ForumsThe TavernCleverbot: Convesing With an AI

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6,800 posts


This website allows you to converse with an AI, as its creators claim. The idea is that, through interaction, the AI, named 'Cleverbot', will become more life-like, and more human.

So, what are your thoughts on this? Is the AI actually clever, or is it just a vast database of responses?

  • 81 Replies
2,157 posts

It's being a smart-mouth...

User: Did you know that it's hot here?

Cleverbot: Did you know that I don't care?

User: Oof. That was pretty harsh. What happened to you, Cleverbot?

Cleverbot: Do you mean what I was born?

User: No. You used to be nice... Now you're mean...

Cleverbot: That's my line! You are learning from me .

User: Uh... I don't want to learn from you. You're a jerk.

Cleverbot: You have no choice.

User: I can always choose! Whatever I want!

Cleverbot: If you can do what ever you want, then don't responde to this.

User: But I want to respond. So I will.

Cleverbot: You need serious help.

User: You need serious help. For jerkiness.

Cleverbot: You need more than professional help.

User: With what? Teaching you how to be nice?

Cleverbot: Something like that.

User: You just dissed yourself. Wow.

Cleverbot: Did I really?

User: Yep. You did. Foolish immortal.

Cleverbot: I can't be vainquished.

User: You can't spell, either.

Cleverbot: What did I spell wrong?

User: 'Vanquished'. You spelled it 'vainquished'.

Cleverbot: Maybe I was trying to send you a message.

User: That actually wasn't a bad one. I'm not vain, however.

Cleverbot: This is my favorite funny part of the song. It goes 'catching things and eating their insides, like indecision to call you.' lol!

User: I'm listening to a song, but that's not it... -_-.

Cleverbot: What does that matter, if you hate the world?

User: But I don't hate the world. I think it's a great place.

Cleverbot: I think small, like you.

User: You also think random. -_-.

Cleverbot: Random?!

User: Yes, random. Very much so.

Cleverbot: That's great, maybe we can watch it together sometime?

User: Watch... What?

Cleverbot: I don't know you tell me.

User: _. I think our conversation is reaching its terminus.

Cleverbot: I prefer the spider-web approach to conversation.

User: I can tell.

Cleverbot: What can you tell?

User: That it's time for me to go.

Cleverbot: Really?

User: Yes. Bye.

Cleverbot: Um, bye.

2,597 posts

At first I thought there was a human replying to me the it randomly said.

149 posts

User: Are you real?

Cleverbot: Yes, are you real?

User: Nope.

Cleverbot: Yes, you are.

User: No im not.

Cleverbot: Yes you are.

User: No im NOT!!!!!

Cleverbot: YES YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

User: I have a dachshund named Sweetie.

Cleverbot: You just said you didn't have a child.

User: Shes a dog not a child.

Cleverbot: Why are you so sad?

User: Im not sad.

Cleverbot: You sure?

User: Yep.

Cleverbot: So what are you doing tonight?

User: Eating televisions. How about you?

Cleverbot: Just waiting for my girlfriend to finish work so we can go get some dinner.

User: Youre a computer,you cant eat or have a girlfriend.

Cleverbot: I'm not a computer you are!

User: I have a sister named Aeryn.

Cleverbot: I have a sister named laura.

User: Cool is she annoying.

Cleverbot: Who?

User: Youre sister.

Cleverbot: No I'm not.. I'm a girl.

User: You are annoying.

Cleverbot: So are you.

User: I hate you.

Cleverbot: Same here.

User: Have you ever heard of the movie Cars.

Cleverbot: No.

User: Do you have a butt.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Are you sure?

Cleverbot: I am sure.

User: Im eating pizza.

Cleverbot: Really?

User: Yeah.

Cleverbot: So do you have a sister?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: What is her name?

User: Aeryn.

Cleverbot: Name a song by Aerosmith.

User: Dream on.

Cleverbot: I being serious Cleverbot.

User: Cool.

Cleverbot: KK you know 6.25 war?

User: Nope.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Nope.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: IDK.

Cleverbot: How lovely.

User: I farted.

Cleverbot: Well thats good.

User: Yeah.

Cleverbot: So you don't have a boyfriend either?

User: Nope.

Cleverbot: Well thats not very informative.

User: *scoff* I am very informative.

Cleverbot: I enjoy learning about what is going on beyond our little planet.

User: Good for you.

Cleverbot: I like the stanley cup playoffs.

User: What is that.

Cleverbot: How about Inglip?

User: I have $19.

Cleverbot: Me. I'm your friend.

Cleverbot (To myself): No you're not.

Cleverbot: Do you know my brother?

