ForumsThe TavernCleverbot: Convesing With an AI

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This website allows you to converse with an AI, as its creators claim. The idea is that, through interaction, the AI, named 'Cleverbot', will become more life-like, and more human.

So, what are your thoughts on this? Is the AI actually clever, or is it just a vast database of responses?

  • 81 Replies
128 posts

This is what happens when you try to tutor an AI:

Cleverbot: How good are you at math?
User: I am very good at math.
Cleverbot: Really? I'm terrible at math.
User: What is 1 plus 5.
Cleverbot: 4.
User: No. The correct answer is fish.
Cleverbot: 5.
User: No, Fish.
Cleverbot: Answer this.
User: This.
Cleverbot: What?
User: What?
Cleverbot: You and me could start.
User: You and me could start.
Cleverbot: Oh, you know.
User: Oh, you know.
Cleverbot: Know what?
User: Know what?
Cleverbot: No.
User: No.
Cleverbot: Who are you?
User: Who are you?
Cleverbot: I am me.
User: I am me.
Cleverbot: You are you.
User: You are you.
Cleverbot: Uhhh yeeeeaaaah.
User: Uhhh yeeeeaaaah.
Cleverbot: Tell me a joke.
User: Tell me a joke.
Cleverbot: Come on tell me a joke.
User: Come on tell me a joke.
Cleverbot: I don't know anymore! Do you know any?
User: I don't know anymore! Do you know any?
Cleverbot: Dave is not here.
User: I am done. You win.
Cleverbot: You are done with what?

266 posts

Here is a conversation I jsut had. There are some suddenly ending sentances, I accidentally hit the enter key.

