I'm surprised that the riots have been going for 3 days already and nobody has made a thread about it yet. Then again, I only learnt about it today. London, Birmingham, Liverpool, Croydon are all going up in smoke (to varying degrees), apparently. Reasons are as yet not fully identified but speculation has it that youth unemployment and dissatisfaction with the austerity measures are primary factors.
Anybody got any insights? Especially from the Poms.
For some reason that link dosen't work. Oh you added a second http:// on that one. An easy fix.
You're right, it's not like a huge reform protest. It started with a few who decided to get back at the government by violently protesting, but then others who joined in saw that as a reason to gather and steal in large groups and do other crimes. Since large mobs doing the stealing, the media labeled it as a riot against the government, but the integral root cause has been lost so now it's just a massive crime spree.
For some reason that link dosen't work. Oh you added a second http:// on that one. An easy fix.
You're right, it's not like a huge reform protest. It started with a few who decided to get back at the government by violently protesting, but then others who joined in saw that as a reason to gather and steal in large groups and do other crimes. Since large mobs doing the stealing, the media labeled it as a riot against the government, but the integral root cause has been lost so now it's just a massive crime spree.
Too true. Really, this isn't much more than large groups of people stealing and looting. Nothing else. The solution is to basically wait, because there's no fuel to this riot, expect it all to blow over in a few weeks. Still, the atrocities committed... Jeez.
LET IT ALL BLOW OVER!!! Hell no! We can't just sit by and watch our communities have their hearts ripped out, people are stopping this and rightly so.
This had no integral root cause, they used a small riot in Tottenham over Mark Duggans death as cover for an enormous crime spree, its been that and nothing more almost from day one.
It won't 'blow over' because if people can get away with stealing, there's nothing to stop them. It's not like a passing fashion trend or something. As long as they're not being stopped, they'll keep going.
Just a question, are there any British AG users? If so, then we could get a better idea of what's going on from both sides.
The solution is to basically wait, because there's no fuel to this riot, expect it all to blow over in a few weeks
I generally agree with that, but in this case, that won't as well as other methods. When you wait, people will take advantage and think that what they are doing is "right" and they tend to continue.
Also, you don't really need "fuel" for a riot to continue, or to start for that matter. Once it starts, people will continue to find excuses and just loot and destroy everything. Just look at what happened in Vancouver for instance. Sure the Canucks lost, but the same thing would have happened even if they had won.
Well, many people will think of all sorts of excuses to riot. It all started when police shot an armed youth in London in the head. From there, it spread over London, then copycats began rioting everywhere.
People try justifying it on the news, rioters them selves, with excuses such as ''cos of government cuts' or 'to teach corrupt police a lesson'
It's really just a bunch of chavs finding it as a way to copy the ones in London, and loot stores to get free stuff, doesn't serve no real purpose. Some are even taking it too far and turning on their own, attacking firemen too. One random man was killed for attempting to put out a fire, it's just sad.
I doubt it'll start anywhere else. Things are already starting to calm down over here. Probably cos of the thousands of police patrolling the streets. But I've got a feeling it may start again soon, you never know.
I live in England and I think know why people are rioting.
First, a man in Tottenham was stopped by the police and searched, but nothing was found. Somehow it ended up in the policeman shooting and killing the searched man.
Now alot of people have been quite angry recently about the tory government's cuts and something like this is just the excuse that everybody needed to use as an excuse and just blow.
Now it is just mostly criminal gangs taking advantage of the violence to steal things from shops.
I have seen images of buildings being completely burnt to the ground.fficial&biw=1440&bih=766&tbm=isch&tbnid=bOG6ns-JyZbRYM:&imgrefurl=http://blog.alexanderhiggins.com/2011/08/09/london-riots-bbc-replay-darcus-howe-police-brutality-corruption-52601/&docid=9t_YU1YxebAADM&w=460&h=276&ei=VtNHTvuzDcWY8QOym8y4Bg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=510&vpy=358&dur=7000&hovh=174&hovw=290&tx=129&ty=139&age=6&tbnh=137&tbnw=197&start=120&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:120" alt="http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=riots+london&um=1&hl=en&client=firefox-a&sa=N&rls=org.mozilla:en-USfficial&biw=1440&bih=766&tbm=isch&tbnid=bOG6ns-JyZbRYM:&imgrefurl=http://blog.alexanderhiggins.com/2011/08/09/london-riots-bbc-replay-darcus-howe-police-brutality-corruption-52601/&docid=9t_YU1YxebAADM&w=460&h=276&ei=VtNHTvuzDcWY8QOym8y4Bg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=510&vpy=358&dur=7000&hovh=174&hovw=290&tx=129&ty=139&age=6&tbnh=137&tbnw=197&start=120&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:120" />
The riots have mostly stopped now but the government are still discussing the aggender and criticising the police force's reaction, dispite having cut their funds- their only source of income.