You are wrong, Hitler made vague and ill fated attempts to ally himself with the IRA, not the Irish government.
taly and japan
And Bulgaria and Romania, and a number of other states who were technically allies of Hitler through way of puppet governments.
probably would have betrayed his allies like he did Russia.
I very much doubt it, if he ever was in the position to challenge Japan then maybe, however Hitlers dream was not necessarily a world united under him, but under fascism.
Also, maybe he was so anti Judaism after he lost one of his balls in the war...
From what I've read, his hatred towards Jews came from being forced to live in the Jewish ghetto in Vienna with them after being rejected from art school. I don't know what happened there, but somehow somebody pissed him off.
I am just going to say whatever you guys said. Okay so first someone said that one reason is greed. I think that is true, because there is a lot of greed for power these days. People fight for power over all kinds of things because they want control or sometimes they have another desire. Whoever said it's the nature of males to fight and impress females, that could be true. I'm not a male, so I don't know. I think it's like that for some females too. But I don't think all females are necessarily impressed. Maybe some. And yeah it could be from one someone wanting one thing, but I think sometimes the other guy doesn't want one someone to get it. And YES there is people who fight over religion. And people who want peace. I mostly hope u take time 2 read this. im out of time.
because humans are violent. war isn't the only demonstration of that fact. Gang wars, ****, terrorists, murder. You can't prevent human nature. you just have to deal with it. it's not going away.
And to point out, i'm not saying that it's a good thing that this stuff happens. it's terrible. but it's a fact of reality. Oh, and i should have just said 'taking advantage of someone' cause the other word just came up as ****. No offence meant.
I've noticed a lot of the points brought up are explaining why we do resolve issues violently. But, if you were to look at war from a impartial logical standpoint, is there any reason we need to go to war? Are there any situations where the benefit of a violent conflict and solution outweigh those of a non-violent one?
I've noticed a lot of the points brought up are explaining why we do resolve issues violently. But, if you were to look at war from a impartial logical standpoint, is there any reason we need to go to war? Are there any situations where the benefit of a violent conflict and solution outweigh those of a non-violent one?
hojoko my friend, humans aren't logical. you have a lot to learn.
The question isn't whether war is logical, which is how I assume you're interpreting it.
My question is if we look at war as non-participants, do we see many situations where the benefits of the violent solution outweighed the costs of the violence. Basically, knowing the outcome, can we find situations where the conflict was needed, and a peaceful solution would have done more harm than a violent solution.
I think war is important because it is a proper solution to overpopulation,although I still think it is disgusting and inhumane, but people have to think about the rise in population over the last 200 years. From the start of mankind it took monumentelly long to raise up to 1,000,000 people and in the 1920's it raised to a whopping 1,000,000,000 people and now we have over 6,000,000,000 which was gained in less than a century so war is a good solution, but a better solution would be limiting the ammount of children families can have in a certain amount of time like the country of China.
limiting the ammount of children families can have in a certain amount of time like the country of China.
chinas birth control is a BIG FAIL in a few years. less then 1/3 of the country will be working for all the people. were normaly it's only a bit less then 1/2 of a country. china will get a serius problem if they keep the birth controle as it now is. the problem only is that they are unable to change it because then ALOT of chineese will be f*cking for a 2nd child and a huge baby boom will happen. causing even more problems. so 1 way or the other. china is screwed by that 1 child law.
Sk8tertrevor, War has not been humanities limiting factor over the course of history. Yes, it kills people, but in the long run, it has done nothing to control overpopulation. The biggest things that have ever controlled our population is disease and food availability. We've pretty much conquered both [To a good extent].
chinas birth control is a BIG FAIL in a few years. less then 1/3 of the country will be working for all the people. were normaly it's only a bit less then 1/2 of a country. china will get a serius problem if they keep the birth controle as it now is. the problem only is that they are unable to change it because then ALOT of chineese will be f*cking for a 2nd child and a huge baby boom will happen. causing even more problems. so 1 way or the other. china is screwed by that 1 child law.
China's birth control law is a good idea because if anybody gets pregnant then they will have an imediate abortion.
The biggest things that have ever controlled our population is disease and food availability. We've pretty much conquered both [To a good extent].
Not really. I don't see the condition of Africa's disease and famines improving. Last time I checked, civil strife and famines are not improving the situation.
i totally agree with dregus2 exactly.
I'm sorry, but that is a cheap way to get AP. If your going to agree with someone, at least say why and/or (preferably and) add to the discussion.