ForumsWEPRWould the Earth be better without humans?

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1,747 posts

The title. But I can't base a thread on just the title, because Mods and Admins can change it. OK, original title: Would the Earth be better without humans?

I say yes.

  • 158 Replies
127 posts

Humans are a grain of sand on the beach of earths life. We will pass. The earth will reform whether we like it or not, climates will shift spurned on by us or not.

Here is another question: Will the earth exist *if we are not there to perceive it?
*if we are not there to symbolize it with our minds?

36 posts

I don't think so. Humans are here, and I don't think it was an accident. We were meant to be here. We were given brains to think with, and those brains led us to what we are now.

I'd be willing to say we're the only creature on the Earth worth keeping.

You can't be serious. Every creature plays a role. If humans were the only creature that was kept, we'd all die out. We depend on everything else around us that the Earth has to provide.
9,504 posts

Of course, that lies with every organism, MindReaver. However, humans have intelligence, something very, very few animals are selecting for. We are the only creatures on Earth (besides organisms used by humans for tools) that have a potential not shaped by Nature. Yes, every creature is valuable to one another. We, however, are something more, because of this heightened intelligence. We can build, know, reflect, and record.

36 posts

We, however, are something more, because of this heightened intelligence. We can build, know, reflect, and record.

That is true. Humans are indeed the most intelligent species, I never tried to argue that. I just don't think we're the only species worth keeping.
5,129 posts

We, however, are something more, because of this heightened intelligence.

there are other animals whit high intelligence. but the thing that only humans can do and what makes us superior to other animals is that we are able to predict the future. ofcours not to a scale of "in 100 years.. bla bla." but we know that if we hit a nail in 2 pieces of wood. that those pieces will be stuck together.
or if we buy something for cheap and sell it for much more that we will make profit. we are the only animal that is able to make those links.
5,129 posts

i'm sure some1 can come up whit examples of animals that can do tricks or stuff like that to proof they can make those links aswell. but thats mostly done because of training or instinct.

8,257 posts

Sure, we have something different from most other animals. And it's great the things we could do with that. I just feel like in the end it doesn't matter all that much, it's just another curiosity produced by nature. There are animals who are adapted to their environment in a leve we will never achieve, and they haven't our intellect. There are animals who have similar faculties than we have, only ten times better, or even way more. And they haven't our intellect. Intellect only is something that important in our perspective, but intellect is not something like a 'supreme achievement' in evolution, it's more of a side product^^

1,747 posts

Although humans help destroy the world, they also do their part in helping it.

Helping it from what themselves destroyed, yes. But not all.

it all depends for whom it's better or not

You see how the Earth "mood" is. Would it be a better climate if we didn't destroy it?

I'd be willing to say we're the only creature on the Earth worth keeping.

We have better lives than any animal. We say we got the best civilization and consider us almighty.

Remember that you belongs to the nature, not it to you.
Grey Owl

Why would we be worth more than any animal?

I don't think so. Humans are here, and I don't think it was an accident. We were meant to be here. We were given brains to think with, and those brains led us to what we are now.

Animals do also got brains and the ability to think. If we were meant to be here, were we then meant to destroy it like we do?
36 posts

Animals do also got brains and the ability to think. If we were meant to be here, were we then meant to destroy it like we do?

You're right, a lot of other animals also have brains that they think with. But they think much differently than humans. Their brains are more for them to realize when they are in danger of being eaten and when to run away, and helps them communicate with nature. They are not anywhere near capable of the knowledge that humans possess.

Humans were given the gift of choice. I'm not saying we were meant to destroy Earth, I'm just saying that that path was available to us, and we had the capacity to take that path.
3,139 posts

Helping it from what themselves destroyed, yes. But not all.

I agree, for the most part.
But also helping it from what natural disaster destroyed too.

Also, with the whole animal debate - animals being less of a threat
If evolution existed, then wouldn't it just happen all over again if humans but not animals were extinct?
8,257 posts

You're right, a lot of other animals also have brains that they think with. But they think much differently than humans. Their brains are more for them to realize when they are in danger of being eaten and when to run away, and helps them communicate with nature. They are not anywhere near capable of the knowledge that humans possess.

In what way does that alone make our presence beneficial for the earth?

Humans were given the gift of choice. I'm not saying we were meant to destroy Earth, I'm just saying that that path was available to us, and we had the capacity to take that path.

I'm pretty sure even if we wanted to, we couldn't destroy earth. Eradicate species and ruin ecosystems, yes; then we'd all die and nature would recover.

If evolution existed, then wouldn't it just happen all over again if humans but not animals were extinct?

Not sure if I got your point. What would happen all over again?
3,139 posts

Not sure if I got your point. What would happen all over again?

Evolution i guess.
As you know, i don't believe in evolution.
But if it was real, and humans were no longer in the world, but monkeys were.. could it not just happen all over again?
3,371 posts

I think there was this guy who had a theory about being able to destroy the earth with tnt. I forgot his name though. He also built a machine that shakes things, but I think it was disproven on mythbusters. I think that humans don't have much of an affect on the earth as a whole. We do have a big effect on ecosystems though.

36 posts

In what way does that alone make our presence beneficial for the earth?

We have the potential to realize that what we are doing can be harmful, or we can realize consequences. That is what we were given. We were given intelligence. Who ever said we were needed?
8,257 posts

We have the potential to realize that what we are doing can be harmful, or we can realize consequences. That is what we were given. We were given intelligence. Who ever said we were needed?

No one said that; not me at least. But the thread's question is explicitely, 'would the earth be better without humans?'. Try answering that negatively with your intelligence argument.

Evolution i guess.

So, for you, evolution is barely 'rimate gets intelligent and becomes human'?
But if it was real, and humans were no longer in the world, but monkeys were.. could it not just happen all over again?

Evolution is happening constantly. Could some other primates become as sentient as we are over time? Dunno, the right conditions should be given. But know that certain primates already are able to use certain objects as tools; I even remember hearing about a certain primate population that used big sticks as sort if primitive spears to hunt.
Humans not being around anymore is not a condition for other primates to become more intelligent.
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