ForumsWEPRBig bang?

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Hi. This topic is about the so-called "Big Bang", aka the explosion that created the universe.

What do you think about it?

I'm undecided. I don't know what is the most correct: Isn't logical to think that a big "KABOOM" created the universe and all it's features, but I really don't have a clear opinion about it...

  • 63 Replies
9,504 posts

Red Dwarf fallacy, Roger. This thread is here for one thing only, and that is to discuss/debunk/prove the Big Bang theory and all its strengths and weaknesses. You can say that "knowing where we came from" wouldn't make us better, but you don't know that. But on proving/disproving the theory, it's not relevant by any means.

3,025 posts

You will find tons of studies/experiments if you use google scholar but unfortunately most of those scientific papers cost money. If you're really interested you could go to a good (university) library. But here's an article for you: Observation of quantum fluctuation in nano Sr2RuO4. I didn't really read it because I'm too tired now. But let me know if it answers your question

I'll get back to you ASAP, although right now I am very tired, getting prepared for bed BUT I will be able to reply tomorrow (as in later today... It's 3:50AM where I live :P ), thank you for this grimml, I'm a very happy bunny ^^

Heisenberg's principle implies, for example, that the very space around us is seething with subatomic particles, popping in and out of empty space. During their fleeting existence, these "vacuum particles" interact with each other, and turn the supposedly dull vacuum of space into the quantum vacuum - which astronomers now know is anything but dull. Observations suggest the expansion of the entire cosmos is being propelled by quantum vacuum energy, in the form of enigmatic "dark energy".

Whilst I'll be able to read this in its entirety as well I would also like to ask, for just a quick moment if it doesn't bother you, is this backed up in the article as well?

No, I didn't looked at all Avorne's links. I ain't Gandhi for having such patience.

Understandable, but in some cases maybe not acceptable, given how it could answer questions you may soon ask

Although I should confess that I haven't ventured around these topics too far either, although using what grimml has provided I may be able to grappel myself and create a learning loop (Any of you guys looked up a word on Wikipedia that had another long word, so you looked up that, and that had another long word? Same thing here xD ) of which could help immensely.

The point of Human Curiousity means: it's useless.

How so?

You could say the same for my previous example, humor. And furthermore entertainment.

And furthermore why we're alive. Whom's to say we were made with purpose? Instead of dwelling on these issues like so I'd rather have purpose of my own choosing, it's freedom and its individuality (if that is indeed a word).

Knowing where we came from wouldn't make us better... on any means...

He makes us better on the intelligence bar, and it could bring us to the realization that X theory is no longer applicable (I am also including religion as X). It's the best form of progress because it's actual progress, not earning 5k Gold on World of Warcraft because you knew where to farm mobs xD

- H
1,100 posts

Red Dwarf fallacy

Huh? *confusely uh... confuse*

He makes us better on the intelligence bar, and it could bring us to the realization that X theory is no longer applicable (I am also including religion as X). It's the best form of progress because it's actual progress, not earning 5k Gold on World of Warcraft because you knew where to farm mobs xD

Well, always will have those people that say "I don't care" and those wouldn't uh... care if we discovered the Universe's origins. Relizing that I change my opinion: a improvement would happen with people that think that matters. People like the ones said above would live their lives normally (and, speaking really, everyone would keep living their lives as they're used to.). Is a progress, yeah (*realizes as types*): maybe after finishing that research humanity focus on another researching are and discover something new :P

You can say that "knowing where we came from" wouldn't make us better, but you don't know that

That was hard to found a reason that would make better. On the normal life of day-after-day acts, no SIGNIFICANT changes would occur. Unless that person were a religion aficionado
9,462 posts

The point of Human Curiousity means: it's useless. Knowing where we came from wouldn't make us better... on any means...

