I'm surprised that the riots have been going for 3 days already and nobody has made a thread about it yet. Then again, I only learnt about it today. London, Birmingham, Liverpool, Croydon are all going up in smoke (to varying degrees), apparently. Reasons are as yet not fully identified but speculation has it that youth unemployment and dissatisfaction with the austerity measures are primary factors.
Anybody got any insights? Especially from the Poms.
No, please stop calling them riots, they aren't. Its a glorified crime spree. It has nothing to do with sticking it to authority, this is a generation of wasters who feel entitled to something.
Many excuse is that they need this because they have no jobs because immigrants stole them, when the simple fact of the matter is that they are unemployable, how will ruining other Brits livelihood help them?
Again, this has literally NO political motivation, the crims spotted an opportunity for violence and greed and they took it. I strongly believe the majority of the crowds on the streets are just annoying gormless onlookers and have no part in the crime.
I'm glad groups like the enfield army are taking this into their own hands, the police are over stretched and people are coming together to defend themselves.
call us Limeys if you wanna be a little offensive
That is sad. Would that really offend people? I can't imagine taking offense to a word like Limey.
Don't take him literally, i think it was said tongue in cheek.
People have the right to go crazy over idiotic mistakes by people who are there to protect us - however it has spread beyond necessity. People are rioting just to riot at this stage. The looting isn't making a difference apart from bankrupting and destroying local businesses.
Although one looter did make the argument that Nick Clegg bought a house with taxpayers money: the public are looting to do the eact same thing as members of parliament who were involved in the expenses scandal.
Although one looter did make the argument that Nick Clegg bought a house with taxpayers money: the public are looting to do the eact same thing as members of parliament who were involved in the expenses scandal.
That's just a lousy excuse IMO. Why would you destroy stuff from hard working people in your neighborhood because of that?
btw, I read that the police in England doesn't use water cannons, tear gas and rubber bullets.
That's just a lousy excuse IMO. Why would you destroy stuff from hard working people in your neighborhood because of that?
I know, that was the point i made before. I mean you have locally owned businesses being wrecked because some people want to make a point. The majority flock to the "free stuff" campaign that it seems to have turned into.
Not to mention it has not spread all over England.
I think some of those kids need a dosage punishment from a good old fashioned B - E - L - T... BELT. I don't think that just because someone is a kid you shouldn't punish them. ...You just shouldn't house them with adults or larger children who would possibly do... things... to them. Make the little limeys pick up trash... send them to boot camp... hit them with a boot. Take what they have and give it to someone else (games and value'd non-family heirloom possessions). Make them rebuild what they destroyed... If they know enough to say "hey... I can't get in trouble... so therefore Imma destroy crap" then they need to be punished anyway. ...but that's just my opinion.
But, if that did happen that may be the solution to general law-lesness with a small group of teens/kids. Even though the rioting has calmed down a fair bit, they should bring in the army or at least the watercannon which would make the rioters scatter from the shops/buildings/cars/other stuff that they are looting or vanadlizing.
Why? The police are far better trained for his, the army aren't, so unless we decide we are actually going to start shooting people the police are much better trained.
Would be useless. They only work to scatter stationary crowds that are refusing to move, these are fast moving, disorganized gangs, not large crowds, all it would do is cause MORE property damage.
The way I see it, once the people are mad, there's really not much you can do besides working toward a compromise. Tell someone they may get what they want, and they'll listen. Of course, someone has to be at fault for the damages, and everyone who damages any property can't get caught...
I'm surprised this is coming from the U.K. It was kinda out of the blue for me. Of course, I don't stay as in touch with international events as I should.
I think you have the wrong idea snowguy, look into it, and look into it well, you will see that this isn't in the least bit political, but simply a facade behind which common criminals can hold a glorified crime spree, they have no morals or reasons, except greed, and I am saddened the people think otherwise.
I hadn't actually heard about this somehow. Seems completely ridiculous to me, the world has gone mad these days, or so it seems. So much pointless stupidity....