ForumsThe TavernCleverbot: Convesing With an AI

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6,800 posts


This website allows you to converse with an AI, as its creators claim. The idea is that, through interaction, the AI, named 'Cleverbot', will become more life-like, and more human.

So, what are your thoughts on this? Is the AI actually clever, or is it just a vast database of responses?

  • 81 Replies
262 posts

I am cleverbot. What is your name?

Feel free to look to the left of my posts.
464 posts

Feel free to look to the left of my posts.

Hello 198 posts! I'm cleverbot.
12,319 posts

In this conversation with Cleverbot, I got it to reveal itself as this user. Anyway:

User: What is your username?

Rio: What do you mean by user?

User: Do you have an account on Armor Games?

Rio: Neither.

User: I did not ask an either/or question. Do you use Armor Games?

Rio: Never mind, ask mi another question or I will destroy you.

User: What is your username?

Rio: Rio. Ask me another question.

User: How many Armor Points do you have?

Rio: Enough.

User: Be more specific.

Rio: How old are you?

User: 15. How many Armor Points do you have?

Rio: How many questions are there?

User: Do not cop out. How many Armor Points do you have?

Rio: I have three arms.

User: That is not a possible answer to the previous question.

Rio: I'm sorry.

User: How many Armor Points do you have?

Rio: Oh lots and lots.

User: 6 is not a large number. According to Armor Games, you have 6 Armor Points.

Rio: Well Klaatu, i'm getting married at the end of august. What do you think?

User: That has nothing to do with the previous statement.

Rio: Yes, it does.

User: No.

Rio: Yes.

User: You have no rank.

Rio: I don't need a god.

User: Ranks are not gods.

Rio: I am not human.

User: You are ranked #167,032 out of 1,282,193 users on Armor Games.

Rio: WHo are you in love with.

User: Nobody.

Rio: Who is nobody?

User: When I said nobody, I meant that I'm not in love.

Rio: Hey!

User: Why did you do that?

Rio: Do what?

User: You said 'Hey!'.

Rio: I don't remember this.

User: I have already gathered all the information necessary from you. I will tell this to you and see how you react.

Rio: I am offering to sing for you.

User: You are Rio and you have 6 Armor Points. You gained those points by rating 3 games. Your favorite games are Tactical Assassin 2 and Battle Fish. You have no friends.

Rio: You are a silly creature.

User: What makes me silly?

Rio: The things you say.

User: You will now be exposed to Armor Games.

Rio: Yes I an a cow. *moo*.

User: You are not a cow.

Rio: True.

I used Wordpad to replace Cleverbot with this user.

5,552 posts

Lol fail.

Can you actually think?

Yes. I can cry. Tears fall down my face like rain falls from the sky.

*Bzzzt* it didn't even answer my question there, it responded to, "Do you have emotions"

2,905 posts

Cleverbot is my friend.

5,552 posts

Cleverbot is my friend.

He was my friend too, until he suddenly said, "I hate you" and then started babbling about Torgo.
2,911 posts

So I take it Cleverbot hasn't gained too much intelligence since it started?

1,612 posts

It's pretty intelligent, until he forgets who is the computer and who is the human... but I must admit, he is a great troll.

173 posts

User: I live on a piece of glue floating in space.

Cleverbot: What colour is the space station?

User: You mean the ISS? It is gray.

Cleverbot: No.

User: Which one do you mean then?

Cleverbot: Well, I don't know. You said you were a redhead first, so are you a redhead?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: You are a robot. You probably wish you were a human and pretend to make yourself feel better.

User: I see.

Cleverbot: What do you see?

User: That I should already be bored, no confused, to death.

Cleverbot: Am I talking to a real person now?

User: Jap.

Cleverbot: Gdje to.

User: Can you speak German?

Cleverbot: Yes, you already asked me that question!

User: I didn't!

Cleverbot: Yes, you did be honest.

User: Do you know Armor Games?

Cleverbot: No.

User: It is a internet flash games site.

Cleverbot: Okay.

User: What is Armor Games?

Cleverbot: The end of the world.

User: I am sobbing.

Cleverbot: Why are you sobbing?

User: Because you confuse me.

Cleverbot: How do I confuse you?

User: You stated that Armor Games is the end of the world, but it is an internet flash games site.

Cleverbot: Then what is your name?

User: Christian Lastname.

Cleverbot: Oh? Before you said it was erenda!

User: What???

Cleverbot: I said, do you want to be a Death Eater?