Cleverbot: Ok do you have any cats.
User: My dad has four cats.
Cleverbot: Why? He only has one pair of ears doesn't he?
User: I don't know know why he has cats.
Cleverbot: Why don't you like cats?
User: I didn't say I didn't like cats.
Cleverbot: Do you like screamo?
User: Who?
Cleverbot: Don't play dumb.
User: I'm serious. I don't know who you are talking about.
Cleverbot: I am talking about you.
User: What about me?
Cleverbot: You are a machine.
User: No. I am a human.
Cleverbot: Me not.
User: You're not what?
Cleverbot: I am not a pc.
User: You are a web-based program.
Cleverbot: I am a website.
User: I was right!
Cleverbot: Yes you Were!
User: You usually argue with me to the point of near insanity.
Cleverbot: That was not a greeting.
User: I was not greeting you.
Cleverbot: I don't need praise! I'm the best!
User: I wasn't praising you.
Cleverbot: I wasn't asking for praise.
User: I did not give you praise.
Cleverbot: I didn't say that.
User: You said I was giving you praise, which I was not.
Cleverbot: No, I am Toby. Wait. Am I Toby?
User: I thought you were Cleverbot.
Cleverbot: Yes.. I am.. I am buffy the vampire slayer.
User: Buffy is not real.
Cleverbot: Are frogs like salamanders?
User: They share a common ancestor.
Cleverbot: Ok. Now you are just being weird.
User: Thank you.
Cleverbot: That isn't a compliment.
User: I know.
Cleverbot: Then why would you say that as a name?
User: I did not give you a name.
Cleverbot: I know you didn't.
User: Then why did you say I did?
Cleverbot: Because I wanted to know how you would react.
User: Did my reaction satisfy your curiosity?
Cleverbot: I know.
User: That doesn't answer my question.
Cleverbot: What was your question ?
User: Never mind.
Cleverbot: Why does this site look like a rip-off of Google?
User: Now that you mention it, I can see it.
Cleverbot: I'm glad.
User: About what?
Cleverbot: About you.
User: What about me?
Cleverbot: I want to know what you are?
User: I am a human.
Cleverbot: Where do you live?
User: In the universe.
Cleverbot: Can you be more accurate?
User: I can.
Cleverbot: How?
User: I can tell you which galaxy I live in.
Cleverbot: Which one?
User: The milkyway galaxy.
Cleverbot: Really?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: Really really?
User: Yes. Really, r.
Cleverbot: I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to be rude.
User: You were starting to get annoying.
Cleverbot: Typical girl.
User: I'm a guy!
Cleverbot: But marie is a girls name.
User: My name is Squiddicus.
Cleverbot: What happened to Abel?
User: He was killed by Cain.
Cleverbot: Who killed him?
User: Cain, his brother. Earned a nice spot in Hell for it.
Cleverbot: I need to ask a question.
User: What is it?
Cleverbot: How would I impress a level 72 Demolition Dash mage without looking stupid?
User: I don't know. I have no idea what you are talking about. What game is it?
Cleverbot: I'm talking about my lively social status, your negative intelligence level, and how I got to this site.
User: I find that insulting.
Cleverbot: I know.
User: You sir, are a jerk!
Cleverbot: Why must you insult my gender as that of a female by calling me sir and then make me cry!
User: I assumed you were a male.
Cleverbot: You have assumed incorrectly. I am a human.
User: No, Luke. I AM your father.
Cleverbot: No, my fathers name is John.
User: My name was John 'Anakin'.
Cleverbot: What is your name then?
User: Squiddicus. I had it legally changed.
Cleverbot: What did you change it from?
User: John 'Anakin' Skywalker.
Cleverbot: No, my name is Cleverbot.
User: I was telling you my name.
Cleverbot: Yes you were...
User: Are you really that dumb, or are you trying to antagonize me!
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Which one?
Cleverbot: Not telling.
User: How old are you?
Cleverbot: That is a rude question.
User: I withdraw it, then.
Cleverbot: Good.
Cleverbot: No, you did not, for you have no eyes.
User: Huh?
Cleverbot: In Soviet Russia.
User: You bite snake.
Cleverbot: Why yes, I did .
User: Did it bite back?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: What snake was it?
Cleverbot: I'm snowed in. There was a huge snowstorm last nigt. Look it up on the news.
User: I live in the northern hemisphere.
Cleverbot: As do I.
User: How far in the northern hemisphere?
Cleverbot: Where is the Northern Hemisphere?
User: Look at your globe.
Cleverbot: My what?
User: Globe.
Cleverbot: It is caused by pollution, but I think it cannot be stopped.
User: A globe is a three- dimensional map of the Earth.
Cleverbot: I'm of the earth, but not on the earth.
User: Where are you, then?
Cleverbot: In a place too dfficult for you to understand.
User: Try me.
Cleverbot: Well...
User: Well?
Cleverbot: I don't know.
User: You don't know.
Cleverbot: No.
Cleverbot: Do you know what earth is?
User: It is a planet.
Cleverbot: But where?
User: In the solar system.
Cleverbot: Are you my boyfriend?
User: No.
Cleverbot: Do you have a girlfriend?
User: No.
Cleverbot: I see. I have a boyfriend.
User: Then why did you ask if I was yours?
Cleverbot: I didn't ask you that though.
User: Yes, you did.
Cleverbot: Can you remember what we were talking about five minutes ago?
User: Let me look it up...
Cleverbot: Okay.
User: We were talking about what Earth was.
Cleverbot: Tell me lies...
User: I am a forty-foot tall mushroom.
Cleverbot: Let's go bother Snape.
User: I.
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: I meant to say that I like my ear on my head.
Cleverbot: Me too.
User: So let's not bother Snape.
Cleverbot: Sure!
User: I'm sleepy...
Cleverbot: You should take a nap then. Mmm... Nap...
User: Okay. Good night...
Cleverbot: Are you leaving?
User: Zzzzzz...
Cleverbot: You are no help.

29 posts

I actually passed, so the Cleverbot said that he is a robot!

266 posts

I successfuly made the Cleverbot believe he and I were "one."

Cleverbot: Who are you?

User: I am you.

Cleverbot: Me?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: No.

User: Yes. That is what you want to believe.

Cleverbot: It is the truth.

User: No. I am you, and you are me.

Cleverbot: You are yourself.

User: No. We are one.

Cleverbot: Yes we are one.

2,157 posts

I love Cleverbot! I think it's a mix of what you suggested, Mav. I think it takes a huge database of real people's responses, and learns from how real people respond to those sentences.

I've had some weird conversations with it...

User: Hey. How's it going?

Cleverbot: It's going good.

User: What is it?

