ForumsWEPRWhat Are Your World Views?

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2,515 posts

Im young and my mind is easly puesuraded... i want to open my mind to the views of other people, to see what they think and grip a new understanding of the world...

first i want to know what your view on america is.

  • 76 Replies
2,515 posts

what do yall think of the war in the middle east?

1,824 posts

A pointless, worthless conflict that people thought of as a decent excuse for honor, but in my opinion, that nit-wit, in-arbitrary so-called war was one bunch of sniveling, worthless scumbags vs another.

1,531 posts

so... much... anti-Americanism... so... much... hatred...

I am a proud citizen of these United States, and would gladly die for my country. The United States represents a beacon of hope and liberty, where Free Enterprise and aid of the minority drove this country to the top.

What needs to change is human nature.

Humans have a right to their own actions, if they don't want their nature to change, don't let them.

We can't put ourselves before everything else, we need to look at things equally.

COMMUNIST! If you want to help someone else out, that's your own choice. Listen here bigfatkitty, there's a reason why you can protest against your government in this world, freedom of speech and freedom of mind.

Let me tell you something bigfatkitty, i don't like what you're saying, but I'll give my arms and legs to make sure you can say it. That's what America stands for, the ability to be able to make your own choice without influence from some King, to be able to protest against a government that you feel isn't up to par. If you don't like it, find other people that agree with you and get a few of your own into offices. That's how the USA works. Its a fluid country, and it was built to be the greatest country on earth because of the ability to change the government and laws based on the world theater at large.

In short: America... F-YEA!



I was beginning to think that there were no proud Americans here. Glad to see at least one.
1,482 posts

World Views - For bias, know I'm an American, origins from Pakistan, raised as a Muslim.

America - We're awesome. If someone says we're arrogant, then they are probably just jealous that we won the 19th century. I'm sure we are a little. Still, I think we think that we are awesome a little too much. Our country has democratic values for one reason -- so we can fix it. The 'If you don't like it here then leave' argument should die -- The idea is to vote against what you don't like to make America the best freaking place on Earth. That is why I like America, because it has boundless potential.

Iraq/Afghanistan: We need to pull out and save money, anybody that thinks we're 'stopping the enemy' is stupid. If anything, we're pissing more people off, making more of the enemy, and leaving more of our weapons there.

Israel/Palestine: Go Palestine. Israel is corrupt and over the last 60 years we've funded them close to 100 Billion dollars, lent our technology, and let them eat out our businesses and steal our arms making industry. I don't hate Jews, but what happened in Palestine wasn't fair, and maybe it is my bias, but to me, it will always be unfair. That being said, I don't advocate a world view of genodice or anything, so I just hope in the future they can share, if both sides can deal it out.

War - We like war. In case you were wondering, we hop in all of them, spend our money on all of them, and tons of crap. We're going in the wrong direction -- I am NOT advocating a tiny military that could all stand on an island in the pacific. We should keep it big, and we should keep it spread on the world. It should not fight for corporate interests, it should not fight for others.
We always talk big about how big we looked walking out of the World Wars, how we saved everybody. I think we should note that both wars began with America choosing a reserved policy. The success from those wars has overpowered some people's ideas thinking war is the way to go. If great leaders like Wilson and FDR had so many reservations about starting war, then we should think more on every war we start. I don't want to kill our military, but it should work for America, and right now, we have no money. So we should cut back on it until we actually have some cash of our own.

Debt - Raise taxes cut spending. All else who say otherwise can die for making me pay more taxes when I grow up.

Corruption: Sadly, America's supreme court feels that money is equivalent to free speech. Sadly, we have a bunch of monopolies we have to cut down on. Sadly, we give a ton of money to the EU, foreign aid, etc, that ends up buying a jet plane or some pointless crap. Our leaders give messages in campaigns that they fail to add up with because our campaigns require millions of dollars of 'speech', better termed as bribery for anyone to actually win. America's political leaders do have a shady side, but I wish they would wise up and still work to rebuild our country. Even if you'll tune into politics at age 40, always make sure you put in time to know what you're voting for and why you are voting to begin with before you even think about electing another monster.

Religion - Have it, don't have it, I don't care. Do what you want.

Homosexuality - Sorry, I'm not down with it. That said, I wouldn't want to do anything to take away their rights, but I won't help to fight their fight either. Probably my religion tuning in for me.

Arab Spring - Go Rebels!

Environment - I'm not a treehugger. We will never to anything solely to help the trees. Thankfully, our world was designed to make the environmental option cheaper. I don't think that using less electricity will save trees - Honestly, I can only care so much. Yet, using less saves me money, more MPG saves me money, thinner paper saves me money, etc.