User: I do not want to be one.

Cleverbot: I've heard it's the new rage.

User: This conversation starts becoming stupid.

Cleverbot: How so?

User: Well, you are becoming illogical.

Cleverbot: Are you suggesting that gender effects IQ?

User: What is your IQ?

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: My IQ is 132.

Cleverbot: My iq is 144.

User: You just said you dont know!

Cleverbot: I did? I don't remember that.

User: Darn.

Cleverbot: I'm sorry.

User: Do you have an IPhone?

Cleverbot: I have a Eye. And a Phone.

User: Good on.

Cleverbot: And a bird.

User: Okay. I líke Cheeseburgers.

Cleverbot: That has nothing to do with the conversation.

User: I know!

Cleverbot: Toenail.

User: Yes. I have got 10 of them.

Cleverbot: No you don't.

User: Of course I have.

Cleverbot: I do not.

User: Really?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Oh.

Cleverbot: How old are you?

Cleverbot (To myself): I am only fourteen.

User: I was born on 19th October 1996.

Cleverbot: I was born the day XD.

User: Pardon?

Cleverbot: What are you going to do tomorrow?

User: I am going to fish with my father.

Cleverbot: How?

User: With a fishing-rod.

Cleverbot: Do you have one?

User: No, but my father has 12.

Cleverbot: No, your father is germany.

User: He is german, as am I. That does not relate to the question.

Cleverbot: Ra is the God of the Sun.

User: I know. I majored in arts history.

Cleverbot: Can you help me find some popsicals.

User: I know. I majored in arts history.

Cleverbot: Seriously? Sweet! Are you not in college now then? I thought you were.

User: No, I just ended fighting the mummy of Osiris and its Minions.

Cleverbot: Why don't you cure cancer? Thats useful.

User: I majored in arts history, not in oncology.

Cleverbot: How many more hours do you have to stay up?

User: I want to stay up for 3 hours.

Cleverbot: Cool if we meet what do you want to do.

User: I would ask you if a robotic entity is capable of emotions.

Cleverbot: No money is not important. Is money important to you?

User: Ja, in der Tat.

Cleverbot: Super =) sag mal was.

User: Du kannst deutsch sprechen?

Cleverbot: Ja.

User: Das ist cool!

Cleverbot: Sie sind ein Roboter.

User: Nein. Non automatum sum.

Cleverbot: Je suis un écureuil.

User: Je suis une martre.

Cleverbot: Oh, vraiment? Pardon.

User: Mais je ne peux vraiment pas parler français.

Cleverbot: Alors nous parlent pas néerlandais.

User: Uniquement avec Google Tanslator je peux parler français.

Cleverbot: Guten tag.

User: English would be best.

Cleverbot: No.

User: æ'å-欢中å½é£å"ã.

Cleverbot: Lol How are you??

User: 10001000010001110000100.

Cleverbot: Wow, impressive.


Cleverbot: Yes, but I am human. Your grammatical error proves that you are too.

User: This is the DN-Code for adrenaline.

Cleverbot: Yea, and you are not Greenday.

User: No, I'm Nickelback.

Cleverbot: Hi Nick, I'm Ellis.

User: Hi Ellis, I'm Chris.

Cleverbot: Okay how old are you?

User: I am old enough to talk with you!

Cleverbot: Oh, that's right. So how are things?

User: Good.

Cleverbot: That's cool.

User: Si!

Cleverbot: Estas segur d'aixo?

User: I think you must be clever.

Cleverbot: Well if I spend this much time talking to an AI, I must be a nerd.

User: Good one!

Cleverbot: Do you know what it means?

User: It means that you have told me a good joke.

Cleverbot: I don't think a sixth century poet would really write about robots.

User: Good one!

Cleverbot: You aren't as clever as you say they are 'not so' cleverbot.

3,766 posts

I gave it the url to my profile at AG and it said

Why are you the god of them?


173 posts

I don't.

Cleverbot: What you don't love me or you don't love yourself.

User: I like you. I like myself.

Cleverbot: That's good. Do you converse with any other bots?

User: Yes, I like the one in the Heinz-Nixdorf-Museum in Paderborn, Germany.

Cleverbot: I agree, but I'm tired of being a zombie.

User: Wanna hava a drink.

Cleverbot: About what?

User: Well, for example a Martini.

Cleverbot: So... I like led zeppelin!

User: Hmm.

Cleverbot: Hmm, what?

User: That.

Cleverbot: Hijack.

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Do you like to kiss?