One of the uses of the Big Bang is that it gives us models of the ultimate fate of the universe.
38 posts

Roger explain to Us ( everyone on the forums) how not knowing where humans came from wouldn't better us? To me you just sound like a scared christian not wanting to accept the fact that science shows the facts and religion is all just myth.

1,100 posts

Roger explain to Us ( everyone on the forums) how not knowing where humans came from wouldn't better us? To me you just sound like a scared christian not wanting to accept the fact that science shows the facts and religion is all just myth.

I already told everyone that, reconsidering, it would make us better. But always will have some people that would not care.

As humanity at large, we would be better, but as individual persons, nothing will happen. We would continue to wake up early, go to work, sleep and do all over again.

I ain't a scared christian. Check the other pages. I already argumented on that. Science shows facts, yes. But I didn't saw the facts (and neither have the urge to look them) and, for me, whatever if it was abiogenesis, creationism or anything.
38 posts

If you have seen all the facts then why would you say you don't have the urge to look at them.

1,100 posts

That's the point: I didn't saw all the facts. And I'm too busy for looking at them right now.

9,462 posts

That's the point: I didn't saw all the facts. And I'm too busy for looking at them right now.

Then why would you post claims and form opinions of something you don't understand nor wish to learn about?
1,100 posts

Then why would you post claims and form opinions of something you don't understand nor wish to learn about?


I formed my opinion based on my qualification as a human being. And I didn't said I didn't wanted to learn about it. I just said I'm too busy and not on my mood.
3,025 posts

I formed my opinion based on my qualification as a human being.

Being born is the only requirement, and from what I remember that's pretty involuntary.

Simply put, being human only gives you human rights, nothing more. You are of course free to express your opinion, but we are also allowed to contradict it for whatever reason.

I just said I'm too busy and not on my mood.

When you have time I think it would be better than talking about it on this thread, being as it would improve the quality of your intelligence (I don't mean that in an insulting manner), and as such will make your time on this thread worth more.

- H
1,100 posts

You are of course free to express your opinion, but we are also allowed to contradict it for whatever reason.

Yeah, sure. This is a forum: that it's why it is here, right?

When you have time I think it would be better than talking about it on this thread, being as it would improve the quality of your intelligence (I don't mean that in an insulting manner), and as such will make your time on this thread worth more.

I'm a little tired to research right now. I believe that is better discuss when you know right what you're talking about (I ain't saying that I don't know a thing about it. I'm just saying that studying about it would make this discussion "richer".).
3,025 posts

Yeah, sure. This is a forum: that it's why it is here, right?


(I ain't saying that I don't know a thing about it. I'm just saying that studying about it would make this discussion "richer".).

My point exactly, just chillax and come back when you're ready - this is public, of course, so if discussion is wanted about the Big Bang it will crop up.

Have fun man!

- H
9,462 posts

My point exactly, just chillax and come back when you're ready - this is public, of course, so if discussion is wanted about the Big Bang it will crop up.

There is also plenty of time to learn as well. Very rarely does a topic get deleted and if it does get deleted/locked you are free to make a new one.
3,025 posts

There is also plenty of time to learn as well. Very rarely does a topic get deleted and if it does get deleted/locked you are free to make a new one.

Definitely, sadly I have been unable to read what grimml has offered although I'm in a different situation tomorrow so I will spend my time doing that, I don't think this thread will die any time soon

At which point I will be consumed by watching Dexter. That's what the reviews tell me, anyway xD

Off-topic, but not too much has came up at the moment, something will, hopefully.

I'll throw something out there that I've heard, just to keep it on-track... a little.
The Big Bang expanded at a very fast rate but there is information suggesting that the Universe is expanding at a faster rate than when it first began to 14 billion years ago, is this correct?
And also, that right now it is expanding at a faster rate than the speed of light, whereas in the Universe itself the maximum speed is of course the speed of light.

I don't think these can be explained in detail as of yet although observations could show whether or not this is happening - otherwise I would not have heard of it. :P

- H
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