ForumsThe TavernBigfoot, Sasquatch and others

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1,531 posts

Are there any of you on this forum who have seen a Sasquatch, Bigfoot, Yeti, or any other such creature (or, for that matter, any other Cryptid?). Personally, I haven't yet, but the subject interests me and I would like to here any stories you have.

Please, no bull, no lies, and let's not allow this to degenerate into an argument about wether they're real or not or if they're related to man in any way. This is just for sightings.

  • 71 Replies
16,287 posts

Please, No Bull! This is supposed to be a serious thread. Your comment belongs more to the "Lame Jokes and Puns" thread.

this is a serious thread? lol

i have know a bigfoot, he lives under the bridge and asks people for any spare change

oh and i saw the lock ness monster, was on a boat fishing nad then he just comes up and walks over to me and says "can i have tree fitty?"
510 posts

the lochness monster walking to you WALKING are you seriuos it swims

16,287 posts

the lochness monster walking to you WALKING are you seriuos it swims

you ever seen southpark? it was a reference, man does anyone here watch good shows?
464 posts

Well my story goesin with the "other" category. My mom was hanging out with her sister late at night. The sister was very drunk so my mom decided to go home. Right as she left there was a documentary on the chupacabra. Two hours later my mom got a call from the sister saying "there's a chupacabra breaking into my car!". Seeing as she was drunk, my mom ignored her. When we woke up I saw her car in the driveway and there were scratch marks going down the side. Nobody could explain it. There are no dogs in the neiberhood that could make a scratch that big. Anybody care to try and explain that?

16,287 posts

Well my story goesin with the "other" category. My mom was hanging out with her sister late at night. The sister was very drunk so my mom decided to go home. Right as she left there was a documentary on the chupacabra. Two hours later my mom got a call from the sister saying "there's a chupacabra breaking into my car!". Seeing as she was drunk, my mom ignored her. When we woke up I saw her car in the driveway and there were scratch marks going down the side. Nobody could explain it. There are no dogs in the neiberhood that could make a scratch that big. Anybody care to try and explain that?

1. a larger dog wandered in

2. someone got keyed

3. your sister managed to scratch it herself

4. unless you have a goat or a sheep in your car then i doubt a chupacabra would go after you
1,531 posts

i have know a bigfoot, he lives under the bridge and asks people for any spare change
oh and i saw the lock ness monster, was on a boat fishing nad then he just comes up and walks over to me and says "can i have tree fitty?"
the lochness monster walking to you WALKING are you seriuos it swims
the lochness monster walking to you WALKING are you seriuos it swims
you ever seen southpark? it was a reference, man does anyone here watch good shows?
your sister managed to scratch it herself

FER CRYIN OUT LOUD! This is supposed to be a serious thread, not a repository for pepperoni-induced mental indigestion!!! I said it before and I'll say it again: NO BULL! I am trying to discuss the possibility of heretofore unknown species existing, and you all are doing your best to get off-topic and turn this into a cesspool of inanity! Alovera1 and especially Loco5, there are other threads for you to use in your apparently preferred manner of posting: "Lame Jokes/Puns," "Random Hilarious Phrases, Post Your Own," "Random jokes/parodies," and "The Rant Thread." Please, take your mental detritus to one of those threads and leave this one clear for the serious people. If you can be serious and contribute in like manner to the topic at hand, then you are welcome here, but if not please refrain from posting on this topic. There is already enough static in the air on the subject, and more is not needed. The above is not meant as an insult in any way, but as a chastisement to individuals clogging up the thread. Kindly show some respect for the topic at hand, the original request at the beginning that there be "No Bull," and the other people who want to read/post here.

Now, back to the real topic.

here were scratch marks going down the side. Nobody could explain it. There are no dogs in the neiberhood that could make a scratch that big.
unless you have a goat or a sheep in your car then i doubt a chupacabra would go after you

Scratching is sometimes used by animals as a means of marking territory, and even Bigfoot-type creatures have been known to deliberately scratch things. As to Chupacabra food preferences, they belong to the canine family of animals, so they are not limited to just goats and sheep and can attack other kinds of animals as well, possibly including pets.
492 posts