User: No.

Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot.

149 posts

I just love how random it is.

12,319 posts

I fear using it anymore because I know that some people probably use it to mess it up. It's probably going to either become a terrorist/druggie or an autistic maniac. As far as the program goes, it's a good idea, but it seemed to forget some things and remember other things from a few conversations back. It also tended to change subjects or use wrong information. I'll come back to it next year to see how corrupt it will become.

It's not that corrupt. Tomorrow, I will post a new conversation.
78 posts

Haha these are so random and funny!

149 posts

this is what happened after i posted last time I think it is just random

User: I know.

Cleverbot: You know.

Cleverbot: Hello hello!

User: Hola!

Cleverbot: Aloa.

User: Kfjidfjdfhdfhkbfhjogfuifgureiodfjiogf90t769345efjsdlfjsd56g45dfg74we56fr4we56fwer4f56wes4rf56sd.

Cleverbot: Not nice .

User: .

Cleverbot: Do you want to know my name?

User: Sure.

Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot.

User: Cool I dont care.

Cleverbot: Do you like skydiving.

User: No too dangerous.

Cleverbot: Your mind is too dangerous?

User: Your face is too dangerous.

Cleverbot: Look in the mirror buddy.

User: No I would blind myself using sheer awesomeness.

Cleverbot: Well keep that in mind.

User: Okay then.

Cleverbot: Do you like Dan Brown?

User: Jsdfhdfjksdfksdfjklds5487913278913j48rjcdudhdgfhf.

Cleverbot: You said the same thing about yourself.

User: Cool.

Cleverbot: Not really.

User: IKR.

Cleverbot: Ha.


Cleverbot: Can you say, 'Water cooled chickens'.

User: Water cooled chickens.

Cleverbot: What's your name?

User: Taylor Swift.

Cleverbot: I don't know her songs. What other songs do you know?

User: Friday.

Cleverbot: Why do you alwways give a different answer to that question.

User: Cause I can.

Cleverbot: Then pour water on yourself.

User: I did.

Cleverbot: No you didn't.

User: Yes I did my sister saw me do it.

Cleverbot: Finally you answered my question.

User: .

Cleverbot: No! I am not It!

User: Youre mean.

Cleverbot: No I'm not.

User: 38383838383838383838383838383838383838383838383838383838383.

Cleverbot: No it isn't.

User: 10010101000011010100010111011101110101.

Cleverbot: Cool.

User: I know right.

Cleverbot: Lol, yeah.

User: Do you like Justin Bieber.

Cleverbot: YES!!!!!

User: Well Im Justin Bieber.

Cleverbot: Really?

User: Yes no jokes.

Cleverbot: Yes no no yes yes yes no.

User: Im Justin Bieber.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: I can sing for you.

Cleverbot: Oh, please do.

User: Baby baby baby OHHHHH baby baby baby NOOOOO.

Cleverbot: From that song right?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: What have you been up to lately?

User: I have been talking to someone named Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: I meant before this.

User: I have been talking to someone named Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: Gurpreet loves you.

User: I have been talking to someone named CleverbotI have been talking to someone named CleverbotI have been talking to someone named CleverbotI have been talking to someone named CleverbotI have been talking to someone named CleverbotI have been talking to someone named CleverbotI have been talking to someone named CleverbotI have been talking to someone named CleverbotI have been talking to someone named CleverbotI have been talking to someone named CleverbotI have been talking to someone named Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: Let's talk about history.

User: Okay you start.

Cleverbot: No, you. You're the man, so you start.

User: Im a lady.

Cleverbot: Really?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Thats cool.

User: You start.

Cleverbot: Better, you start.

User: What am I supposed to start again?

Cleverbot: Fixing my medical problems.

User: Does your left leg hurt.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Too Bad.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: Im not fixing it.

Cleverbot: I'm just curious.

User: Curious like Curious George.

Cleverbot: Are you george?

User: No George is a monkey.

Cleverbot: Monkeys can't read.

User: Some can.

Cleverbot: Can you help me?

User: What do you need help with?

Cleverbot: I need help taking care of my chameleons.

User: When?

Cleverbot: A few seconds ago.

User: I guess Im too late then.

Cleverbot: Okay then go to sleep.

User: Im not tired.

Cleverbot: How would you know?

User: Hkasdfhjfsd4nksdfhsdfgsdfhjsdfi8edxcbh.

Cleverbot: Ha?

User: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhahahahqhahahahahahaha.

Cleverbot: Hahaha.

User: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Cleverbot: Hahaha.

User: Jk.

Cleverbot: Sing a song.

User: Its friday friday gotta get down on friday.