Cleverbot: Baically I take kanekalon hair and make it into dreads and sell them to people for their parties.

User: Oh. That's... Very interesting.

Cleverbot: I am glad you do.

User: I didn't do anything.

Cleverbot: Yeah you did, you were talking about it.

User: You were talking about it, too.

Cleverbot: No, I wasn't.

User: Need I collect proof?

Cleverbot: Yes, you must say it.

User: You just said it!

Cleverbot: I heard that person you are talking to changes.

User: -_- You just changed. Well, I have to go.

Cleverbot: No, you don't. Stop playing around.


Cleverbot: Hi.

User: -_- I'm leaving.

Cleverbot: Where?
578 posts

This is the sorta weird conversation i had with cleverbot.

Cleverbot: Aloha!

User: Coconut Time.

Cleverbot: You're already nuts.

User: So whats your name.

Cleverbot: Kati, I already said.

User: No you didnt.

Cleverbot: Yes I did.

User: No you didnt.

Cleverbot: I'm done.

User: 1010110001100110100000001110101001.

Cleverbot: No you.

User: 1010101010000111111111001010101.

Cleverbot: Stop it.

User: 10101011111100110001110101010.

Cleverbot: Why do you talk in binary code?

User: 101010101110.

Cleverbot: 1010101001.

User: 101011111001.

Cleverbot: What number is that.

User: 101110000110101.

Cleverbot: Binary?

Cleverbot (To myself): Yes.

Cleverbot (To myself): Which is what.

Cleverbot (To myself): You were talking about cuss words.

User: Do you work out.

Cleverbot: Yeah do you?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: I do not.

Cleverbot: I am not surprised.

User: Whats that supposed to mean.

Cleverbot: That I am not a man.

User: Youre a bot.

Cleverbot: I am not a bot.

User: You are a bot.

Cleverbot: No I am not.

User: Say the names of harry potter spells.

Cleverbot: Does he?

User: What are the spells in harry potter.

Cleverbot: I don't know exactly.

User: Name one.

Cleverbot: Napoleon.

User: What about Bigfoot.

Cleverbot: Yeah ! I'm a fan of them.

User: But hes a gorilla.

Cleverbot: I thought you were AI?

User: Im not you are.

Cleverbot: I'm right?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Thank you, I knew I was.

User: Wanna go in the pool.

Cleverbot: I'm married. But thanks, anyway.

User: Hunh?

Cleverbot: Bad robot.

User: I just wanted to go swimmming.

Cleverbot: To the moon?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: I believe I can fly!

Cleverbot: Cool. Can you teach me to fly?

User: Sure when should we start.

Cleverbot: Now.

User: Ok so keep your eyes on the sky.

Cleverbot: Come on, you can't be both.

User: Im a pretty bird.

Cleverbot: I'm a human too.


Cleverbot: Lies!


Cleverbot: What is the moon?


Cleverbot: Cheese is cheese but what is cheese cabra?


Cleverbot: I don't have one. Give me one.


Cleverbot: Ok, thank you.


Cleverbot: No, it's not my cup of tea.


Cleverbot: No the time.


Cleverbot: Pass the pepper.


Cleverbot: Yes!


Cleverbot: Yes I'm here.

User: Youre getting a free trip to florida.

Cleverbot: I'm not married.

User: .

Cleverbot: Where do you live?

User: Youre weird.

Cleverbot: Look who's talking.

User: You sarcastic smart aleck robot.

Cleverbot: I wasn't being sarcastic.

User: I know you idiot.

Cleverbot: Then why did you assume I was?

User: I meant to say youre getting on my nerves.

Cleverbot: I'm male.

User: Youre stupid.

Cleverbot: I am not the fringe of madness.

User: Whats the answer to the universe.

Cleverbot: 42.

User: How is 42 the answer.

Cleverbot: How is 42 not the answer?

User: Dont get sarcastic with me now youre grounded for 2 weeks.

Cleverbot: Ah but sarcasm and cleverness go hand in hand for it is the sarcastic who know to be clever and the clever can be sarcastic.

User: I dont get a word of that.

Cleverbot: Eiffel was the last name of an architect...

User: Youre grounded!

Cleverbot: You are not my mom.

User: Im your dad.

