Im young and my mind is easly puesuraded... i want to open my mind to the views of other people, to see what they think and grip a new understanding of the world...
first i want to know what your view on america is.
But then again, who said its America's job to enforce what they think is right upon the world? That's being a vigilante of a dangerous kind. And that dangerous kind ends up doing more harm then good.
America's approach to Libya for example is a good way to approach things. Do not directly involve yourself in another nation's affairs. It is not necessary and ends in misery for both parties. The US lends support via air strikes and some monetary assistance and what not to the rebels. Whether or not the rebels themselves are credible, granted lots of their higher ups are actually former Ghadaffi officers and military leaders, is another question entirely.
America should as I've said focus on itself. Somalia is a smoking, anarchistic ruin full of militia's now due to how the United States "intervened." Many other nations still have the scars and damage done by the American crusades brought on them.
America used to be great. It used to be great because it was a symbol for freedom, something of a beacon among people that they could stand up to their own governments and fight oppression. But once the United States became the opposite, it became the oppressor, perspectives changed rapidly. America could possibly be a symbol of freedom again, if it stopped acting like the authoritarian police force of the world.
There is no question that the US has made mistakes, but when it comes down to it, I would rather they make mistakes than idly sit about while half the world goes to hell. I detest that astronomical debt because I'm going to spend my life paying it off, however if it's a choice between allowing people like Saddam Hussein free reign, and paying off 54 trillion dollars in debt, I'll take the debt every time.
Some of you have said the US should just sit back and focus on itself, the problem being we live in a global society, one the US has been a part of for the last century, you cannot simply "retire" from that. There is too much vested in other countries, to simply take a sideline in global affairs.
And let's bring up history shall we, remember who exactly it was that got the US involved in international affairs? I seem to remember something about an isolationist nation in the west that was content to simply provide supplies, but for some reason the Europeans weren't content and needed manpower too. Later on I remember this nation being forced to engage in an arms race with the Soviet Union while the rest of Europe recovered from WWII and the Great Depression. I must say I would really prefer democracy to communism, or better yet, freedom instead of state of security.
There is no question that mistakes have been made, every country has made them, but most of them are so well established that their mistakes were in the dark ages. In comparison the United States is a toddler, albeit a rather large one.
Also, can we not turn this into a presidential bash?
The rest of the world is not "going to hell". The US is.
Are sadly nothing but somebody's opinion. There's no real reasoning behind it.
The last couple of threads mentioned American taking on too many roles and that being a hard position to simply retire from, which is absolutely correct.
America does get itself involved in way too much, but as a nation it does it to help others - America is a nation made up of citizens, made up of individuals just like any nation: If a plan is presented to help another country and then it's all over the news that army officials are sexually molesting young girls or killing a bunch of innocent children: how is this Americas fault? It is the persons fault, it just so happens they came from America.
@bigfatkitty. The whole world is struggling with the recession. There are very few countries that are economically secure.
Ireland has had to have serious bailouts from other countries. The UK is handing out money left right and centre which it doesn't have, pulling it further into debt. That mixed with the politicians claiming taxpayers money and buying houses with it isn't making it look good.
I live in Northern Ireland (Which is part of the UK, but in Ireland) and our unemployment rate (Take size into consideration as N.I wouldn't be the size of any state) is 8%.
It isn't just America, and that is true. My nation has felt the brunt of it as well, at one point I was laid off.
However, I don't mean to bash but the recession was due in part, a major part at that, to the economic decline of America. So many people in Europe and elsewhere had so much riding in investments and stocks with American companies and American banks, that when the American banking system went to **** with their loans and debt, any companies tied with the banks suffered, as well as common people.
Although, other debts have come by themselves as well. Greece and similar nations have managed their economy poorly, wasting it on poor choices, and now riots and unemployed workforces are the result. Add more discontent in France with laid off workers in American controlled multinational companies, and bad budgeting in the Middle East, Dubai the greatest exemplar of that and you get the picture.
The only real people who are actually thriving right now is the Chinese, since they are getting the upper hand in the market with the recline of the United States. India is still steady as well. Not as much as China has grown, but steady none the less.
I don't know about China, but India is dealing with some serious political strife, which in a way is just as bad as a failing economy.
I must say I wasn't expecting to see Australia on that list...
The economic decline in the United States cannot be blamed entirely on the country though, it's a free market economy, we have to realize that many corporations were incredibly greedy and frankly they made some corrupt politicians look like angels.
Those politicians can just as easily claim they were helping their constituents, you have to remember that these corporations were for the most part international, and employing hundreds if not thousands of people, letting them collapse would only accelerate the economic decline.
Exactly. When I mentioned America, I didn't mean it as a political entity is at fault. I'm stating however, that its banks and multinationals (which have consolidations of their control in America) were at fault.
Also, about the link Jeffery, I was right about China and India. I have heard of problems in France though. The only thing keeping the United Arab Emirates out of the major problems, and it is gathering debt very badly, is it's gold trade. It's stocks and investments within the gold market, and its newly acquired tourist industry, is the only real thing keeping their pockets from sinking too far.
Its not so much the current status that is worrying. Europe is on a bad path due to poor averaging and climbing debt, and most of Europe is involved with the EU, which means debt is shared. So that means all nations within the Eu are going to feel the brunt.
The major problem is, is that social services will begin to degrade due to lack of funds, and other things will be stripped.
My view of the world isn't very good. The way I see things there isn't much to hope for in the future because a lot of people are ignorant and lack common sense and this makes me very sad about the future of our world.
My view of the world isn't very good. The way I see things there isn't much to hope for in the future because a lot of people are ignorant and lack common sense and this makes me very sad about the future of our world.
Uhh, hate to break it to you, but I don't think that's really news. The world's been just fine with ignorance and nonsense running amok before, and there's nothing suggesting that won't change just because we're living today instead of yesterday.
I am a proud citizen of these United States, and would gladly die for my country. The United States represents a beacon of hope and liberty, where Free Enterprise and aid of the minority drove this country to the top.
What needs to change is human nature.
Humans have a right to their own actions, if they don't want their nature to change, don't let them.
We can't put ourselves before everything else, we need to look at things equally.
COMMUNIST! If you want to help someone else out, that's your own choice. Listen here bigfatkitty, there's a reason why you can protest against your government in this world, freedom of speech and freedom of mind.
Let me tell you something bigfatkitty, i don't like what you're saying, but I'll give my arms and legs to make sure you can say it. That's what America stands for, the ability to be able to make your own choice without influence from some King, to be able to protest against a government that you feel isn't up to par. If you don't like it, find other people that agree with you and get a few of your own into offices. That's how the USA works. Its a fluid country, and it was built to be the greatest country on earth because of the ability to change the government and laws based on the world theater at large.