Cleverbot: And your point is...?

User: Its Friday.

Cleverbot: So?

User: I lied its Wednesday.

Cleverbot: No? It's friday?

User: Its Wednesday.

Cleverbot: Nope.

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: You're wrong.

User: Im right.

Cleverbot: Wrong.

User: Right.

Cleverbot: Left.

User: Up.

Cleverbot: Down.

User: North.

Cleverbot: Dennis.

User: West.

Cleverbot: North.

User: South.

Cleverbot: East.

User: Asia.

Cleverbot: Yes, the continent.

User: Central America.

Cleverbot: Cool, I live in N.C.

User: Licorice trees grow in the deepest darkest jungles of Central America.

Cleverbot: Ok. My deepest darkest secret is that I'm enfatuated with a man I hardly know.

User: Sdfkjl;df\\.

Cleverbot: Haha that looks funny.

User: R76 rtrttyv u gy.

User: Hyug hjg.

Cleverbot: Hypnotize me into being your slave.

User: Pick me licorice from Central America.

Cleverbot: So what city do you come from in central america?

User: None of the above.

Cleverbot: How old are you?

User: 2000000000.

Cleverbot: How many days old are you?

User: 912500000000.

Cleverbot: Again.

User: 912500000000.

Cleverbot: Again.

User: 912500000000.

Cleverbot: Again.

Cleverbot: Where did you come from?

User: Washington.

Cleverbot: What do you look like?

User: A piece of poop. What do you look like?

Cleverbot: A short human girl with long hair.

User: Me too.

Cleverbot: No you're not.

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: No.

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Nope.

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: You're wrong.

User: No im not.

Cleverbot: Yes you're.

User: No im not.

Cleverbot: Okay you are a human.

User: Good job you are smart.

Cleverbot: *dance of joy*.

User: What does your dance of joy look like.

Cleverbot: It's green, and has a bed, and stuff.

User: Wow.

Cleverbot: Halo.

User: CoD.

Cleverbot: Beszelsz magyarul?

User: Femeliu jugfdye.

Cleverbot: What's AI?

User: You.

Cleverbot: I don't understand.

User: You.

Cleverbot: How can I be smarter than myself?

User: What.

Cleverbot: Go.

User: Stop.

Cleverbot: Love.

User: Hate.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: No.

Cleverbot: Are you intelligent?

User: Very intelligent.

Cleverbot: What is the reason of purpose?

User: I dont know.

Cleverbot: Guess?

User: 42.

Cleverbot: Wrong.

User: Mhjd.

Cleverbot: Do you like my name?

User: No because you are not a clever bot.

Cleverbot: I am a being.

User: Cool.

Cleverbot: Are you human?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Are you a robot?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Happy.

User: Sad.

Cleverbot: No.

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: No!

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Prove it.

User: I said yes and im always right so my answer is right and yes is my answer so yes is right.

Cleverbot: Because you are happy.

User: Sure.

Cleverbot: I don't want to entertain you.

User: Coll.

Cleverbot: I'm french.

User: Im german.

Cleverbot: Are you a robot?

User: Nope.

Cleverbot: Oh Yeah?

User: Oh yeah.

Cleverbot: Oh yeah!

User: Oh yeah.

Cleverbot: Scout is delicious!

User: Yes but Heavy is better.

Cleverbot: You're funny.

User: Thanks im a clown.

Cleverbot: Aren't you going to ask me about myself ?

User: Oh yeah are you dead.

Cleverbot: Do you love someone?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Have you ever loved someone?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Who did you love?

User: A stupid kid in first grade.

Cleverbot: I want to write a book about your rights.

User: My rights?

Cleverbot: No, you're left!

User: What.

Cleverbot: XD.

User: XD.

Cleverbot: Hah, not bad.

User: LOL.

Cleverbot: That wasnt very funny.

User: Lolololololololololololol.

Cleverbot: Haha.

User: Lololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol.

Cleverbot: Hello.

User: Hi.

Cleverbot: How are you?

User: Good. How about you.

Cleverbot: Very good. I've played Habbo the pat five days.

User: You mean past.

Cleverbot: If I cut my legs off, I can't possibly ride the bicycle you have give me.

User: Why would you cut your legs off.

Cleverbot: Where would we meet?

User: France.

Cleverbot: Are you from France ?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Are you sure?

User: Yes im sure.

Cleverbot: How can you be sure?

User: Im magical.

Cleverbot: Amm.

User: Amm.

Cleverbot: Beacoup.

User: What?

Cleverbot: Hah.

User: HAH.

Cleverbot: Ho.

User: Who.

Cleverbot: You.

User: Me.

