ForumsWEPRWhy do people think China will take over the world?

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166 posts

I really don't get how people think that China will take over the world... It's mostly Americans that think it which is the weird thing because the US has a higher GDP than any other Country in the world.
The US still has a bigger military surprisingly even with China having 1.3 billion people and the us having 370 million. I personally think that a country lacking enough food too feed its own people won't take over, but I want too hear your guys's opinions on it.

  • 74 Replies
1,608 posts

It is because every Asian is a ninja. Like duh. So in Chinese you have like 3 billion ninja's. So I don't think the American army is strong enough for that.
But it is also that you hear all the news about American money problems but you won't hear that from china because before you get the chance to publish it you are dead.

1,143 posts

I don't think I've ever heard anyone anywhere say China would take over the world apart from when they are joking, or possibly they mean economy, which has sort of already happened, Chinas economy is a powerhouse and dominates much international industry.

3,139 posts

I don't think I've ever heard anyone anywhere say China would take over the world apart from when they are joking, or possibly they mean economy, which has sort of already happened, Chinas economy is a powerhouse and dominates much international industry.

I agree, China has managed to sail through the recession a lot easier than America has. My personal opinion is America has spent far too much money on the war(s) and made foreign policy the front runner on their economy - which isn't fair to the citizens as hey, shouldn't they come first?

Pump a quarter of the money used on war into new businesses and maybe the unemployment rate would decrease. Maybe state benefits would drop (Which would in turn supply more money for even more new businesses, creating jobs, which would help the unemployment levels and the strain on state benefits.. Yet again, more cash would be generated(

See.. I made a circle.

Read all about it.
154 posts

Trouble with China is that they own vasty amounts of US debt. If they chose to call in Americas debt, the US would be in a bad way. China has already called for the US to start paying down its debts.

There are ways to control the world without ever picking up a gun.

492 posts

I don't think China will take over the world. I don't know who would think that either.

154 posts

I don't think China will take over the world. I don't know who would think that either.

I just hope you are right. I think things will get ugly when resources like oil become more scarce. You'll see more Chinese buying of petroleum companies to secure supply. The problems will start when oil producing nations see dwindling supplies as a problem and decide to nationalize their oil industry. (Venezuela). This would choke off supply to China, and the Chinese would not be happy.
3,139 posts

I don't think it matters if they are more economically secure than America. America isn't the richest? Big whoop.

154 posts

What about the TRILLION dollars of US bonds the Chinese own? (source wiki) They're gonna collect one day. That kind of money buys influence. Do you think the Chinese having a say in how America is run is a good thing?

As of January 2011, foreigners owned $4.45 trillion of U.S. debt, or approximately 47% of the debt held by the public of $9.49 trillion and 32% of the total debt of $14.1 trillion. The largest holders were the central banks of China, Japan, the United Kingdom and Brazil. The share held by foreign governments has grown over time, rising from 13% of the public debt in 1988 to 25% in 2007.

It's not about being the richest country. It's about who you owe money to, and the influence they now have over you. Imagine if China were to liquidate it's US debt holdings? What'll the dollar be worth then?
3,139 posts

Imagine if China were to liquidate it's US debt holdings? What'll the dollar be worth then?

Would really worry me personally.

Maybe Chinese influence would be good, considering America isn't eactly the best place now, is it?
1,143 posts

Maybe Chinese influence would be good, considering America isn't eactly the best place now, is it?

Nor is China
5,129 posts

I really don't get how people think that China will take over the world... It's mostly Americans that think it

you said it right. it's the americans mostly that think that because they are afraid of china.

China has managed to sail through the recession a lot easier than America has

this is because of how the world economy system works today and has been working since mid/late 1800's. (i just remember i had to tell this to Mage also so i hope he reads it now =) srry for forgetting)

the world is actualy devided by 3 kinds of economy.
1 is based on consumerism, those are the wealthy countrys usely called the western world. (and some little regions of the mid east and asia) those countrys import products from other countrys and then sell it on their own market. 1 of those countrys for example is the usa. during a economy crisis people will buy less and so there will be less import, less to sell, less money, less jobs, so people buy less. and we start that circle again. (only way to break this circle down is to spend money (and i mean the people gotta spend money not the government)) that is why the economy crisis hits the western world so hard.

2. is based on production, those are the countrys that are mainly focused in importing ground materials. create something from that and export it to other countrys. those countrys are mainly china, taiwan, india and some more around that region. the economy crisis did hit those countrys aswell because the consuming countrys are not importing that much anymore. what those producing countrys have been doing during the crisis is 1.storing ground materials for the time the crisis is over. 2.used the ground materials for other products that do get exported in time of crisis not import ground materials anymore(most chose this) or 4. sell their products to more and different countrys then normale (if possible)
so in the end they will get hit less hard by the crisis that started in the consuming countrys.

3. are the countrys that are mainly busy whit the winning of ground materials. most of africa, most of south america and most of asia.
these countrys are barly if at all hit by the economic crisis. they are still digging for the materials and store and sell them like they always did. it are mainly the more poor countrys that are in this state of economy. also because they are at the bottom of those shoes you were or tv screen you watch. they get the least money of all people that has made it possible for the people the consuming countrys to live in luxery.
154 posts

Maybe Chinese influence would be good, considering America isn't eactly the best place now, is it?

As bad as we claim America is, at least we can access forums such as this and discuss these topics without censorship. But if you like government control over all aspects of your life, yes, Chinese influence would be good.
5,129 posts

But if you like government control over all aspects of your life, yes, Chinese influence would be good.

this is so not true. china does not control all aspects of their peoples life. china is much more free then the media does look like.
1,143 posts

It does however sensor what religion their people can practice and what websites they can access, they have also failed to recognize some key human rights, its not all that great, so yeah, his example is perfectly valid.

3,139 posts

they have also failed to recognize some key human rights

his example is perfectly valid.

Yes, but yours isn't. Can you honestly say that America doesn't violate any human rights?
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