ForumsThe TavernHow to get to sleep.

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256 posts

Ok, so I have to get up at six tomorrow, because it is he first day of school, but I cannot get to sleep! If anyone has some good quick tips they can throw my way I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

  • 86 Replies
256 posts

Once again, it's not an opinion, it's a fact. You can't agree or disagree with a fact, that doesn't make any sense.

It isn't a fact if you haven't presented proof. Post a link to some proof, then I will believe you.
256 posts

I just downloaded the program "flux" and it is wonderful. I can already tell this will make me more drousey, as it is already starting to work.

4,104 posts

This and this talk about computers stimulating your mind, and [url=] talks about how it stimulates your mind and how light from a computer or TV messes with your bodies production of melatonin.

4,104 posts
256 posts

Ahh, thanks! Although one of your links did not work, I see you are correct, but you cannot say that dimming the lights and changing the tint to a more relaxing color will not make it stimulate less. I do suggest every 1 checks this out. I found it very nice.

1,531 posts

I don't mean to be trying to encroach on the Mods here, but this is starting to sound a little bit like encouraging OTC drug abuse, which as highlighted above, is HARMFUL and OBJECTIONABLE, not to mention really dumb. Doing things like this can seriously alter your physical chemistry without you even knowing it and make it dangerous for you to do things like driving. It can also thin your blood to hazardous levels, which leads to risks of high blood pressure and major bleeding.

Once again, I am not stupid, and I only took the motrin because of a splitting head ache. Motrin doesn't even make you that drousey.

I didn't say you were stupid, I said the idea was. Either way, you did O.D. yourself on the motrin, and that isn't to bright on its own. As stated above, drugs like that can really thin your blood.

there's this thing called a button, that's usually on your monitor, keyboard, or computer options, that allows you to adjust your monitor light on your own.

theres another button on your monitor that allows you to adjust the brightness really fast. so fast that it almost seems like its going straight from regular to black.

There is another button as well. It adjusts the screen from whatever activity to flat, unmoving, and featureless blackness. It is called the OFF button. I find that pressing it allows me to leave the computer, go to bed, and subsequently go to sleep. It works surprisingly well and with a high degree of consistency. You should try it sometime.
4,104 posts

but you cannot say that dimming the lights and changing the tint to a more relaxing color will not make it stimulate less

Stimulates it less? No. It's not the light that's doing it, but the what's on the screen, but less light will help immensely with the melatonin suppressing problem. Also, I'm not really sure what you mean by "tint" your screen, the only way i could think of doing this is by editing my computers color display settings.
4,104 posts

There is another button as well. It adjusts the screen from whatever activity to flat, unmoving, and featureless blackness. It is called the OFF button. I find that pressing it allows me to leave the computer, go to bed, and subsequently go to sleep. It works surprisingly well and with a high degree of consistency. You should try it sometime.

I'm fairly certain you and floyd were talking about the same button.
1,482 posts

Not only does the light suppress melatonin production, but television can actually stimulate the mind, rather than relaxing it.

Here you can see the link blaming the light. If you change the light, then the computer may not be as stimulating.
Also, it asks not to read from a backlit device, meaning backlit devices do keep people from sleeping. If that is the case, then altering the backlit device by weakening and/or changing its lighting would lead to different results, and therefore possibly help sleep to come easier.

It does it again.
Also avoid screens of any kindâ"computers, TV, cell phones, iPadsâ"as the type of light they emit is stimulating to the brain

I'm not disagreeing with you. Closing the lights, lying down in bed, making preparations before such as no caffeine and having exercised the day before is the best way to go, and watching things like TV and using a computer are probably going to keep you up longer.

But of course, this is tough to do every night and technology is a part of our lives. That being said, this program has helped me a lot.

I use it regularly and it helps me get drowsy when I should, and when I know I'm not supposed to be using a computer, I combine the program with low screen brightness and I usually drop.

Try it out. Its right here
256 posts

Either way, you did O.D. yourself on the motrin

I obviousness did not. The standard amount to take for a guy my size is three-four.
Also, I'm not really sure what you mean by "tint" your screen, the only way i could think of doing this is by editing my computers color display settings.

That is what the program "flux" is for. I posted a link. Depending on the time of day it makes your computer light more orangey.
4,104 posts

Here you can see the link blaming the light. If you change the light, then the computer may not be as stimulating.

It's blaming the light for melatonin, and the television its self for the stimulating. The light isn't the cause of the stimulation.

Also, it asks not to read from a backlit device, meaning backlit devices do keep people from sleeping. If that is the case, then altering the backlit device by weakening and/or changing its lighting would lead to different results, and therefore possibly help sleep to come easier.

Okay, i wasn't really talking about anything having to do with backlit devices, but i don't see why the same procedure of dimming the lights shouldn't work.
4,104 posts

That is what the program "flux" is for. I posted a link. Depending on the time of day it makes your computer light more orangey.

Oh, i thought it changed the brightness. Well, its a lot more useful then i thought it was a minute ago, but Im still not going to use it. Not because it's not a good program, but because I hate programs that run in the background all day.
256 posts

Oh, i thought it changed the brightness. Well, its a lot more useful then i thought it was a minute ago, but Im still not going to use it. Not because it's not a good program, but because I hate programs that run in the background all day.

It doesn't do anything during day for the most part, and you can close it out at anytime. I find it very helpful and am very glad that Armed Blade posted it!
It's blaming the light for melatonin, and the television its self for the stimulating. The light isn't the cause of the stimulation.

This is not completely true light does stimulate the brain. That is why you turn your lights off when you sleep, so dimming you lights on you computer in theory should stimulate less.
16,287 posts

Thanks, for the smart aleck remark. Locus I have obviously tried this. If you can't think of anything good to post please refrain from doing so just to get armor points. Thanks.

it's loco, and don't just assume i do it for the points, it's a bit narrow minded if you do

but anywho i honestly don't understand all the hubbub about melatonin and light levels, i mean it's seriously the easiest thing you can do, all i do is when i feel my eyelds feel heavy i just turn on the tv so i can just barely hear it and clsoe my eyes, simple as that
256 posts

but anywho i honestly don't understand all the hubbub about melatonin and light levels, i mean it's seriously the easiest thing you can do, all i do is when i feel my eyelds feel heavy i just turn on the tv so i can just barely hear it and clsoe my eyes, simple as that

It is called insomnia, I cannot sleep, I have tried that and I will just lay there for hours like that and still be awake.
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