They were not attempting to deny the boat from entering port, rather diverting it to one under Israeli control so that the cargo may be searched for weaponry.
Exactly. Why not wait until the boat is in Israeli waters? Israel's coast is not one of harsh waves, doing something to move the boat later would not have caused any sort of destruction. Maybe a little more time for it to reach the port but who cares.
There is no "ossibly." It was definite that there were contraband weaponry onboard, and that when the commandoes attempted to rappel onto the deck of the ship, then they were beaten with metal rods and other makeshift clubs.
There are multiple accounts of what happened. You cannot just believe your news source. There was a boat and commandos and stuff went down. I can pull out as many Pro-Gaza sources as you can Pro-Israel.
What we CAN agree on is that bad stuff went down.
Also, just having the weaponry does not mean they aren't humanitarians, just adding that.
Furthermore, we never really got a release as to what was on that boat. Is it possible that Israel chose not to use Israeli weapons for this reason?
See, I'm not saying that happened, but it is possible.
What you are saying is the same as the US is uptight about national security if the incomers are from the Middle East!
Yes, but in the USA, there is no IDF. I mean, you still can't come in with a gun, sure.
But lets think about this, ...
Instead of releasing any actual proof as to what was on board.
All the IDF did was give us their word that they found guns and stuff.
But okay, sure, that's fine, they have that right.
Still, a little suspicious.
Lets keep this on topic: We know people got hit with stuff and the IDF says so and so. This happened outside Israel's legal jurisdiction and that in itself is no reason to throw commandos on board. If the commandos were attacked, then it sucks for them, that wouldn't help Israel's case seeing as the commandos weren't doing anything legit.
Also, I don't think breaking a blockage is an act of war, so therefore, they aren't belligerent waters.
But I'm not 100% on that.
If what you say is true, then sure, I'll buy it. But again, I'm trying to stay on topic. We clearly have our differences on Israel.
All that I'm saying is that it doesn't sound like the stupidest thing to do because the whole thing sounds a little fishy.