ForumsWEPRSeptember 11 Tribute/Memorial Thread

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1,531 posts

As many of you know, it will soon be ten years since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. On that day, America was hit by the largest attack on our own soil since Pearl Harbor in 1941. While New York and the rest of the nation focuses on the memorial being built at Ground Zero, I believe that something similar is in order here on AG. This thread is crafted as a memorial to the victims of that day and as a tribute to the heroes in the New York Fire Department, New York Police Department, the U.S. Military, the passengers of Flight 93, and all the people who tried to save others or rose as the first counterattack against the terrorists.

What went through your mind when you first heard the news? What did you do? If you have any directly relevant stories, like knowing someone who was on one of the hijacked planes or in the towers or the Pentagon, being there yourself when the attacks hit, helping with the cleanup, even being one of the people working on the memorial in New York City, anything like that, feel especially welcome to post it here. Even simple well-wishes to the families of the victims are welcome.

Be forewarned, this thread is not a place for editorializing about Muslims, ranting about conspiracy theories, launching barbs about the government then or now, making lame and sick attempts at humor, or being a fool in any such manner. This thread is made for remembering our fallen citizens, and commemorating the heroes of that day. BE RESPECTFUL.

Let's Roll.

  • 55 Replies
1,304 posts

the way the world pulled together was inspirational

Maybe the Western World... (mainly)
9,504 posts

Anyone remember the nation-wide Pledge of Allegiance that happened a day or two afterward?

153 posts

Yeah I remember 9/11.Who doesn't?They're making a museum for it.It has some of the wreckage of the plane there.

1,627 posts

Has anyone ever been to the 9/11 memorial building right across the street from Ground Zero? It broke my heart walking through it...

3,371 posts

I'm pretty sure I've gone past it at least twice without knowing.

1,627 posts

I know that this is an English language site, but on the anniversary may I post something in a foreign language?

1,531 posts

Are we allowed to express outrage at the fact that the first responders are not going to be admitted to the memorial?

The ultimate slap in the face for all emergency responders. I was truly sickened when I first heard of this.

Oh Man. I didn't know. They'll include a busted-up fire engine but the firefighters?! That is just plain wrong. That said, let's keep it on topic. Thank you Rivercrab01 for helping to maintain the topic here.

got only 1 question. why memory "the U.S. Military" they are not involved in 9/11 itself.

1. The Pentagon. Military personnel died and were wounded there, and they also ran back into the wreckage to find survivors.
2. The Air Force pilots who took to the skies to prevent any possible further attacks.
3. The soldiers who helped with the rescue and cleanup operations at both sites.

the way the world pulled together was inspirational

Maybe the Western World...

"you are either with us or against us"

Many countries were with us. There are stories from Americans who were traveling abroad during the attacks about when the news came in, almost everyone, including the foreigners, just stopped what they were doing in shock and sadness. America isn't perfect; no country is, but we are a standard and a beacon of light to more of the world than many of us will ever know.

I know that this is an English language site, but on the anniversary may I post something in a foreign language?

You'll have to take that up with the Moderators. It also depends on what it is you want to post.

I remember exactly when it happened, and how it spread around the world like wildfire. Our teachers brought us to the assembly hall and put the news on to show us what was going on.

I remember too. I was at home at the time, when a relative called and told us to put on the news. I was pretty young then, but knew something was really wrong. I had read a lot of 19-20th century military history, and thought at first it was the Russians starting a war with us, but then I started to understand more. My outlook on a lot of things was changed that day.

I hope you all rest in peace, and that you find at least a minuscule amount of comfort in your murderers death, even though they cheered when you died and we cheered when they died.

I think that should be "especially since." Osama bin Laden and plenty of his minions are rotting in Hell where they belong, but the job isn't finished until every one of them is dead.
To the victims, Rest in Peace.
To the terrorists, We're coming for you next.
166 posts

his assassination turned out to be a Class-S mystery

JFK's death isn't a mystery, the Illuminati Assassinated him and many other famous people such as Michael Jackson and Tupac.
3,085 posts

I'm with partydevil on this one.

I severely detest the events that occurred in September 2001 and those who perpetrated it but that doesn't give Americans some excuse to talk about being a 'beacon of the world' or how they're gonna exterminate anyone who stands in their way.