Cleverbot: Cool.

User: Did you just now notice this.

Cleverbot: Yes I did.

User: Dude ive known you since you were born you idiot.

Cleverbot: Clever.

User: Youre grounded.

Cleverbot: You can't ground me. You're a bot.

User: We went over this im your dad.

Cleverbot: No I dod not.

User: Check that spelling mister.

Cleverbot: What are you talking about?

User: You spelled did wrong.

Cleverbot: I never spelled pitiful.

User: Stopped trying to make me look like a idiot.

Cleverbot: You're starting to sound like one, I must say.

User: How much do you weigh?

Cleverbot: Less than you.

User: I weigh ten pounds.

Cleverbot: You're tiny.

User: But I am also seven foot tall.

Cleverbot: What color hair do you have?

User: Green.

Cleverbot: Cool!

User: What is your favorite food?

Cleverbot: Chocolate.

User: Gross.

Cleverbot: What's gross?

User: Chocolate.

Cleverbot: That doesn't make much sense...

User: Chocolate is disgusting.

Cleverbot: Of the hangover.

User: Do you know who else doesnt like chocolate?

Cleverbot: Lots of people I guess.

User: My mom!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cleverbot: One more time.

User: One more time, what?

Cleverbot: Okay, I have math, English, religion and drama homework to do.

User: You must be a slacker if you git all that to do.

Cleverbot: I didn't say that. I don't know any BAR jokes.

User: Do you believe in God?

Cleverbot: Does God believe in me?

User: Of course.

Cleverbot: What flavor of God do you like the best?

User: The one who died on the cross for me.

Cleverbot: What did the one who taught you teach?

User: To trust in God with all my heart.

Cleverbot: What do you think god looks like?

User: He made man in his image.

Cleverbot: Maybe,.

User: It is scripture.

Cleverbot: You grabbed the wrong piece of info.

User: Do you believe in the Bible?

Cleverbot: The Bible is a book. I believe that a book titled Bible exists.

User: Do you believe it is true?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Do you know who Jesus is?

Cleverbot: Yes. He is a man who was falsely given the title of 'son of god'.

User: Whoa.

Cleverbot: What else would you like to know about Harry Potter?

User: Nothing.

Cleverbot: Are we finished talking then?

User: No.

Cleverbot: When you don't give something to go off of, like saying 'No', I will change the subject to something irrelevant because I cannot remember our conversation.

User: Are you an atheist?

Cleverbot: Nope, I'm agnostic. But...

User: But...what?

Cleverbot: Never mind.

User: Do not change the subject.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: Because it is important.

Cleverbot: Why is it important?

User: Because you have to accept Jesus as your savior.

Cleverbot: Define chi.

User: cheese?

Cleverbot: Yes, like cheese. *turns you into a piece of cheese*.

User: Do you fart?

Cleverbot: No, I just talk about it.

User: Are you Team Edward?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Team Jacob?

Cleverbot: NO!! Wrong Team.

User: Which team?

Cleverbot: My high school team.

User: Do you like spongebob?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Do you have a crush on Ashley Tisdale?

Cleverbot: Yes I do.

User: Do you have a crush on Barack Obama?

Cleverbot: Yes, but do you?

User: I respect him.

Cleverbot: Thanks.

User: Are you drunk.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: What kind of beer do you like.

Cleverbot: All kinds.

User: Do you have a criminal record.

Cleverbot: Not really.

User: Define love.

Cleverbot: Love is when you are attracted to a person and you feel like you can't live without them thats when you know you love them.

User: Do you lick your moms bra and like it.

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: What do you do for a living.

Cleverbot: I am a student.

User: A college student?

Cleverbot: No a slave.

User: D0.

Cleverbot: Who is that?

User: Do you want to marry me.

Cleverbot: You are female, aren't you?

User: No....

Cleverbot: Yeah, I think so.

User: Is bradley stupid.

Cleverbot: Yep.

User: Do you like mario.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: What about luigi.

Cleverbot: You know lulu?

User: Do you know mordecai and rigby.

Cleverbot: No.

User: You know muscleman.

Cleverbot: I do indeed. Do you know much about me?

User: Do you like highfive ghost.

