Im young and my mind is easly puesuraded... i want to open my mind to the views of other people, to see what they think and grip a new understanding of the world...
first i want to know what your view on america is.
Well. I can't find a job because employers want experience (theoretically). I can't get experience without a job. I can't get an education without money. When I tried without money, I failed said education and am sitting on an 8,000 dollar debt.
As for 'olicing the world', at least somebody is doing it, because somebody has to.
Does it really need someone to police the whole world? Or would it be possible to interact with other countries to police one's own country conform to international directives and with help of the involved countries? I'd personally prefer the second option, work together, don't butt in in other's affairs unrequired. I can understand that a country has to knock at other countries doors if they have a problem that either concerns that country directly, indirectly or something in relation to that country. But that doesn't mean that we necessarily need one single instance that puts it's nose in everything.
Oh, and since I just stumbled on this picture, let's fuel some pesky generalizations >
so you say americans never make bad generalization? hahaha. they dunno **** about the rest of the world because of their close mindedness caused by society etc.
they dunno **** about the rest of the world because of their close mindedness caused by society etc.
Some americans do know quite a lot about the world. Maybe there's a high percentage of stupid people in the states, but you're making the same mistake by calling those stupid people 'americans'. They are americans, but america is not exclusively them.
this just shows me the close mindedness of the avarage american. the world is much bigger then your own country
Holy crap I can't even begin to understand why you would think this. Let me try this on you, then. Give me 5 current happenings in the world that would actively change my WORLD VIEW on something. Go ahead. Your comment about 'all of the cultures in the world' is nice, but this thread is not about cultures. So we can disregard that.
So please, do try. Pick 5 things that America has absolutely NOTHING to do with. The London Riots are practically over and not an ongoing issue, and the attacks in Norway too are not of any ongoing event like Israel/Palestine or Iraq/Afghanistan [Both of which involve the USA]. You can't say Europe's debt because my comment on debt was universal.
Err... this might be one of the dumbest conversations I've ever read.
No duh Americans are going to seem close minded when talking to you. Do I even need to explain why? I'm also going to guess that the only experience you've had with them is when you're shouting crap about how terrible they are and how much you hate them. Go ahead and try it with anyone from any other country to see if they are more open minded to your great ideas of how terrible them, their country, and their family are.
Lastly, my thoughts are that most Americans don't know that much about what's happening in the rest of the world, and for that matter they don't care either. But, you're pointing something out that is universal. And it is something that could be said about "almost" if not every other nation's population in the whole world.
No duh Americans are going to seem close minded when talking to you. Do I even need to explain why? I'm also going to guess that the only experience you've had with them is when you're shouting crap about how terrible they are and how much you hate them. Go ahead and try it with anyone from any other country to see if they are more open minded to your great ideas of how terrible them, their country, and their family are.
my friend, you have struck the jackpot of world ignorance.
I have seen my fellow americans do really stupid things, and many of us tend to be ignorant, but at least we don't start multiple riots when we have to raise our workweek to 35 hours. compared to many relaxed european countries, we are the workhorse of the world. Heck, my sister at the age of 26 is working 124 hours a week as an accountant. I'd like to see a french or brittish man pull that magic.
sure we have idiot politicians, and people who believe anything our goverment tells us, but that happens everywhere, not just in the U.S.
to call only americans ignorant is like a cauldron calling the kettle black. if anything, european masses only judge us by our current president. the president isn't our spokesperson.
besides, we go to war usually whenever another country is actually unable to do the job themselves. we did this in WWII when france got taken over in 40 days, and brittian's capital was bombed. we saved your hides then. we went to war in iraq because they pleaded for help against hussein, and for some oil profit, we were more than happy to help them and get their goverment in check. we invaded lybia when the rebels asked for U.N. help and nobody would dare try it but us. see how we helped the rebels secure tripoli and end gadaffi's reign.
see, americans act like they are the best because nobody can claim they have done as much as we had within the 235 years we have been around. european nations have been around way longer, and there has been nothing in their history but constant city-state battles and takeovers by multiple dictators or sovereigns.
so you say americans never make bad generalization? hahaha. they dunno **** about the rest of the world because of their close mindedness caused by society etc.
No, but that doesn't excuse your stupidity either.
there are always lots of exceptions when a general term is used.
you seem to have multiple biases about the U.S. before we even get a chance to defend ourselves. how would you like it if I said that the dutch are completely unimportant in the world economy because they haven't done anything substantial in the world market since it was globalized. I'm sure you'd hate having to defend yourself even though you did nothing wrong.
the crap you are spewing is nothing but predetermined bias and emotional rhetoric. there isn't anything in your posts that backs up your biases, and the other people posting on this thread from the U.S. have already disproven many of your biases.
give me some hard fact as to why the U.S. is the most horrid place on earth and I might consider your claim.
America... it is my home, why complain? I can easily move somewhere else if I want to. Will I? Most likely not.
So our nation is screwed up, everyone has issues. We are the people of it, so I can't just blame the government. I mean the people of it did vote for the government, if you believe in all of that.
Look how many perks America has. Sure they are all based off the lazyness of the people, but hey it works. I mean most jobs aren't even difficult any more. Labor jobs are given to the "illegals", so we have it easy. I mean move to MT or ND, work at McDonalds and start off near $12 dollars a hour taking orders. I mean any monkey can be taught to hit keys. America is home of the lazy and land of the fat. (Don't talk about the economy, I will just explode)
Like I said, it is my home. Everything is practically give to you here. Sure stuff is messed up, but that is any where.
american is a an okay country..but the constution needs to b updated... new admedments some thing... discrimination is a good thing( when used right)see im not going to allow a terriost into m country... that said... ever one from middle east isnt a terrist... proprer backround checks and family checks need to be made... im not going to let the son of a bomber into country if Our SWAT or Tactical team took his Dad out...
@partydevil, where exactly did I say that americans don't make bad generalizations? If I did then I'll clearly state here that I specificly do not like bad generalizations. I'm not all americans. So only I do not like bad generalizations and I try my best not to make bad generalizations about people. I try to take a person and see them as one person only.