Its not a good reason to create a law, but it will prove the point I suggested. That America is not mostly about ethics, but economizing everything with supply and demand.
The point you suggested? I thought your point was this:
1: By legalizing it, it will be proof that Americans won't abstain from something that they enjoy.
What you originally said had nothing to do with economics, but rather the fact that Americans can't abstain from something they enjoy.
What's this you say about economizing anyway? Is economizing supposed to be a scary word? We can either allow marijuana to become a part of the economy, or keep it illegal. I don't really see any other alternatives.
Why? Why can't we treat them all like children? A huge number of adults in America act as if they are still in their teen years. America provides substances and temptations that make people want to surrender to their impulses, and to forget about their responsibilities.
Like pre-marital sex?
It's true that Americans do sometimes surrender personal responsibilities to give into their impulses,
but so does the rest of the world. It's normal for this to happen occasionally. Not only that, but usually it's not a very big deal. People all over the world are known to do things such as play video games instead of study, sleep in and call off work, finish a TV show before making dinner, and so on.
Now, I'm assuming that when you say Americans surrender their responsibilities, you mean they do so to the point where it causes problems. I can argue that everyone, again, all over the world, have a few issues. Some people like to drink, some like to play video games, others like to stay up late to read and get little sleep. Oh, and some people like to have pre-marital sex.
Just because an individual can abuse marijuana doesn't mean that particular individual will.
If a majority of Americans had any moral background except the Law and their opinions, then I wouldn't care.
I'm not exactly sure what you're saying here. I'm an atheist, so am I included?
They don't do things because they are afraid to go to jail for doing them. So if you make pot legal, there is no more fear behind it. There won't be a reason not to do it.
First of all, not everyone will smoke marijuana. Second, who says we're trying to make people not smoke marijuana?
If you don't want someone who is close to you to smoke marijuana, then it's up to YOU to stop them, not the government.
And your last paragraph is assuming I think K2 should have been legalized.
No, I never assumed that you thought K2 should be legalized. In fact, I was fully aware that you would not support the fact that it's legal. My point was that criminalizing marijuana lead people to try more harmful "legal" substances. Yes, K2 is becoming illegal, but that doesn't stop people from trying to find other ways to get high legally. When people find alternative ways to get high, they often stumble upon something that is much more unhealthy than marijuana.
By keeping marijuana illegal, people are finding legal alternatives that are worse for their health. You can keep making each and every new substance that pops up illegal, but it would be far more easier to legalize a substance that is less harmful than alcohol is every single way.
Any drug that people use to alter their perception of reality wastes time and money.
Video games are a waste of time and money. Most TV programs are a waste of time and money. Porn is a waste of time, money, and semen. Art is a waste of paper. Church is a waste of time, money, and resources. Race cars are a waste of materials and gasoline. Sports are a waste of time and money. Fried foods are unhealthy and therefore a waste of money.
There are millions of other helpful things you could be doing for people who aren't fortunate enough to have enough money to waste it using drugs. By taking them just shows how selfish, wasteful, and maybe even guilty you are.
I think I broke a blood vessel in my eye...
1. We have the right to do whatever we want with our own money. If you don't like how I spend my money, then too bad. It's my money that I WORKED for. Don't tell me how to spend my money.
We have the right to "waste", or rather, spend our money however we want. Whether we're wasting it or not doesn't really matter at all. If marijuana is kept illegal because it's a "waste" of money, then we should also ban video games, porn, and everything else I listed previously.
2. If it's "selfish" to buy marijuana so that one can make themselves happy, then it must also be "selfish" for them to buy movie tickets, football tickets, video games, and so on.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
What every happened to the pursuit of happiness?
By taking them just shows how selfish, wasteful, and maybe even guilty you are.
Selfish? For spending money on ourselves? God forbid I use my money to have a good time.
I "waste" my money on video games, I guess you'll tell me that video games should be illegal too.
Wasteful? Again, video games.
Guilty? That one is just hilarious. Guilty of what? Guilty of smoking marijuana? If marijuana wasn't a crime, then no one would be guilty. Problem solved.