ForumsWEPREvolution in Schools?

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10 posts

I think evolution should not be taught in schools. I am a Christian, and I believe in intelligent design. I think I speak for all Christians when I say that evolution should not be taught as fact in schools.

  • 129 Replies
5 posts

Forgot to mention teachers lean more to evolution rather than to creationism or ID or however you want to call it, so we take supported facts more that plain ancient writtings with, i think, no support at all

750 posts

Muspel it is a big deal because
-In America we have the first amendment, which prevents the state from supporting any religion, however there are many dogmatic Christtians out there who feel there kids will become 'evil' atheists if exposed to Darwinism
DaMasta333 we should not teach both
-Evolution has overwhelming evidence in support of it, creationism does not- except for testimonies of ancient peoples who did not see it happen or have any proof, they simply could not think of any other way for the universe to exist. This is akin to asking John Doe off of the street about string theory and saying he proves your point.
-You claim they are both equal theories- false, evolution is a scientific theory meaning it is well supported and has not been disproved; ID is not a scientific theory, it is only someone's idea with no real scientific support.
-Evolution is an integral piece to understanding biology and geology, without it having 100% support it could damage a teachers ability to educate their students

12 posts

i agree!

69 posts

no it should not be taught in schools

977 posts

@kanethebrain & BASHA

Sure scientists can look at bone structure and say this evolved from this, but they can not prove it. The only way to prove it would be for them to go back to the beginning of time and watch it happen. Also about bone structure, if there is a Creator (which there is, God) why wouldn't He use a basic bone structure or similarities in all of His creation if they worked? He would be dumb not to.

977 posts

Also I am a Christian who believes in Creationism.

977 posts


Have you ever looked at how evolutionists date fossils? They are very dumb. They date the fossils by the rock layers and the rock layers by the fossils in them. Thats circular reasoning! Also there is only one place on earth that the rock layers line up in the order evolutionists want! Evolution is not true! They have no proof. Wait... I can't say it is not true, but the only reason people chose evolution is because they do not want to accept the fact that God is real, and they do not want to take responsibility for their actions. Darwin, who started evolution, actually admitted evolution was wrong and God is real on his deathbed.Signed,

359 posts

---Begin rant---
gman, thank you for saying what all your other fellow Christians (me included) that are scared to say because they are afraid what other people will say.

My question is: Did Jesus ever do that?
The answer: NO!!! we need to stand up fo our faith, no matter what!!!
---End rant---

977 posts


Thank you. It is the truth. I don't get why Christians are scared to say that though.

146 posts

The debate is on what should be taught in schools, not whether evolution or Creation is correct. So, before you start telling us all how Darwin suddenly revoked his life's work and about magical, random chaos theories, read the title of the section you're posting in.

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Personally, I feel that it should be taught in schools, as should the religions, not limited to Christianity. In my school, all of them are already taught. In Christianity Class, I wasn't taught that Christianity is the only and good way to follow Him. Nor was I taught that Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, or, mine truly, evolutionism were the only ways.

104 posts

... I'm taking it you people who think it shouldn't be taught in school failed biology? if not, then you should all be ashamed of yourself. If you really believe that evolution should not be taught in schools, you would actually do something about it (like fail, protest, etc), unless of course, you are a loser, in which case you didn't.

140 posts

Darwin, who started evolution, actually admitted evolution was wrong and God is real on his deathbed

Before anything, let me note that the theorist cannot change the theory. Darwin already explained it as he knew then. Just because he supposedly admitted god was real doesn't mean evolution is incorrect and god is real. It just shows he suddenly believed in it. Also, please find some evidence of his admittance.

(@ thread maker) ~ Just because you are Christian and have this silly belief that schools shouldn't teach science because of deitism will not change anything. It will only cause agreements and disagreements in this thread. I find this preposterous, even that, an understatement. Do you even know the contour of Christianity or did your parents tell you something and you believed it? I'm sure right now your position is that you are correct and science is faulty. Disproving evolution is disproving many proven things we know to this day. It links to the evolution that we have witnessed and it branches out to the genetic family tree of the animal altogether. I respect your belief but please do not propagandize. It IS a belief. Not proven, but science is. School is not Church, there are different places to learn more about religion. Thank you for reading (I was rushed so I'll be back later)
637 posts

I think I speak for all Christians when I say that evolution should not be taught as fact in schools.

I just had to refute this. I am a Christian, yet I believe in Evolution. Show me where in the bible does it say that evolution never happened. The creation stories are very abstract, and should be taken seriously, but not literally.

The debate is on what should be taught in schools, not whether evolution or Creation is correct.

Thank you. I did not even realize how off-topic we were.

Have you ever looked at how evolutionists date fossils? They are very dumb. They date the fossils by the rock layers and the rock layers by the fossils in them. Thats circular reasoning! Also there is only one place on earth that the rock layers line up in the order evolutionists want!

We do use radioactive dating. Also, if you find a fossil of a certain type of animal in one area, and find the same type of fossil somewhere else, you can line up the layers and come up with a continuing tree.

Now for my opinion:
I go to Catholic school, and my Biology teacher and both my religeon teachers back evolution, and also the creation story. I think that the creation stories should be taught in Catholic schools, but explained properly. Then Evolution is taught. In a non Catholic school, I can't force anyone to read the bible, but Evolution should be taught. It should be mentioned that the Pope agrees with Evolution. (At least John Paul II did)
977 posts

I don't think evolution should be taught in schools. People were once mad at schools for teaching Christianity, a belief. Why should evolution be any different? It is a belief. I think if your not going to teach one don't teach the other. Many people don't agree with Christianity, but at the same time, many people don't agree with evolution.

752 posts

gman1000 you took my words good post

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