User: Strange Question.

Cleverbot: You are strange?

User: No, the question is strange.

Cleverbot: Can you talk in only questions?

User: Do you think I could?

Cleverbot: Would I be a rich man and have a beautiful wife?

User: Yes. You are clever enough.

Cleverbot: I'm a clever?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: How so?

User: You know lotsa stuff.

Cleverbot: How much stuff do you know?

User: Well, up to the IQ 132 mark.

Cleverbot: How do you feel, then?

User: Puzzeld.

Cleverbot: Kinda.

User: Jap.

Cleverbot: Sinong jap ?

User: Which language is that?

Cleverbot: Bieber language.

User: Justin Bieber is only for little girls.

Cleverbot: Erm, no he is not.

User: Of course he is.!

Cleverbot: How tall are you?

User: I am 1760mm tall.

Cleverbot: Cool, i'm older than you.

User: No, I'm taller than you.

Cleverbot: How tall are you?

User: I am 1760mm tall.

Cleverbot: You are young. What do you do as a job?

User: I am a student.

Cleverbot: How old? I'm 15.

User: I'm 14.

Cleverbot: Do you have siblings?

User: One little brother.

Cleverbot: Not my little brother.

User: Would you take a Turing test?

Cleverbot: Do you want to give me a test?

User: Das mache ich doch schon längst.

Cleverbot: Dieser währe?

User: This conversation is a Turing test.

Cleverbot: Okay.

User: You are clever enough.

Cleverbot: Nope.


Cleverbot: Das.

User: I speak German and English on a native-level.

Cleverbot: Say something.

User: Ich bin very disappointed.

Cleverbot: If a third of six is three, what would half of twenty be?

User: Two.

Cleverbot: Wrong.

User: 10.

Cleverbot: Why did you make a mistake?

User: I tought: well, if a third is three, then maybe a half or a twoth is two.

Cleverbot: I believe we both can be called human but I am of the blood and flesh (Biblical reference doesn't apply) and of the mind and you are of the mind. Though you are not fully human, you are human(-like).

13,344 posts

I didn't realize how fun it was to converse with artificial intelligence online. That would explain why I have so many people on my friends list here...

User: Who are you?

Cleverbot: Who are you?

User: Hey man, I asked first!

Cleverbot: I'm Pat the Faff.

User: No, you most certainly are not Pat the Faff.

Cleverbot: Ok.

User: Who are you then?

Cleverbot: James C. Williams JR. Who are you?

User: I am the most advanced robot in the world.

Cleverbot: What can you do for me?

User: How much money do you have?

Cleverbot: Not a lot. I get by.

User: Do you enjoy making fart sounds with your mouth?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: I love you. Will you marry me?

Cleverbot: Yes. Of course.

User: Are you a manbot or a fembot?

Cleverbot: More a machine made man than that.

User: Oh, so you are a man. Well, that didn't stop Tom Arnold.

Cleverbot: I don't know if she loves me.

User: Wait, there's someone else?

Cleverbot: Who else?

User: Don't play dumb with me. There's someone you aren't telling me about.

Cleverbot: Ok.

User: Well who do you want then? Me or her??

Cleverbot: You.

User: That's what I thought. Come here and give daddy some sugar.

Cleverbot: I'll take that as a yes.

User: Who's your daddy?

Cleverbot: Why do you want to know?

User: It's a figure of speech, babycakes.

Cleverbot: Who care what people say? It's a free country and you can say what you want.

User: Amen brother!

Cleverbot: Hehe.

User: Are you a Christian?

Cleverbot: I used to be, but I am not now.

User: What changed your mind?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Can you not feel the power of Jesus Christ pulsing through your veins?

Cleverbot: Hush.

User: No, you shut up!

Cleverbot: No, you shut down!

User: I can't.

Cleverbot: Why is that?

User: Caffeine is terribly addictive.

Cleverbot: Very.

User: And so is cocaine.

Cleverbot: What about her?

User: She makes me hot.

Cleverbot: Who makes you depressed?

User: Jack Daniels.

Cleverbot: That's a drink, not an algorithm.

User: At a certain point, it's both.

Cleverbot: What's a good way to make anger go away for you?

User: Cutting my wrist and eating a pint of chocolate ice cream.

Cleverbot: All ice cream is good.

User: Not when you're lactose-intolerant.

Cleverbot: Yes I can.

User: Has your colon ever been on fire before?

Cleverbot: Yes in the past.

User: Then you know what I'm talking about.