FER CRYIN OUT LOUD! This is supposed to be a serious thread, not a repository for pepperoni-induced mental indigestion!!! I said it before and I'll say it again: NO BULL! I am trying to discuss the possibility of heretofore unknown species existing, and you all are doing your best to get off-topic and turn this into a cesspool of inanity! Alovera1 and especially Loco5, there are other threads for you to use in your apparently preferred manner of posting: "Lame Jokes/Puns," "Random Hilarious Phrases, Post Your Own," "Random jokes/parodies," and "The Rant Thread." Please, take your mental detritus to one of those threads and leave this one clear for the serious people. If you can be serious and contribute in like manner to the topic at hand, then you are welcome here, but if not please refrain from posting on this topic. There is already enough static in the air on the subject, and more is not needed. The above is not meant as an insult in any way, but as a chastisement to individuals clogging up the thread. Kindly show some respect for the topic at hand, the original request at the beginning that there be "No Bull," and the other people who want to read/post here.

Looks like someone overreacted. And has no idea what the AG forums are actually like.
8,253 posts

Scratching is sometimes used by animals as a means of marking territory, and even Bigfoot-type creatures have been known to deliberately scratch things.

What do you mean by bigfoot-type creatures?

I would say with the big scratchings it could be a bear if they live where you live. Of course noone could really tell without seeing the car and talking to your sister. But my guess is a bear, even though it doesn't explain why your sister seemingly saw a chupacabra (my guess on that is, well, she was drunk and saw a reportage about the chupacabra?)
5,952 posts

What's this chupacapra u speek of? The only place I have heard it from is scooby doo lol. Idk that it was like a real Mexican Bigfoot. Could someone post a pic?

1,467 posts

Chupacabra/capra is supposedly a dog-like monster that sucks the blood out of sheep and such. Or so that's what I heard.

8,253 posts

The chupacabras (Spanish pronunciation: [tÊupaËkaβɾas], from chupar "to suck" and cabra "goat", literally "goat sucker&quot is a legendary cryptid rumored to inhabit parts of the Americas. It is associated more recently with sightings of an allegedly unknown animal in Puerto Rico (where these sightings were first reported), Mexico, and the United States, especially in the latter's Latin American communities. The name comes from the animal's reported habit of attacking and drinking the blood of livestock, especially goats.

Physical descriptions of the creature vary. Eyewitness sightings have been claimed as early as 1995 in Puerto Rico, and have since been reported as far north as Maine, and as far south as Chile, and even being spotted outside the Americas in countries like Russia and The Philippines. It is supposedly a heavy creature, the size of a small bear, with a row of spines reaching from the neck to the base of the tail.

Biologists and wildlife management officials view the chupacabras as a contemporary legend.

Source really could have googled that yourself. In the same time, I must thank you. Reading this just confirmed my guess about PlasmaMan's problem:
It is supposedly a heavy creature, the size of a small bear,
5,952 posts

I'm lazy thanks. And it said that it was based on a science fiction movie

1,531 posts

Looks like someone overreacted. And has no idea what the AG forums are actually like.

Overreacted? No. Hitting their dwellings with a tactical nuke, that would be overreaction. Trying to maintain a measure of topic discipline? That is in line. The forum rules say to stay on topic, and the topic is non-bs cryptid sightings. Joking around is okay in its own thread. This is not that thread.

What do you mean by bigfoot-type creatures?

Bigfoot, Yeti, Sasquatch, Skunk Ape, etc.

What's this chupacapra u speek of?

Chupacabra was originally a legendary Latin-American monster. Descriptions varied from a dog-like creature to a humanoid, fanged, vampiric apparition with glowing eyes and spines on its back. It was said to feed on goats, livestock, and the occasional human by draining their blood. It remained simply a dark tale until a few years ago, when a creature bearing striking similarity to the dog-type descriptions was caught on film, and another specimen was shot by a farmer in the American South-West. The animal was dubbed Chupacabra because of its likenesses. The real creature is a small to medium sized canine with either short, flat fur or else hairless and pronounced frontal teeth that resemble fangs. It does appear to have a taste for farm animals. Some theories posit that the creature is a mutated sub-species of coyote. Also see HahiHa's copied description.
93 posts

I ever see bigfood....

1,531 posts

I ever see bigfood....

I'm hoping that's just a typo...

from the rules:
We also classify "spam" as short replies (usually fewer than 7 words) which do not contribute to a forum thread in a positive manner

Can you elaborate a little? Four pieces of punctuation is a little vague as to your reaction to spotting a cryptid.
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