ForumsWEPRTurkey vs. Israel

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I think that it is ridiculous that even after a UN report vindicates Israel's actions, Turkey is still going to take its case to the International Criminal Courts, on trumped up charges that shouldn't even be admitted. The pitiful thing is that Turkey was Israel's closest Middle Eastern ally and now it looks like it could take decades to resolve this.

What are your opinions on the flotilla that occurred last year, and what do you think the end result of this spat between former allies will end up as?

  • 80 Replies
1,627 posts

Armenians also wasnt powerful so they killed each other.

So now you are attempting to convince us that the Armenians killed themselves, and then blamed it on Turkey!? Give me a freaking break.

Holy Land isnt just holy for Jews. It is holy for Muslims and Christians too.

You realize that both the Bible and the Quaran recognize that Israel belongs to the Jews? And the Muslims already have Mecca, the Christians the Vatican. It seems as if when the Christians and Muslims want something, but when the "evil Jews" try to "steal the land", it is condemned, and then people attack them, lose, and then cry when they get land taken away.
16 posts

I didnt write it understandable sorry. I wanted to say Turks and Armenians killed each other. There was no genocide and Armenians under arrested by Ottoman Goverment that was the what i wanted to say.


We have Makkah right but it isnt belogs Turkey. It is in Saudi Arabia lands. Vatican also in Italy. That religions global religions. I didnt say EVIL JEWS, BAD JEWS etc... I have very good friends they are also jewish. I didnt say Jews stole the lands from muslims. Just dont kill innocent.

1,627 posts

I never implicated you in saying that you said that Jews were bad. I am saying (and I hate playing the religion card), that over the years, Jews have been scapegoats to others just because we were the first monotheistic religion, and a bunch of Christians thought we're heretics. In the world view (usually) when the Jews want something for themselves, they are thought as of selfish and uncaring, while when Christians claim something, it is okay, as it is done in the name of Jesus (mainly the Vatican).

Just dont kill innocent.

The IDF doesn't make it its policy to kill innocent civilians. They make it policy to track down and kill every terrorist who fires rockets into their cities. I am confused, because you condemn Israel for not intentionally killing civilians, however I have heard not a peep from you about the rockets fired by the bunch into Israeli cities, attempting to kill the very civilians whom you protest against getting slaughtered.
5,129 posts

just because we were the first monotheistic religion

your not the 1st.
judaism isn't the oldest monotheistic religion. i can't remember right now wich 1 it was.
maybe Zoroastrianism. it still got about 100.000 followers and is said to be atleast 1000 year older then judaism.

However, Hinduism, the oldest religion practiced today, is monotheistic below the surface, though polytheistic to the eye. They think of it this way. Your arm, hair, leg, and nose all have different names, with different functions, but they are all part of you. As such, Krishna, Kali, Ganesha, etc. are all part of one God with different names and functions.

so it depends on how you see hinduism.
5,340 posts

the israelis dont want the whole ME believe me (i just gave you a proof just like you did )

i wont say too much about this subject since i never really cared for it. but you do realize that israel=/= jews right? the holy lands are holy for christians and muslims and guess what? they actually live here. israel is full with christian AND muslims.

and i wonder who created that theory? maybe someone who hates israel? i can create such a theory about any other place in the world that i feel like it.

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