ForumsThe TavernHow to get to sleep.

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256 posts

Ok, so I have to get up at six tomorrow, because it is he first day of school, but I cannot get to sleep! If anyone has some good quick tips they can throw my way I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

  • 86 Replies
16,287 posts

t is called insomnia, I cannot sleep, I have tried that and I will just lay there for hours like that and still be awake.

they have magic pills for that, i had it and all i had to do was take a tiny pink pill and i'd be off to sleep, then it went away
256 posts

they have magic pills for that, i had it and all i had to do was take a tiny pink pill and i'd be off to sleep, then it went away

Indeed I have tried these magic pills. The result was the worst night I have ever had. All I remember was not being able to walk, and having to climb up my stairs to my bed, then i remember blinking and it was morning. It was really weird, and I won't take anymore.
1,531 posts

There is another button as well. It adjusts the screen from whatever activity to flat, unmoving, and featureless blackness. It is called the OFF button. I find that pressing it allows me to leave the computer, go to bed, and subsequently go to sleep. It works surprisingly well and with a high degree of consistency. You should try it sometime.

I'm fairly certain you and floyd were talking about the same button.

Just being sure, some computers have all three.

Either way, you did O.D. yourself on the motrin

I obviousness did not. The standard amount to take for a guy my size is three-four.

Yeah - spread across 24 hours, not all at once! You are playing Russian Roulette with your health, and that never ends well. Take my advice, don't do it!
16,287 posts

Indeed I have tried these magic pills. The result was the worst night I have ever had. All I remember was not being able to walk, and having to climb up my stairs to my bed, then i remember blinking and it was morning. It was really weird, and I won't take anymore.

have you tried this guy, i think they're called doctors... they really help too. we have on on AG, Strop
256 posts

Yeah - spread across 24 hours, not all at once! You are playing Russian Roulette with your health, and that never ends well. Take my advice, don't do it![quote]
It wasn't spread across 24 hours. It said you can take 3-4 if you weigh at least 200 lbs. at one time, up to 3 times a day.

256 posts

we have on on AG, Strop

Excuse you?
16,287 posts

Excuse you?

Strop, he's a doctor, he knows a lot of medical big words
256 posts

Yeah - spread across 24 hours, not all at once! You are playing Russian Roulette with your health, and that never ends well. Take my advice, don't do it!

It wasn't spread across 24 hours. It said you can take 3-4 if you weigh at least 200 lbs. at one time, up to 3 times a day.
1,482 posts

You say one thing..

It's blaming the light for melatonin, and the television its self for the stimulating. The light isn't the cause of the stimulation.

But your link says another.
as the type of light they emit is stimulating to the brain

Not trying to argue a lot or anything, but your link says that such light disrupts the production of melatonin, but also that the light produced by such screens, due to its type, is also stimulating to the brain.

Okay, i wasn't really talking about anything having to do with backlit devices, but i don't see why the same procedure of dimming the lights shouldn't work.

That's why. Dimming the lights helps, but it doesn't get rid of that cold, blue light. Flux just helps to get rid of some of that light, in effect, helping the problem a bit. Dimming the lights and using Flux is also even better I would say.

but because I hate programs that run in the background all day.

Jw, why? It doesn't do much during the day, and if you don't want it on background, just exit it until you want to use it.
Not to mention, its an extremely tiny program so its not like your burning memory.

Anyway, that's how I get to sleep when I'm not working hard towards sleeping.

* Also, does anyone else like cold pillows? I sometimes put one on the AC vent a few min. before I go to bed just for the heck of it.
4,104 posts

It is called insomnia, I cannot sleep, I have tried that and I will just lay there for hours like that and still be awake.

I'm going to take a gander and say that you aren't medically diagnosed with insomnia. Though if you want you can take a look at this.

we have on on AG, Strop

Excuse you?

One of the moderators here, strop, is a MD, who on various occasions helps people with a medical problem they might have.

Not trying to argue a lot or anything, but your link says that such light disrupts the production of melatonin, but also that the light produced by such screens, due to its type, is also stimulating to the brain.

I don't really want get into any argument either, but when they say "type of light", they may mean the rapidly changing colors of light your computer emits, but either way, your still right.

Jw, why? It doesn't do much during the day, and if you don't want it on background, just exit it until you want to use it.
Not to mention, its an extremely tiny program so its not like your burning memory.

With macs, you want all the memory you can get. If i keep getting small programs to run in the background, they start to add up and use processing power and memory that i need.
2,515 posts

honstally i have the bst way to fall asleep...

sSTOP TALKING TO RANDOM POEPLE OVER THE INTERNETS... will focasing on a convestation kepp you up? yes... turn of all the lights... turn your computer off... ladown on the bed and think about you favorite subject... of enything and let yo mind wander ... think about any thing... something... just dont focus on anything... and dont take any drus.... thats stupid

256 posts

Ok, Omnihero please use correct grammar and at least attempt to spell correctly. You see, when I actually wanted to go to bed, I did close my laptop, as I am not ignorant.

and dont take any drus

By "drus" I am guessing you mean drugs. Let me repeat again for the 37th time, I DID NOT OVER DOSE. I TOOK THE RIGHT AMOUNT. Now that that is completely over with I hope to not hear about how I abuse and over dose on an Ibprophen.

One of the moderators here, strop, is a MD, who on various occasions helps people with a medical problem they might have.

Ahh, I see. I have never even seen him on here yet. Good to know.

I'm going to take a gander and say that you aren't medically diagnosed with insomnia. Though if you want you can take a look at this.

Good call, I am not. Insomnia or DSPS, I have a sleeping problem.

With macs, you want all the memory you can get. If i keep getting small programs to run in the background, they start to add up and use processing power and memory that i need.

It only uses 1.57MB, that is a ridiculously tiny amount of memory. It really makes no sense that you don't have 1.57MB to spare.
424 posts

Take a small amount of melatonin (a hormone that makes you sleep and controls the day and night cycle, some sleeping pills contain this.). In just few minutes I was KO to sleep.

1,761 posts

I always flip my pillows over when they get cold...cold pillows are nice...I also read for 30 minutes before i go to bed, and i go to sleep fine. Not sure what works for you.

4,104 posts

Good call, I am not. Insomnia or DSPS, I have a sleeping problem.

DSPS is not uncommon in teenagers, that's why i linked it. You can check out if it's the cause of your sleeping problems, just don't self diagnose yourself.
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