ForumsWEPRBig bang?

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Hi. This topic is about the so-called "Big Bang", aka the explosion that created the universe.

What do you think about it?

I'm undecided. I don't know what is the most correct: Isn't logical to think that a big "KABOOM" created the universe and all it's features, but I really don't have a clear opinion about it...

  • 63 Replies
8,257 posts

I believe in the Big Bang 2. The reason Big Bang happened, to my opinion, is God, and no other. Becuase there is no other reason to explain the Big Bang, right?

What do you mean by 'no other reason'? Of course you can believe that god released it. But you could also do research and try to scientifically find it out. Why would the first thing be the only one that makes sense?

Why science and religion don't stick together and find an aswer to the world's most important question?: Where we came from?

Religions already gave their opinion on that, that turned into a dogma. Science is working on finding clues and evidence on how it happened. I don't see how both could 'stick together'. As soon as science finds out something, religions will have to decide whether they adapt to the new evidence and break their dogma, or if they stay on their opinion and deny the evidence. Unless we find evidence that a godly being released it, we cannot hope for a constructive association of both.

I guess that newer, 21st century scientists are too lazy. Proof and evidence does not look true and research is minimal. If science want to show its theories, it need more researching.

There is research done. Constantly. If you think scientists are lazy, you are wrong. Just saying^^


If you don't want to read and learn about what you talk about, shouldn't you stop talking about it? How can this thread ever lead to somewhere if you won't accept that maybe you don't know everything about it?
1,100 posts


Alright science aficionados (I'm not a religion aficionado, I'm average).

As my opinion is useless, consider me as a simple OP. The thread is for general discussion, not theory presenting or defying.

Then don't come up with your own theories about things you don't understand.

I ain't defying any theories. The science is good. My theory is on the middle of everything . I'm just showing my point of view.

As I said three times: I am NOT a scientist. If I were, then I could present a theory.

If there are research, fine. Needs more publicity, then.

The only fact that matters is: We exist and that's it. The hunger for knowledge make everyone to look like House. Let the world exist as Big Bang or religion-created. What is the point to know about it?
1,100 posts

Sorry for DP, but...

If you don't want to read and learn about what you talk about, shouldn't you stop talking about it? How can this thread ever lead to somewhere if you won't accept that maybe you don't know everything about it?

Hey! I never said I knew about everything. I just think that:

The beginning and the end of the world are both unclear. Let time go by and maybe an answer reach humanity.
8,257 posts

Ok, ok. You stated your opinion, we corrected a few things and maybe things went a bit overboard.. I'm kinda confused about what your reason was to open the thread if you just want time to tell us, but I guess it's just to discuss.
So I have a question about your theory.. you stated that god maybe created the big bang, as a sort of help. So you don't believe in an all-powerful god?
Then, I'd like to know if you could imagine that everything that came after the big bang, was in fact not steered by a higher will. Respectively, what is your reason to believe that it was.

1,100 posts

Uh... I guess I didn't explained it properly.

My theory was that God created the universe by using the Bug Bang (not as a help, but as a tool.). Evolution DO exists, but not as a creating source to the living beings. God maybe created the "Evolution" factor so that the Universe could grow, evolute and/or live freely.

Long theory short: God created the Universe, including the early living beings and Evolution factor. Then the living beings evoluted until today. The only loophole is the Human part of the living beings. I can't imagine Evolution fitting on the Humanity creation.

About the previous posts. I posted by impulse. I was getting a little bit confuse on that Science vs Religion clash. The only things I've posted was the last two posts.

The beginning and the end of the world are both unclear. Let time go by and maybe an answer reach humanity.
1,100 posts

Sorry for the double-DP. Just Fixing:

The only things I've posted with a clear, non-confused mind were the last two posts. I mean, the ending of the first and the second.

9,504 posts

What's so wrong with human evolution compared with other species? It's not like we are any different or were created outside the evolutionary boundaries.

8,257 posts

You'll understand my confusion, you did say:

Creating the Universe piece by piece would be very time-consuming, even for Him.

That doesn't sound really all-mighty. But if that was impulsive, so be it..

Further confusion that need to be cleared: so you believe god made the big bang, controlled the flow of events until the first living beings, then 'instaured' evolution and from then on let it flow freely?

I can't imagine Evolution fitting on the Humanity creation.

Why not? Why shouldn't we be under the influence of the same parameters than every other living being, although we share so many things?
1,100 posts

The fact is that: From what humans evolved, then? The basic "monkey/primate" stuff seems a little bit "too theoretic" for me...

(Also, if anyone have a topic that explain this I would be happy to learn. Maybe there is one on Avorne's post, but I couldn't found it)

1,100 posts

Further confusion that need to be cleared: so you believe god made the big bang, controlled the flow of events until the first living beings, then 'instaured' evolution and from then on let it flow freely?

No. I think that he created the Universe and let it flow freely.

That answer can fit the question: "If God exists why there is war?"

Humanity created war on a Universe that God created and left it to free-use.

All I know by now is that: all these things are making me a little confused...
1,100 posts

Aren't we running into an Off-topic gap?

If anyone have a link that explain the Human Evolution, post it here. I would love to learn and understand it.

But now I got to go. See everybody later.

@HaHiHa Leave your reply here. I'll check it out later

9,504 posts

Hey Roger, I'd rather we continue Evolution discussion in the appropriate thread: We can continue the Big Bang discussion here. Wasn't supposed to be so....conjoined. We should always stick with what the topic calls for, instead of blending the entire thing in. Otherwise, we have fused duplicate topics...

1,100 posts

Yeah. I was feeling that this was going to Off-topic state.

Maybe if you renamed it to a more appropriate name (such as Religion x Science). I tell you so: such topic makes heated discussions.

8,257 posts

Ok, so

God created the Universe, including the early living beings and Evolution factor.
But why do you suppose that god used the big bang as a tool? If he had to, that would mean he isn't really omnipotent; but that doesn't seem to be what you think.
If he just felt like that, then.. well it would, strictly speaking, be an unnecessary assumption, since he could also have created the universe just like that, in a matter of a moment. So we can rule that out using Occams razor.
You would have to show evidence somehow that your god had to use the big bang for some reason or another, or else there is no objective reason to believe your theory.
1,100 posts

Finding an average theory is my best shot. Science needs study to be comprehended. Religion is easier. When the urge to study that area of science pass through my mind I maybe find another theory. But, as world's creation isn't that important, I will stay with that one.

But why do you suppose that god used the big bang as a tool?

Why heat water and mow coffee if a Expresso machine can do that for you?

You would have to show evidence somehow that your god had to use the big bang for some reason or another, or else there is no objective reason to believe your theory.

I wasn't trying to make you believe. I was just showing my opinion to you.

Anyway, I'll quote again the phrase I said before:

The beginning and the end of the world are - and will be for years - both unclear. Let time go by and maybe an answer reach humanity.
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