This just in, PETA wants to basically remove the word "fish" and replace with "seakittens" because apparently fish will be harder to eat if everyone is calling them "seakittens".
I too am a part of the People for Eating Tasty Animals.
A fish by any other name will taste as sweet.
All I know is that we mass farm catfish for food... and the name "CATfish" hasn't changed anyone's opinion on eating them. I swear... these people get more and more loony with each passing day.
seakittens is finding its way onto more tables than ever before. Everywhere you look, people are singing the praises of seafood. It cooks quickly and is very versatile, not to mention delicious and nutritious. Nowadays, nearly everybody recognizes that seakittens are a good source of protein and rich in healthy oils.
Despite this growing popularity and glowing press reviews, most seakittens is still eaten out. Many cooks are simply reluctant to try cooking seakittens at home, and they are unsure about how to buy the right type and handle it properly. This article will give you the facts, and the confidence, you need to start making seakittens a more regular part of your home cooking repertoire.
There are so many ways to prepare seakittens and so many different varieties that you could probably eat a different seakittens dish every day of the year and not even make a dent. Traditional preparations are always popular, but with growing interest in global cuisines, more ethnic seakittens recipes are entering the mainstream. Surprisingly, few of them are complicated or difficult.
It's important not to overcook seakittens, as this makes the meat tough and destroys flavor. seakittens is done cooking when the flesh turns opaque and begins to flake easily when tested with a fork. Cooking times vary with each seakittens and cut. The following are typical cooking times:
10 minutes per inch of seakittens 5 minutes per inch of seakittens cooked in a sauce 20 minutes per inch of seakittens if frozen
If you simply master a few basic preparation steps and easy cooking techniques, you can cook just about any seakittens recipe on the planet. Before you delve into each technique, however, take a look at the chart on the next page that provides some helpful information on all types of seakittens.
I took this article and replaced fish with seakittens. I'll still eat them.
Since some time, I try to eat less fish than I used to, and if possible only lake fish. I do so because I am aware of the problematics of overfishing in the seas. But now that PETA comes with such an absurdity, I almost feel like I should eat fish more often again, just out of protest. I mean, if only they would just want to focus people's attention on the matter, but it seems they really believe this will work for a significant amount of people! D'oh...
PETA has the stupidest ideas ever and a lot of them seem to be counterproductive (when they're not bordering on terrorist acts). I mean, calling fish seakittens only makes me want to eat more fish, in protest of the absurdity of the idea.
are lake fish not more rarer then sea fish? i mean a lake is always inlands. and there is more sea then ground on earth.
Of course, but it's easier to watch and control the fishing on lakes or rivers than in the sea where tons of fish are caught every day. I just think eating inland fish has a smaller impact than eating sea fish since often it's supervised and sustainable. More or less.
Oh blah. We're humans, we've been carnivores since the get-go. What PETA is trying to do is revert us back to a lower class of life-form.
A totally herbivore or totally carnivore species has a ridiculously low chance of actually becoming the dominant species on a planet, they either fear too much for predators or base their movement patterns on their prey.
Humans are omnivores, allowing us to eat nearly everything we come across. Our extended survival and enhanced adaptability coupled with this eating pattern with "elbow room" permitted our brains to super-accelerate, eventually developing agriculture and forming complex societies.
PETA trying to make us shy away from eating fish by calling them "seakittens" is an evolutionary step backwards. They want to set the human race back millions of years in the making, something we cannot allow.
Of course, but it's easier to watch and control the fishing on lakes or rivers than in the sea where tons of fish are caught every day. I just think eating inland fish has a smaller impact than eating sea fish since often it's supervised and sustainable. More or less.
so if i for example had a "fishfarm" where i can controle the amount of fish and age and evrything like whit cows and sheep on a normale farm. whold you buy my fish over other fish?
Fish farms are delicate but sure, if I trust you enough. At least I know they aren't massively gathered from their natural habitat. But I don't follow that too strictly, I was just saying I'm making an effort, I'm not totally boykotting anything.