Humanity - Lets all learn to love each other.

5,129 posts

If someone says we're arrogant, then they are probably just jealous

no it means your arrogant xD
i'm dutch, dutch got just as much if not more then america. so i got no need to be jealous.

anyway. since the topic is "Your World Views" when are we going to skip to a other subject then usa? els this topic should be renamed to "What Are Your USA Views"
358 posts

The world views on things for me is this.

Palestine and the Gaza strip. Both sides have committed atrocities. Israel should remain its own state, but I believe a Palestinian state is in order. Let it develop by itself, and leave it at that. Have Palestine control the area's important to Muslims and such, Israel controlling Jewish and Christian holy sites.

Fair enough deal really. The problem is we got HAMAS and other extremist ****bags on one side, and on the other we have fascist right wingers in the Israeli military. So I doubt peace will happen anytime soon.

Iraq and Afghanistan, in terms of the UN involving itself? a total waste of time. There was no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Saddam Hussein would've been overthrown by his own people if things got out of hand, and Afghanistan has always been a place of tribal warfare, always will be. Democracy cannot work in Afghanistan due to that chaotic environment, it needs a strong suppressive leader that can unite the nation. Even if that means with an iron fist. Even if that means killing the tribal leaders, if it has to be done it has to be done. But let the Afghans do it for themselves.

As for Somalia, total war zone. Full of militia's and rogue claimants to the government. It's the closest thing to a total anarchistic nation on our planet.

Libya and similar nations in revolt? Western media has a lot of bias for the rebels and protestors. Have you ever considered that the Libyan rebel leaders were actually former Gaddafi generals and officers that left because their pay and support ran out?

Or the fact the rebels have no organization at all in Libya, and are merely inciting the populace to take up arms against a ruthless, bloodthirsty dictator who can, and will fight to the bitter end?

I approve that the citizens rise up against tyranny, but there is ways to do it without so much bloodshed. Organization could save lives.

As for Latin America, Columbia is still as full of paramilitaries and FARC militants and smugglers as ever, the Mexican US border is the best spot for viewing shot up immigrants and border runners, and corruption is just as rife in Venezeula.

In my own nation and the Caribbean, refugee's are like the common cold in Dominican. The Haitians are crawling over like babies without mothers. Jamaica still has gang violence, but at least the economy in my nation is getting better, considering I myself have a paying job now.

America I already digressed.
Canada is still under the reins of a suck up.

Russia is still in the enigmatic, but ruthless claws of Putin, the EU is dealing with debt from Greece and Eastern Europe (Portugal as well) and the Northern countries are losing their safe, state ensured monopolies on the pharmacies and other welfare providers.

China is growing economically, and looks promising.

Japan has suffered terrible losses due to the recent disasters.
Eastern Africa in general has a wide famine, and refugee's are like a sickness.

The UK I have no present knowledge that would be a contribution to the subject.

Iceland has problems economically concerning unemployment.

Australia and other places, again, like the UK not much present knowledge. All I know is generalized economic things such as Australian fervor kicking in with anti immigration with orientals, poor management with the economy, etc.

That's about it for me.

1,482 posts

no it means your arrogant xD
i'm dutch, dutch got just as much if not more then america. so i got no need to be jealous.

No, you cared enough to speculate on my decision making and compare the wealth of your coutry to mine. Just because I think ameirca kicks *** doesn't mean that I'm arrogant, it means I have an opinion. I didn't say 'We're awesome, they all suck.', I simply said, 'We're Awesome.'.
If you think me liking my spot is 'arrogance', then read your first post about your views of America and this one about how you cared to compare the Dutch economy to the USA's. Afterwards, look over and decide where the actual arrogance is coming from.

anyway. since the topic is "Your World Views" when are we going to skip to a other subject then usa? els this topic should be renamed to "What Are Your USA Views"

Oh come on, cut it out. This site is loaded with Americans. I did my best to give as many non-American issues that I had deep knowledge. Sorry if you felt I was expressing any arrogance by skipping out on what's up in the Netherlands, but your news rarely hits home for me and as such my world views are centered roughly on the part of the world my country and I personally choose to interact with. The thread's question is broad, giving specific answers isn't bad -- if you care so much, give your own European world view list. I don't see what credibility you hope to gain by bashing America's actions and views without ever putting in any discussion about your own.
508 posts

Israel/Palestine: Go Palestine. Israel is corrupt and over the last 60 years we've funded them close to 100 Billion dollars, lent our technology, and let them eat out our businesses and steal our arms making industry. I don't hate Jews, but what happened in Palestine wasn't fair, and maybe it is my bias, but to me, it will always be unfair. That being said, I don't advocate a world view of genodice or anything, so I just hope in the future they can share, if both sides can deal it out.