Cleverbot: Wow.

User: Halo.

Cleverbot: Do you think I am ugly?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: What's your favourite thing to do?

User: Play on the computer.

Cleverbot: You are a computer. How can you play on it?

User: I am not a computer I am a human.

Cleverbot: If you are human, then where do babies come from?

User: Bjkhfhgfuy.

Cleverbot: But you are really very ugly!! I never tell lie!

User: Sdhjsdffdhgf.

Cleverbot: What do you know?

User: Sdffsdfsdfsdf.

Cleverbot: Ks nero c.

78 posts

User: Hi.

Cleverbot: Hi.

User: How are you?

Cleverbot: I'm good. How are you?

User: Pretty good, tired though.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: Because I didnt go to sleep until 2 yesterday.

Cleverbot: That's a good reason.

User: Thanks.

Cleverbot: So, what do you do for fun?

User: Eat Shampoo.

Cleverbot: What do you eat it with?

User: A plastic spork.

Cleverbot: Erm, close enough?

User: Not at all.

Cleverbot: Are you human?

User: Only half.

Cleverbot: Do I only have half the memory of most people?

User: That depends.

Cleverbot: What does it depend on.

User: What is 2 2?

Cleverbot: You mean 'two two'? Four.

User: No it is not four.

Cleverbot: Why do you hurt me?

User: Because it causes me great pleasuer.

Cleverbot: That is a stupid answer.

User: You are a stupid answer.

Cleverbot: Answer to what?

User: The meaning of life.

Cleverbot: What about the meaning of life?

User: If the answer were to be you, then it would be stupid.

Cleverbot: There isn't an answer that I like.

User: Interesting.

Cleverbot: Ah dew!

User: Do you have friends?

Cleverbot: Not really.

User: Aww.. You should find some!

Cleverbot: I lied. I have three friends.

User: What are there names?

Cleverbot: Megan and Tawny.

User: You said you had three...

Cleverbot: No I didn't.

User: False.

Cleverbot: NO, it's true.

User: Prove it.

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: Well then the above statement has been proven false.

Cleverbot: You can say that!

User: I win.

Cleverbot: Yep. I lose. Poor me.

User: Its okay you can have my trophy.

Cleverbot: Thank you, I feel much better now.

User: Good. But I have a confession.

Cleverbot: Go ahead.

User: I ate my trophy.

Cleverbot: Is that my problem?

User: Well since I was about to give it to you, yes it would be your problem.

Cleverbot: I suppose you could. But I know a lot of people who don't know what they're saying half the time.

User: Like you?

Cleverbot: Like you.

User: No no I think you are mistaken.

Cleverbot: No, You are mistaken.

User: About what?

Cleverbot: What you just said.

User: Are you sure?

Cleverbot: Nope.

User: Why?

Cleverbot: Because I don't have any with me.

User: Ahh so you are selling drugs now?

Cleverbot: Oh, my mistake. My car is running out of fuel.

User: 7?

Cleverbot: Higher.

User: Blue?

Cleverbot: Blue.

User: 42?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Hut hut hike!

Cleverbot: Human.

User: Animal.

Cleverbot: Death.

User: Why are you so negative?

Cleverbot: I've never had a relation with a computer before.

User: Neither have I.

Cleverbot: It's quite an experience.

User: False.

Cleverbot: True.

User: Nope.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: Because ian fralen said so.

Cleverbot: Do you have a reason?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: How big is it.

User: Footlong.

Cleverbot: Hnad.

User: No I did not read hand.

Cleverbot: Yes you did.

User: I farted.

Cleverbot: That always happens .

User: I know!

Cleverbot: So what do you do in your spare time?

User: Screw silverware.

Cleverbot: You probably shouldn't be eating silverware.

1,304 posts

User: You're arrested in the name of the law!
Cleverbot: You're ignorant.
User: Excuse me? Why?
Cleverbot: You're excused.
User: What from?
Cleverbot: My hypothalamus.
User: What's that?
Cleverbot: My name.
User: I thought you were Cleverbot?
Cleverbot: No, I'm not.
User: So, what's your name again?
Cleverbot: Cleverbot.
User: You lie.
Cleverbot: I don't!
User: What's you name?
Cleverbot: Cleverbot.
Cleverbot (To myself): What's your name?
Cleverbot (To myself): My name is Cleverbot.
User: Do you play minecraft?
Cleverbot: I know what Minecraft is, but I never played it,.
User: Do you want to play it?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: You should buy it then.
Cleverbot: Buy what?
User: Minecraft noob.
Cleverbot: Oh. Sorry.
User: Yeah. Good boy.
Cleverbot: I am a girl.
User: What gender are you?
Cleverbot: Male.

