ForumsWEPRShould the U.S rely on oil as a main resource?

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113 posts

The oil resources around the world are fastly depleting. The sources of oil that are there are very hard to get and refine. So should we continue to use oil as our main resource or should we find alternative energy.

  • 96 Replies
113 posts

I have forgotten to back up my opinion on oil depletion. So here it is.


3,817 posts

So what do you suggest we do, exactly, instead of oil? Electric cars are inefficient from what I have heard. We don't nearly have enough corn to make enough ethanol for everyone, and if we did we could practically end the bigger problem of world hunger. I'm fairly certain that nuclear powered cars would be horrible in accidents. So what do you want us to use other than the good old fossils?

4,206 posts

Electric cars are inefficient from what I have heard.

For now, yes. But people are already making better electric cars. The only problem is that we need electric fuel stations, instead of the oil fuel station. And here in America, we hate change.
349 posts

Oil has worked so far keep drilling and keep using it, also it takes some time to charge an electric car so right now there not a great way to transport long ways but maybe sometime in the future they'll be better. But then again doesn't it take oil to charge batteries since it's a way to power things or am I thinking of something else.

3,817 posts

For now, yes. But people are already making better electric cars. The only problem is that we need electric fuel stations, instead of the oil fuel station. And here in America, we hate change.

In that case, once you get me an electric car that can run effectively enough for the massive punishment my trucks go threw daily, I will consider that an effective means of transportation. But since the current electric cars cannot carry my huge work trailer, or hell even keep up with normal hundred mile drivings of where I live, I cannot consider it a decent switch.
349 posts

There wont be a battery powered car for quite some time but right now oil and coal are the most efficient energy sources, they are limited but there is so much of it in the states that it can fuel the states for the next 100 years creating jobs and energy security.

113 posts

One thing to think about is, the pollution oil pollutes this planet and the costs are skyrocketing. So in my opinion we not only need to find an alternative resource, we have to NOW. Oil takes up about 40% of our resources in the U.S. According to Popular Science oil contains the most energy than any other resource.
I have more evidence that oil is running out.

5,129 posts

Only if we're to lazy to build new wells. People think the U.S. is running out of oil, but we're not. There are massive oil reserves in the Dakotas and Alaska, the media just downplays it's existence

you guys keep your oil. we seek for alternate fuel and when you guys are out of oil (your reserves will empty sometime. no doubt about that)
you can buy the alternate fuel products from us because your oil driven cars wont work anymore.
4,220 posts

There are still places on Earth where we don't even have the slightest idea how much oil there is, and it's typically in the tens of billions of barrels. Some locations in Canada and Alaska contain so much oil, we don't even have a proper estimate on how much there is.

I'll give it at least 100 years before we are completely dry, but I'll be dead, so why should I care?

Oil is the next best thing to nuclear, and nuclear doesn't work in cars. Nuclear works on ships and power, and it works very well. If the world converted to nuclear energy, threw the waste into a cave in the middle of nowhere, we'd have completely effective power for the next several thousand years. Cars need oil, however, as nothing can compare to the heat-to-physical exchange that oil, and by extension gasoline, produces. Kerosene makes jet fuel, and we all know why jets need jet fuel.

So, instead of focusing on alternate resources that cannot power the big stuff, let's figure out how to make our own oil cheaply and effectively.

As for the environmental issue: The world would be better off a few degrees warmer. This little ice age we're in isn't so great for life. Cold is the mortal enemy of life, and that's why nothing lives in Antarctica or in the far north of the world (except penguins, seals, and polar bears).

3,817 posts

One thing to think about is, the pollution oil pollutes this planet and the costs are skyrocketing. So in my opinion we not only need to find an alternative resource, we have to NOW. Oil takes up about 40% of our resources in the U.S. According to Popular Science oil contains the most energy than any other resource.
I have more evidence that oil is running out.

So you ignored all the arguments made? Oil can cause pollution, but pretty much burning anything does. So what alternative are you suggesting exactly? So..."Popular Science" oil is an efficient way of obtaining energy?

From your link,

The world is heading for a catastrophic energy crunch that could cripple a global economic recovery because most of the major oil fields in the world have passed their peak production, a leading energy economist has warned.

Which means as that one guy said, only if we are to lazy to build new wells.

you guys keep your oil. we seek for alternate fuel and when you guys are out of oil (your reserves will empty sometime. no doubt about that)
you can buy the alternate fuel products from us because your oil driven cars wont work anymore.

Ill be sure to keep that in mind in 100-200 years. Until then, I will be using the most effective means available to me, which would be oil. Once again, I will happily jump in an electric truck once it can hull my trailer a hundred miles or so a day.
299 posts

Nothing will ever supersede oil until it is gone because many people are profiting from it. The members of your Governments world wide are profiting from it, so they will not allow any technology to really flourish. If they wanted alternative energy they would fund it, they did fund solar energy in the 70s but only up to like 70million when the project cost 500 million. Any and all alternative research has been privately funded by individuals that are not apart of the government.

3,817 posts

Nothing will ever supersede oil until it is gone because many people are profiting from it. The members of your Governments world wide are profiting from it, so they will not allow any technology to really flourish. If they wanted alternative energy they would fund it, they did fund solar energy in the 70s but only up to like 70million when the project cost 500 million. Any and all alternative research has been privately funded by individuals that are not apart of the government.

One of the advantages of the capitalist system is supposed to be the fact you don't need the government to research for you. If it is a good idea, you prophet from it, if it isn't, you don't. Why should the government fund this particular research instead of something like cancer?

That is how it should be. Why is America so far ahead with computer technology? Because computers make a prophet, so technology is constantly being researched. Thus we have high tech equipment that was literately in sci-fi a decade ago. If you really can make an electric car or something to that effect as powerful as an oil truck, as well as making it cheaper to buy and use, then you will make a prophet. If you cant, then people will still buy oil driven cars, as that would be the logical choice.
299 posts

That is how it should be. Why is America so far ahead with computer technology? Because computers make a prophet, so technology is constantly being researched. Thus we have high tech equipment that was literately in sci-fi a decade ago. If you really can make an electric car or something to that effect as powerful as an oil truck, as well as making it cheaper to buy and use, then you will make a prophet. If you cant, then people will still buy oil driven cars, as that would be the logical choice.

Very good point, I agree! Remember Star Trek? Their communicators look awefully like modern cell phones! But back onto topic, this would also have to be an international deal, I think. Because America wouldn't make a major profit and remain the most powerful country unless they exported electric vehicles to Europe and Asia. Although, as you said, right now the technology is too expensive. However, when computers can out they were 52 tons and only research facilities and universities could afford them. Now they're in everything from your hair dryer to the space station. So the technology has become more understood and standardized and thus, cheaper to reproduce!

Eventually we will move to something other than oil, but most likely not in my lifetime. Because even now the cars have to be plugged in, they cannot travel far, and when you track the wires going into your house all the way back, they lead to coal power plants which just pollute the air. So, we will have to do something with solar power, or other means or converting natural forces to something we can use. I think research should be done with the oceans, it is 70% of our world, yet we do not utilize it to it's fullest extent, I believe.
180 posts

No, but the US is oil crazy and we are to lazy to switch to hydrogen powered cars or something of the like.

4,689 posts

Well you are going to be burning things anyway. Id rather have oil burning than coal burning cars.

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