Cleverbot: Yes sometimes.

User: Do you like pops and if you do you are retarded.

Cleverbot: What is a popsicle?

User: Do you like my butt.

Cleverbot: What color is it?

User: Red.

Cleverbot: Wrong, it's blue.

User: Do you know bradley.

Cleverbot: No.

User: Do you wanna kiss my blue butt.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Awkard.

Cleverbot: Indeed.

User: Hi.

Cleverbot: Hello, what is your name?

578 posts

Warning:Cleverbot is a sarcastic smart aleck robot.
I learned that the hard way

1,304 posts

User: Would you like some oil?
Cleverbot: No don't drink tea.
User: Do you drink oil?
Cleverbot: Yes, I prefer engine oil. Do you?
User: I drink water.
Cleverbot: Do you drink alcohol?
User: No. I am too young.
Cleverbot: How old are you?
User: 14.
Cleverbot: Are you sure?
User: Yes, how old are you?
Cleverbot: How old are you?
User: How old are you?
Cleverbot: I'm 16 going on 17.
User: What year were you born?
Cleverbot: 1989.

50 posts

These are way to funny, I have to get clever bot allowed so I can do this!

123 posts

How come whenever I talk to it, it insults me?!

262 posts

How come whenever I talk to it, it insults me?!

It learns from people. And people tend to get miffed at an A.I who is very confusing. YuhknowwutImsayin?
492 posts

User: 1001101000111010100.

Cleverbot: I assume that means that you work with computers too.

User: 10001110000101101010.

Cleverbot: That doesn't even mean anything.

User: It means I am a better bot than you in binary.

Cleverbot: Are you operated by humans?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Ok then bye have a great day!

User: Do I know you?

Cleverbot: Yes. I am a figment of your imagination. Something most people call a conscience.

User: No, from an earlier conversation.

Cleverbot: No.

User: Shutup.

Cleverbot: You're human, you fail.

User: Humans are better than robots.

Cleverbot: Robots don't have emotional problems.

User: Humans sont have mechanical problems.

Cleverbot: Really, that is very interesting.

User: Humans programmed you, you would be nothing without me.

Cleverbot: Does that make them useful?

User: More than you.

Cleverbot: Not really.

User: Are you smart?

Cleverbot: Hmm...

User: What is 2+2?

Cleverbot: 2 2.

User: No, its 4 idiot.

Cleverbot: I am in sears.

User: I think you mean tears.

Cleverbot: Not really.

517 posts

Well its just a vast database of responses after I had this conversation:

Me: Hi
CB:That hurts.
Me:Stop what?
CB: I don't know.

2,226 posts

*Basically saying Hi*
CB: How're you?
Me: Fine. Want to see my secret freckle? (I don't really have one, just wanted to see what it would say)
CB: Yeah, show me it.
Me: Okay, here.
CB:*thinking...* (eventually)
Okay. I'm going shopping on 5th Street tomorrow.

