'in christians
So when Alexander the Great retreated from India because his armies were attacked by dragons he just made it up? And when Marco Polo said he saw the Emperor of China raising dragons to pull his chariot he was delusional. And King Nebechanezzer saw a big heap of dinosaur bones and made his emblem of a dragon out of that?
So when Alexander the Great retreated from India because his armies were attacked by dragons he just made it up?
No he returned because his men refused to go any further.
And when Marco Polo said he saw the Emperor of China raising dragons to pull his chariot he was delusional.
He wanted to be famous, and for people to hear his stories about exotic lands in the East.
And King Nebechanezzer saw a big heap of dinosaur bones and made his emblem of a dragon out of that?
I don't really see your point here. We see dinosaur bones right now. It doesn't mean they are alive today.
In any case, if dragons did exist up until the middle ages as you claim, there would be evidence, and they wouldn't be considered as mythical creatures.