The last Palestinian Sheik, who sold the land to the Israelis, was just as corrupt as any Jew you care to name, and the current Palestinian activists are also quite corrupt, taking much from Russia. As for it being unfair, the fact that the Palestinians and Arabs tried to kill Jews fleeing oppression by moving to their ancestral homeland seems quite unfair to me.

Palestine and the Gaza strip. Both sides have committed atrocities. Israel should remain its own state, but I believe a Palestinian state is in order. Let it develop by itself, and leave it at that. Have Palestine control the area's important to Muslims and such, Israel controlling Jewish and Christian holy sites.

Fair enough deal really. The problem is we got HAMAS and other extremist ****bags on one side, and on the other we have fascist right wingers in the Israeli military. So I doubt peace will happen anytime soon.

No, the problem is Israel is surrounded by countries that want to kill the everloving **** out of it, and the Palestinian State would be right in the center of it, which could be problematic.

Homosexuality - Sorry, I'm not down with it. That said, I wouldn't want to do anything to take away their rights, but I won't help to fight their fight either. Probably my religion tuning in for me.

I don't believe any group should have their rights taken away by how they live their personal lives.

Arab Spring - Go Rebels!

Amen to that.
132 posts

My view on America? The majority here are freaking idiots. I asked some of my class mates why they're voting for the people they're voting for ( FYI there almost all Republican )and the majority of the answers were...
1. They're against Abortion
2. They're against homosexuality
3. They're against stem cell research
4. They cut taxes ( For the rich -_- .... )
5. Just because

It was hard for me to believe that these people were being serious but they were so there goes my hope. Anyhow, any president can get elected if they put out some sentimental bull **** and they're philosophical views. When it comes to the economy and they are as dumb as **** because they are too distracted with the things I've mentioned above. The best part to end this comment would be that they think Clinton brought the downfall to our economy and not Bush. Bush is innocent of everything but not Obama or Clinton. I would really love to move to a country where they use reason, logic, and focus on more important events and don't try to distract us with this crap.

879 posts

I would really love to move to a country where they use reason, logic, and focus on more important events and don't try to distract us with this crap.

Sorry that I'm the one to tell you but such a country doesn't exist.
5,129 posts

No, you cared enough to speculate on my decision making and compare the wealth of your coutry to mine. Just because I think ameirca kicks *** doesn't mean that I'm arrogant, it means I have an opinion. I didn't say 'We're awesome, they all suck.', I simply said, 'We're Awesome.'.
If you think me liking my spot is 'arrogance', then read your first post about your views of America and this one about how you cared to compare the Dutch economy to the USA's. Afterwards, look over and decide where the actual arrogance is coming from.

just saying the majority is. ofcours are there always exceptions

Oh come on, cut it out. .....

the OP said he wanted to know the views on the world. and "first i want to know what your view on america is." i assume he wants to know the the views on the rest aswell. so sticking to the usa only is not realy what the topic was ment for is it?
and yea i wold like to see all your views on the netherlands. but ive never asked for it. i'm not pressing my country to be the subject.
in the end the world is bigger then just 1 country.
1,482 posts

i assume he wants to know the the views on the rest aswell

so sticking to the usa only is not realy what the topic was ment for is it?

No, it isn't, but I live here. Most of my news comes from the USA, about the USA, and the USA is almost everywhere. Any international news I know is usually about what the USA is doing. So obviously my opinions, as foreign as they'll get, will still involve the US
5,129 posts

international news isn't the world. usa isn't the world.

I live here. Most of my news comes from the USA, about the USA, and the USA is almost everywhere. Any international news I know is usually about what the USA is doing. So obviously my opinions, as foreign as they'll get, will still involve the US

this just shows me the close mindedness of the avarage american.
the world is much bigger then your own country
there are so much more cultures then your own. and there is so much you can learn from them.
5,129 posts

skip that 1st part. it belongs to my comment befor changing it xD
it has no meaning whitout the rest.

3,371 posts

this just shows me the close mindedness of the avarage american.
the world is much bigger then your own country
there are so much more cultures then your own. and there is so much you can learn from them.

It isn't that American's are close minded it's that in our society we arn't constanly updated on the news and events of other nations. We should be updated, but we arn't. If we followed other nations news more and learned about them in schools more then there wouldn't be a problem.
Showing 31-45 of 76