Hi. This topic is about the so-called "Big Bang", aka the explosion that created the universe.
What do you think about it?
I'm undecided. I don't know what is the most correct: Isn't logical to think that a big "KABOOM" created the universe and all it's features, but I really don't have a clear opinion about it...
The Big Bang expanded at a very fast rate but there is information suggesting that the Universe is expanding at a faster rate than when it first began to 14 billion years ago, is this correct? And also, that right now it is expanding at a faster rate than the speed of light, whereas in the Universe itself the maximum speed is of course the speed of light.
Yes that's correct. It's believed to be the result of Dark Energy.
Yes that's correct. It's believed to be the result of Dark Energy.
I'm beginning to remember how what I've learnt ties together. That helps. :P
Are there any detailed hypothesis' as to how the physics of Dark Energy works though? I don't think there would be, given that this is the thing that supposedly increases the rate of expansion of something that came from a singularity... It's mind-boggling to think about what the Universe expanded into as well :/
Which could be answered with "nothing" but the case is that from what we know, everything we do know is in this Universe in one form or another, and as such growing into nothing is... just.... I'm too tired to think more about this xD Thanks for the reply MGW, what's your take on what Dark Energy / Matter is to finish this off?