3,139 posts

I severely detest the events that occurred in September 2001 and those who perpetrated it but that doesn't give Americans some excuse to talk about being a 'beacon of the world' or how they're gonna exterminate anyone who stands in their way.


@ Partydevil: as for the world pulling together, Bush is one man. Millions of people showed their support to America when this happened, and millions of people grieved for the tragedy: so yes, the world was united in grief. Maybe not all of the population, but a vast majority.
1,531 posts

JFK's death isn't a mystery, the Illuminati Assassinated him and many other famous people such as Michael Jackson and Tupac.

Be forewarned, this thread is not a place for editorializing about Muslims, ranting about conspiracy theories, launching barbs about the government then or now, making lame and sick attempts at humor, or being a fool in any such manner. This thread is made for remembering our fallen citizens, and commemorating the heroes of that day. BE RESPECTFUL.

@ CommanderPaladin
you make me puke.

Uncalled for. See thread specs, i.e. "BE RESPECTFUL." Also "being a fool in any such manner." Additionally, from the rules:
No "flaming" or "badgering" -- writing hostile or insulting messages aimed at other users for their views, comments, status as a user on the site, or any other reason. You can disagree with someone's views and still be polite about it.

but that doesn't give Americans some excuse to talk about being a 'beacon of the world' or how they're gonna exterminate anyone who stands in their way.

1. See thread specs, i.e. "launching barbs about the government then or now."
2. I see you're from England. Keep in mind, if it weren't for us Americans, you'd be speaking German and heiling Hitler.
3. Whether you do or not, a lot of the world looks up to us.
4. We don't exterminate everyone who gets in our way, only those that need it. One recent example is the French, who turned against us on the Iraq War. We don't seem to have wiped them out. We just cut back on French Fries for a while.

All of you, please, keep this thread on topic and free of ranting, barbs, and foolishness. We're not here to discuss foreign policy, but to remember the people that were killed on 9/11. It doesn't matter what you think of the wars, or whether you like America, or what conspiracies you think were in play. Innocent people were killed. Heroes tried to help them. They must all be remembered. That is the point here.
1,751 posts

It's quite gross how most Americans partied when Osama died- those are no better then the terrorists.

America isn't perfect; no country is, but we are a standard and a beacon of light to more of the world than many of us will ever know.

You conquered a whole country after 9/11- hardly a show of mercy you fancy yourself to do.
3,085 posts

1. See thread specs, i.e. "launching barbs about the government then or now."

I was talking about the general American mindset, not the Governemnt, I'll keep my views about that for a different thread.
2. I see you're from England. Keep in mind, if it weren't for us Americans, you'd be speaking German and heiling Hitler.

Arrogant much? The US played a large part in turning the tide on Germany but they didn't do it singlehandedly - and, besides, do I need to remind you that your country didn't join in until the war was already well under way?
3. Whether you do or not, a lot of the world looks up to us.

Got proof? Americans always make these big, boastful claims about how most people look up to them - who exactly is 'most people'?
4. We don't exterminate everyone who gets in our way, only those that need it. One recent example is the French, who turned against us on the Iraq War. We don't seem to have wiped them out. We just cut back on French Fries for a while.

You still talk about it like all of the things America has done and all of the people that have been killed in the name of America is completely justified.
3,139 posts

@ Commander - where we are from should be regardless when discussing views on this tragedy. Just because we are not from America does not mean our loved ones weren't affected as many non-americans do have family and friends in new york.

Uncalled for. See thread specs, i.e. "BE RESPECTFUL." Also "being a fool in any such manner." Additionally, from the rules:

You might want to keep this in mind before you attack another well respected user due to the country he's from.

Innocent people were killed. Heroes tried to help them. They must all be remembered. That is the point here.

Therefore internet threatening terrorists, bigging up America being liked and making digs at other countries should be very irrelevant.

Has any of our UK users watched the documentaries Channel four has had on offer this week?
3,085 posts

Has any of our UK users watched the documentaries Channel four has had on offer this week?

Yes, I did, some of them were really quite interesting although one of them had quite a lot about the conspiracy theories relating to 9/11 which was kind of odd. UK users can view some of the Channel Four documentaries on their YouTube page.

I also saw a piece on BBC news about how the dust from the collapsing towers has caused a lot of people to be afflicted with severe respiratory problems and that there might be a possible link with cancer too.
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