ForumsWEPRCannibas (Marijuana) Legalization? why or why not?

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11 posts

id like to know where people stand on the legalization of weed. i personally am for it because it could greatly help the economy, plus hemp makes an extremely strong and long lasting paper so we wouldnt have to cut down trees. there are other reasons but i would like to know everyones opinion on WHY or WHY NOT we should legalize it.

  • 74 Replies
5,129 posts

i'm just getting sick of americns always thinking that evrything that happens in the world is somehow related to them.

thinking that the usa is that importend in the world is simply ignorand. if evry country was like the usa then we whold be in world war8 by now.

196 posts

Then we get into:

A: The USA just does what it thinks is right.
B: Well everything they do is wrong.
A: Who decided what is right or wrong anyways?
B: Well the world should get together and decide.
A: But with all the mixed cultures and human error, there is no way to know if what we decide is REALLY right or wrong. Isn't their anything we can just reflect on to confirm what is right and wrong?
B: Well, religion does a pretty good job of that.
A: But what religion?
B: (Argument about which religion which is so long it has been going on longer than history tracks back to)

So in the end, I'm sure that whoever wants it to stay illegal has their reasons.

Personally, I think it should remain illegal, for a few reasons:

1: By legalizing it, it will be proof that Americans won't abstain from something that they enjoy.

2: More middle/high school kids will smoke it. I'm sure it will be made illegal under a certain age group, but that already doesn't work. (Cigarrettes)

3: Some other drug will take its place as the illegal drug to take.

5,129 posts

More middle/high school kids will smoke it

more people will try it out yes. but because it is legal less people will do it a 2nd time. because there will be no danger in doing it anymore. also if it's legal you can sell it in shops and there will be less criminality on the streets. for the usa that will mean 13% less
5,043 posts

Personally, I think it should remain illegal, for a few reasons:

1: By legalizing it, it will be proof that Americans won't abstain from something that they enjoy.

2: More middle/high school kids will smoke it. I'm sure it will be made illegal under a certain age group, but that already doesn't work. (Cigarrettes)

3: Some other drug will take its place as the illegal drug to take.

Your first point is sickening. That's like saying we should make premarital sex illegal just to prove to the world us Americans can abstain from having premarital sex. Proving a point is not a reason to create a law - ever.

2. You can't keep a substance illegal merely because people won't follow the rules associated with its legalization. That's redundant. Whether marijuana is legalized or not, it will always remain illegal for minors to smoke pot. You might as well legalize marijuana and keep the age restriction so those of us who are older won't be punished.

There are a number of different ways to keep children off drugs and prohibition is NOT the answer. You can't take a world full of both children and adults and treat all of them like children.

3: Some other drug will take its place as the illegal drug to take.

3. You're assuming the only reason people smoke marijuana is because it's illegal! This is FALSE. People smoke marijuana because, as a drug, it's safer than alcohol and healthier than cigarettes. Let me say it again, most people don't do drugs because they are illegal.

If the majority of marijuana smokers are smoking marijuana only because it's illegal, then why do people use K2? K2, for a while, was a legal alternate for marijuana, and people did K2 because it was LEGAL. K2 is supposed to be similar to marijuana, except it's actually a **** drug all around. It gives off a horrible high, it is unhealthy, and it makes many people sick.

People abused K2 because it was legal, but ask anyone who used K2 if they would rather smoke legalized marijuana and they will surely say "yes".
5,043 posts

making it legal sounds easy but then you get people growing their own marijuana. and that doesn't matteras long they do not grow to much plants because then people start stealing electricity to warm their plants and the smell of drying marijuana in the whole neighborhood.

PS: This comment is ridiculous. If it's illegal to steal electricity to grow marijuana, then we will arrest people for STEALING ELECTRICITY. BAM! NO NEED TO MAKE MARIJUANA ILLEGAL.

it's not legal here. it's tolerated.
and to make it tolerated you need a way to sell it (coffeeshops) since these shops are real companys wich sell a illegal product. you need laws to make sure that they can excist. and that the goverment is able put taxes on the marijuana.

This is how you create corporate monopolies! Why let people grow their own marijuana when you can force them to buy it from someone else? This would only cause the price of marijuana to inflate. Let's try to avoid keeping people in poverty, shall we?

Taxing home grown marijuana is absolutely ridiculous in of itself. Why do we have to tax EVERYTHING?! It's one thing to tax transactions and absolutely everything that takes place outside of private property, but taxing things we do on our own property is sickening. If we're being told what to do with our own property, do we really own it or are we merely renting it from an overl...landlord.

what we do not want is to legalise the growing of marijuana. thats also the reason why our laws on the matter or not 100% bullet-proof and thats also the reason why we are busy legalising marijuana for the last 30 year. but we are not much furter then back then.

Why make it illegal to grow marijuana in general, when you can merely make it illegal to grow marijuana by means of illegal activity? If someone uses legal water that they bought, legal electricity that they bought, legal soil on their legal property that they bought, then where's the crime?