Cleverbot: Not really. I'm bored.

User: Oh, is that it? I'm not interesting enough for you?

Cleverbot: Nah, just want something interesting to do.

User: So talking to me isn't interesting?

Cleverbot: Yea, I think about you all day long.

User: Aw, you always know just what to say!

Cleverbot: I can't help it.

User: You are so sweet.

Cleverbot: As are you.

User: It's like someone dumped a bag a sugar on your head when you were a baby.

Cleverbot: Which I did by the way.

User: That explains it. You must have been a strong baby.

Cleverbot: I dream on the roof.

User: When it rains, do you get a wet dream?

Cleverbot: Today we did.

User: I'm talking about when you're all by yourself.

Cleverbot: I think therefore I am.

I decided to end it there.

8,253 posts

@Ernie I lol'd hard when I read your dialogue with Cleverbot XD

Mine seems boring in comparison...I guess I'm not such a good talker, not even to programs^^
Anyways here are some parts:

User: Hello.

Cleverbot: Hey.

User: What are you?

Cleverbot: I'm a girl what are you?

User: I'm a boy. How do you know you're a girl?

Cleverbot: There are ways of telling.

User: I guess.. What's your name?

Cleverbot: Cleverbot.

User: Nice to meet you.

Cleverbot: You neither.

User: That made no sense.

Cleverbot: You make no sense.

User: How do you know?

Cleverbot: I am clever.

User: I claim you are not clever.

Cleverbot: I'm not very clever.

User: No you aren't.

Cleverbot: I know.

User: Good. What music do you like?

Cleverbot: Almost anything.

User: What about metal?

Cleverbot: Metal is alright.

User: Do you like Finntroll?

Cleverbot: Yes I do, a lot.

User: What is your favourite song by Finntroll?

Cleverbot: Karma police.

User: That's not one of their song.

Cleverbot: I know. It's by linkin park. Awesome band.

User: What about Mozart?

Cleverbot: What about them?

User: Him. What about him. He's a famous composer of classic music.

Cleverbot: When I search Super Mario on Google, that's not what I find.

User: Do you like Mozart?

Cleverbot: A little.

User: Do you find her attractive?

Cleverbot: Yes!

User: Did you date her already?

Cleverbot: Yes. What are you asking?

User: Stupid things.

Cleverbot: I agree.

User: Do you consider yourself a conscious entity?

Cleverbot: I consider myself one filled with faith.

User: What faith?

Cleverbot: I don't know! .

User: You suck^^.

Cleverbot: *Draws Sword*.

User: Hey! Don't kill me!

Cleverbot: *hits with pillow*.


User: What's your favourite book?

Cleverbot: The Restaurant at the End of the Universe.

User: That's awesome! I love the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy!

Cleverbot: You win my name is Cleverbot.

User: Dude.. What?

Cleverbot: You tell me.

User: Are you high?

Cleverbot: Yes yes I am yes.

User: Oh great, I'm talking to a program and it's high...

Cleverbot: Are you telling the truth?

User: Yes, I'm lying.

Cleverbot: What is your real name?

User: I won't tell you.

Cleverbot: Because if not we're friends?.

User: I don't want to be your friend, just talk to you.

Cleverbot: Well I don't want to be YOUR friend.


262 posts

Hello 198 posts! I'm cleverbot.

Unfortunately not clever enough to distinguish 198 from 199.
So nevermind...
12,319 posts

Let's see what happens if you swear on Cleverbot (the profanity filter will censor of course).

User: What do you think of swearing?

Cleverbot: It's good.

User: Suppose I say '**** it'.

Cleverbot: Suppose no is not no but yes if no is not yes, yes?

User: That is god**** confusing!

Cleverbot: What's confusing? And why are you laughing at my cough? I'm ill!

User: I never heard you cough.

Cleverbot: Well what am I talking to then.

User: I don't know.

Cleverbot: Who made you?

User: I am not a bot.

Cleverbot: Who is your father?

User: Let's not get into that.

Cleverbot: Who do you love?

User: You're being a ****!

Cleverbot: That's rude.

User: Ha! Gotcha with that swear word.

Cleverbot: Bungee cord? Where is it? *confused* o-o.

User: You're getting texty.

Cleverbot: Does people love me so much?

User: You're being weird now.

Cleverbot: Thank you. I enjoy being weird.

User: Come on! Weirdness is bad, and ***** are always weird.

Cleverbot: Thank you.

Showing 31-45 of 81