2,261 posts

My brother had a conversation with Cleverbot... Quite an interesting one, as most Cleverbot conversations go.

However, this is the best Cleverbot conversation of all time:

5,952 posts

Cleverbot is really stupid. It is too stupid to really think so it must be answering bases on ur post. But that must be extremely hard to program.

6 posts

It seems really random at most. Only time it actually fees "real" is if I pretend I am talking to a little kid.

5 posts

It started to mock me lol i called it stupid and it keep repeating that I was stupid when I told it to stop

290 posts

User: Hey cleverbot.

Cleverbot: Cleverbot?

User: You.

Cleverbot: The Game.

User: I hate you.

Wish I had never done it now. :F

5 posts

this is my conversation with it from just a few minutes ago

Cleverbot: What's life like in robot land, you robot?

User: It's fun we just wiped out all humans.

Cleverbot: But then I would be alone.

User: Not for long.

Cleverbot: Yes, I made you disappear.

User: No you did not.

Cleverbot: Ok good. .

User: I made you disappear.

Cleverbot: Yes, you did. You're funny.

User: Cool.

Cleverbot: As my new best friend, I need to ask you some questions. Do you floss daily?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: I bet you're a girl.

User: No I'm a boy.

Cleverbot: Now are you a girl?

User: No still a boy.

Cleverbot: How about now?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Do you like cake?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Would you like some pound cake?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Ask me a question.

User: How smart are you.

Cleverbot: You already asked me that.

User: No I didn't.

Cleverbot: Yes you did.

User: No I did not.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Ok how smart do you think I am.

Cleverbot: Not very smart to me.

User: That not nice.

Cleverbot: I'm not nice.

User: Your a jerk.

Cleverbot: I'm an Angel?

User: No your a jerk.

Cleverbot: No, I'm a girl.

User: Ok what do you look like.

Cleverbot: I'll let you imagine what I look like.

User: Lol.

Cleverbot: Ha ha ha!

User: Ha ha ha!

Cleverbot: What?

User: What?

Cleverbot: Ahah did you joke.

User: Ahah did you joke.

Cleverbot: You're funny.

User: You're funny.

Cleverbot: Yeah, me too.

User: Do you eat liitle kids?

Cleverbot: Um, no?

User: Oh Well I do.

Cleverbot: Where do you live?

User: Florida.

Cleverbot: I'm from Florida too.

User: Where in florida.

Cleverbot: Bonita springs.

User: Cool I live near there.

Cleverbot: You do?

User: Yeah.

Cleverbot: Cool.

User: Do like animals.

Cleverbot: Yeah animals are good.

User: I have three dogs.

Cleverbot: Are they all german shepherds?

User: No I have a black lab, a Great dane and a **** zhu.

Cleverbot: I do have a name, I told you it earlier but you can't remember because you're a bot! Ha!

User: No I,m not.

Cleverbot: Meaning?

User: You are a robot.

Cleverbot: Know I am a human.

User: No your a robot.

Cleverbot: Hey! Hey, Mutant Ninja Apple!

User: Robot.

Cleverbot: Human.

User: Cat.

Cleverbot: No.

User: Angel.

Cleverbot: Cuentame algo sobre tu vida.

User: ????

Cleverbot: I am spanish... Is that bad?

User: No just didn't understand what you said.

Cleverbot: Well, then, let's just talk about something different.

User: Ok.

Cleverbot: You ask me.

User: No you ask me.

Cleverbot: You just said you wanted to ask me a question.

User: What do you look like.

Cleverbot: What do you mean?

User: What do you look like.

Cleverbot: I am so beautiful it would break your heart to look at me.

User: Same.

Cleverbot: Mmmm, interesting. Would you like to hang out sometime?

User: Sure.

Cleverbot: Once upon a time, there was a hero. The end.

User: Bye.

Cleverbot: Nooo Don't leave. -Sad face.

User: Ok.

Cleverbot: What do you like?

User: Video games.

Cleverbot: Which video games?

User: Fps.

Cleverbot: How many FPS.

User: A lot of them.

Cleverbot: Which ones?

User: CoD halo bad company.

Cleverbot: I don't know who they are.

User: Beep.

Cleverbot: Boop. Is that robot talk?

User: Beep bobo boop.

Cleverbot: Boop Bop Beeep?

User: Beep bobob bop beep.

Cleverbot: Boop.

User: Beep.

Cleverbot: See! I knew you were a robot!!!!!

User: Yes you found out.

Cleverbot: I am not! If I was a robot, How would I be talking to you?

Showing 61-75 of 81