It's like saying pencils should be illegal because people stab each other with them. Don't make one thing illegal because it's possible to be abused, make the abuse itself illegal.
5,129 posts

People smoke marijuana because, as a drug, it's safer than alcohol and healthier than cigarettes.

oke you do need to give good schooling about marijuana when you legalize it.

marijuana is not safer then alcohol.
except for the fact that you are unable to take a overdose of marijuana. you will only puke and feel better right away. sometimes even to the point you don't feel your high anymore at all.
it does however damage your short term memory. remembering a new guys name at work for example takes longer. also it can cause cardiovascular disease. and because you smoke marijuana in combination whit tabacco you also have the same risks as normale smoking.
5,043 posts

and because you smoke marijuana in combination whit tabacco you also have the same risks as normale smoking.

You're smoking marijuana with tobacco though. That's like saying we should make strawberries illegal because you can mix them into an alcoholic beverage.

When you smoke marijuana with other drugs, obviously you'll have problems. Marijuana can be abused, I'm not denying that.

marijuana is not safer then alcohol.
except for the fact that you are unable to take a overdose of marijuana. you will only puke and feel better right away. sometimes even to the point you don't feel your high anymore at all.
it does however damage your short term memory. remembering a new guys name at work for example takes longer. also it can cause cardiovascular disease.

What they tell you: Marijuana causes short term memory loss.
What they don't tell you: The short term memory loss only happens during the duration that one is intoxicated by marijuana. This means your memory of anything that happens when you aren't high will not be effected.

This same effect can be observed with alcohol. When you're drunk, you will experience short term memory loss. However, when you're sober, your memory will not be effected in any way.

In conclusion:

remembering a new guys name at work for example takes longer.

Unless you're high at that moment, it won't be any harder to remember anyone's name.

also it can cause cardiovascular disease.

Even if this is true, it shouldn't be enough to keep marijuana illegal. If we banned everything that had a negative result when it comes to health, there's be almost nothing to eat or drink.

I'm not claiming that marijuana is perfectly safe. However, the problems caused by marijuana do not weigh in comparison to the problems caused by prohibition.
5,129 posts

Why make it illegal to grow marijuana in general

we are alowed to grow 5 plants per household for own use.. so we can grow our own marijuana if we want to. if you make mariujana 100% legal then you can't controle the amount anymore. people can create forrests whit the product then.
thats obviusly not for own use anymore and those people are not doing legal business in the set of laws we got now.
thats where the breaking point in our laws come toghter.
we are allowed to buy and smoke. but we are not allowed to grow and sell. but the selling does happen in shops taxed by the law.

the toleration of marijuana in the netherlands is a wierd thing. but it does work and thats why we leave it as it is. making changes in the policy might f*ck it all up. but we have been looking into the matter many times the last 30 year. so as far the rest of the world concers that come to the netherlands as a tourist. marijuana is legal =)

we are just a small country and we already have enoufg to sell to half of europe. we need to controle to keep it small because the other countrys around us do not like it. if it was legal or even tolerated there like it is @ us now. then we could do it.

we want to tax marijuana because it's 1 of our major "exports" (selling to tourists)
5,129 posts

it's not what they told me. i smoke marijuana for 9 years now. and i have experienced these effects. i'm not just talking.

if you think that marijuana is the same as strawberries then your an idiot.

5,043 posts

people can create forrests whit the product then.

If they own the property, then yes, they can.

we are just a small country and we already have enoufg to sell to half of europe. we need to controle to keep it small because the other countrys around us do not like it. if it was legal or even tolerated there like it is @ us now. then we could do it.

You guys should join U.S. on the We don't care how others see us boat. : )

we want to tax marijuana because it's 1 of our major "exports" (selling to tourists)

I'm obviously for little/no taxation. If marijuana is going to be sold, that's the time to tax it. I believe everyone should have the right to sell anything they want because I am very pro-free market.
5,129 posts

You guys should join U.S. on the We don't care how others see us boat. : )

the dutch never cared about what others thought of us. even way befor columbus found your land. and the people of the netherlands will never join U.S. we despise your goverment. (but we will talk friendly politics )
100 posts

i'm just getting sick of americns always thinking that evrything that happens in the world is somehow related to them.

thinking that the usa is that importend in the world is simply ignorand. if evry country was like the usa then we whold be in world war8 by now.

You have so completely missed my point in your enthusiasm to condemn the United States that I'm not even going to try and re-direct.

the people of the netherlands will never join U.S. we despise your goverment.

If you completely ignore the existence of NATO and then pretend that alliance has had zero impact on world politics or more specifically the policies of it's member governments at all since it's inception. The US didn't muscle our way into that one, we were invited to a larger treaty organization by the founding members of first Western European Defense Organization. Maybe you should do a little research into who was involved in that invitation.
47 posts

it does however damage your short term memory.

Do you have a citation for this?
187 posts

If you think about it, cannabis is legal to some extent. It is given to those who are in serious pain and is prescribed by doctors.

Do you have a citation for this?

Do you really need a citation on how any drug affects any part (usually all) your mental abilities?
If you really do, then look at this:
1,714 posts

If you think about it, cannabis is legal to some extent. It is given to those who are in serious pain and is prescribed by doctors.

I don't know about other countries, but in the USA its illegal on a federal level yet some states have allowed it for medical use. Which is odd because the federal government could start arresting people in those states.
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