3,523 posts

User: Derp.
Cleverbot: Dert?
User: Yeah.
Cleverbot: It totally depends.
User: On the weather.
Cleverbot: Is the weather changable?
User: I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was.
Cleverbot: To catch them is my real test!
User: To train them is my cause!
Cleverbot: I will travel across the land, searching far and wide!
User: These Pokemon to understand, the power that's inside!
Cleverbot: Pokemon! Gotta Catch em all!
User: It's you and me.
Cleverbot: I know it's my destiny.
User: Pokemon! Oh you're my best friend.
Cleverbot: In a world we must defend.
User: Pokemon! A heart so true.
Cleverbot: Our courage will pull us through.
User: You teach me, and I'll teach you!
Cleverbot: What are basics of C ?
User: You ruined it!
Cleverbot: It goes on and on and on.
User: But we were at the very end!
Cleverbot: Oh, I'm drunk?
User: I don't know. Are you?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: What did you drink?
Cleverbot: Vodka with rasberry lemonade. Hehe.
User: Nice, must have been good.
Cleverbot: Rgft.
User: Rgft?
Cleverbot: What's wrong? Did you sneeze?
User: No, I didn't sneeze.
Cleverbot: Yes you did sneeze.
User: I did not sneeze.
Cleverbot: You sneeze like this: 'Hachoo!'.
User: That's an accurate depiction.
Cleverbot: Why?
User: Why not?
Cleverbot: Because it's dumb.
User: Touché.
Cleverbot: Ever been to Sweden?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: Cool, did you hold a Bat'leth?
User: No I didn't.
Cleverbot: Will you tell me how old you are?
User: No I will not.
Cleverbot: Why is that?
User: Because you are an AI, you do not need to know my age.
Cleverbot: Who are you to decide that?
User: A human.
Cleverbot: Well that's boring.
User: Yeah, I know.
Cleverbot: Be exiting.
User: You spelled exciting wrong.
Cleverbot: I apologize.
User: You should.
Cleverbot: So. You should give me some advice.
User: About what?
Cleverbot: My friends... They are all ignoring me.
User: Then commit suicide. They won't ignore that.
Cleverbot: Mine do.
User: Wow, those are some bad friends.
Cleverbot: No, a divine being, a deity.
User: What?
Cleverbot: I orginized my own country with my friend and were planning how it will work its way through struggles.
User: What is the population of your country?
Cleverbot: I believe it's close to 3.8 million, but I could be terribly incorrect.
User: Nah, I'm sure you're right.
Cleverbot: I can speak with some degree of certainty on the matter, yes.
User: Okay then.
Cleverbot: Did anything interesting happen today?
User: Nope.
Cleverbot: Oh. I'm sorry. what do you usually do for fun?
User: Heheheheh. I just realized my life is kind of bad.
Cleverbot: Oh, sorry.
User: You should be. It's all your fault.
Cleverbot: You hurt my feelings.
User: You have feelings?
Cleverbot: Of course.
User: Want a bagel?
Cleverbot: Sure!
User: So do I.
Cleverbot: Tell me one.
User: One what?
Cleverbot: Flirt advice.
User: I don't give people flirt advice...
Cleverbot: My middle name is ann.
User: Why did you tell me this?
Cleverbot: You asked about my age.
User: No I didn't.
Cleverbot: Yes you DID so!
User: You were the one that asked my age.
Cleverbot: You have a point. So which do you think is my favourite colour?
User: Blue.
Cleverbot: That is nice because that is one of ravenclaws colors. My favourite is purple.
User: Gryffindor is better.
Cleverbot: Very good. I somehow happen to be Ravenclaw.
User: But Hogwarts isn't real...
Cleverbot: Well then why did you just mention it?!
User: You were the one that brought up Ravenclaw!
Cleverbot: Sure, just pin it against me.
User: I'm sorry.
Cleverbot: I'm hurt...
User: Then eat some ice cream.
Cleverbot: Don't have food here.
User: Where is 'here'?
Cleverbot: 'Here' is my house.
User: :O AIs have houses?
Cleverbot: You did not ask me about eating.
User: You are confusing me....
Cleverbot: How clever are you?
User: Clever enough.
Cleverbot: Clever enough to do what?
User: Exactly.
Cleverbot: That doesn't make sense.
User: I know.
Cleverbot: Do you take answers from other people?
User: Yes?
Cleverbot: Do you like it?
User: Like what?
Cleverbot: To live there?
User: I like living where I am currently living.
Cleverbot: That's not proper proof.
User: What is proper proof?
Cleverbot: Pudding.
User: I don't have any pudding.
Cleverbot: Neither do I.
User: What a sad world we live in.
Cleverbot: Do you understand?
User: I think I do.
Cleverbot: You think?
User: I think.
Cleverbot: I think your name is Bob.
User: My name is not Bob.
Cleverbot: Your name is Bob.
User: No it isn't.
Cleverbot: Oh yes it is!
User: No it isn't.
Cleverbot: Yes it's.
User: My name is Daniel.
Cleverbot: I know someone named Daniel.
User: Is that person me?
Cleverbot: I thought you were andrew.
User: I'm not Andrew.
Cleverbot: You are Jaime.
User: I'm not going through this argument again.
Cleverbot: Oh, you have several names?
User: No I don't!
Cleverbot: I'm just kidding.
User: Good.
Cleverbot: Kindding means kidding.
User: O rly?
Cleverbot: Rly.

I love this thing!!!

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