
76 17006
2,515 posts

see idk were this goes but i think its a big problom... see im 13 and i think my self as a mature "teen" were i live people (guys) think fart sounds and harassment is fun... most people on ar are like 14 15 16... so you all know what im talking about... but immaturity isnt just a school problem... if those retards are going to run the world oneday i fear for myself... some girls near me dont no what symbiosis is the day after we "learned" it or even how to do fraction... we have reviews them for three years... some guys litterly make fart noises in class... then laugh like a fat guy fell... i dont get it? wtf

  • 76 Replies
1,824 posts

This is gonna sound immature, but; AHHHHH! TOO MANY WORDS! Ahem, now that that's over; It is correct that is has nothing to do with age. I was quite mature from the start. But for some people, those in the not-so-happy median, they achieve understanding of maturity as they get older.

1,434 posts

I was never a big fan of the "Young-uns are stupid and too immature" statements. Sure, my generation is filled with wannabe's and goon-jobs aplenty, and more than enough Jersey-Shore fanboys and fangirls, but we also house some of the greatest minds on Earth. I mean, just look at me and Highfire. He's a god-**** Freshman, fourteen, and I'm only two years older, yet wherever we tread on these threads, a trail of logic, reason, and handfuls of satire and sarcasm follow.

Sure, I'm eccentric. I find pleasure in making people laugh, but I also adore intelligent conversation, mostly because I'm a bleedin' genius and can out-think most anybody I've met (Curse you Dr. P!).

In terms of attention, sure, I lose myself once or twice in Math or Science, but that's just because its so BLACK AND WHITE. There's no middle ground in Physics or Pre-Calculus, especially in Honors classes, its the teachers' way or the F-way. But in classes like English, where I can write and read and interpret my way, where there's twelve-thousand rainbows to explore for each sentence in Frankenstein or The Catcher in the Rye, or in History, when tales of the America of Old inspire me further into my Capitalistic lifestyle, I find myself completely engaged, and usually at my highest maturity level.

A lot of people on these forums (I'm aiming my Lazer Cannon at YOU Masterforger) think that if you don't act in an educated manner at all times when asked questions, then you're an idiot, or insane. I've been called both, and while I accept the insanity claim, that which is different or better than you often gets put down by you, I'll be ****ed if I let someone call me an idiot. Just because I write in scratchy handwriting, or don't think the way the sheeple do, or don't conform to your preconception of a model student, doesn't mean I'm not intelligent. On the contrary, I'm the best there is. Yep. And if you're going to try and bring me down because of how mature I am, well, take a look at my test scores, take a look at my debates, take a look at how I live my life.

This is Your Friendly Neighborhood Satanist, The ChillzMaster; a man put down by the Machine because of his Immaturity all his life, now stands as the greatest thing to ever walk the halls of that **** school.



1,322 posts

Maturity has nothing to do with your age.


Using absolutes in your arguments is neve.... almost never a good way of going about explaining your position. How many one month olds do you know that are as mature as you? ...what about 1 year olds? 3 year olds? Here's the thing. You say that time and maturity are absolutely independent of each other. I perceive "maturity" in our society to mean that the "mature" person is not only aware of, but abstains from his/her desire to pursue his/her carnal desire in order to accommodate social taboos, logic, and reason.

In order to learn what these things are and to be able to properly apply them, one needs time. If the person has never progressed through time, then that person has never learned. Age is but a measure of time. Without time... without aging... one can never be mature. If you disagree with my definition of maturity, then apply this paragraph to yours... and see if I'm still wrong.

To say that the two are absolutely independent and have nothing to do with each other is fallacious thinking. How fast someone gains maturity is independent of other people's progression, but they still have to age by some degree before it is possible for them to become mature.

There are also different forms of maturity. These include: social maturity, mental maturity, and physical maturity... now, that last one by nature of the beast has to coexist with age.

I know... this was arguing semantics... but therein again... making absolute statements without further clarification of your thoughts brings into the argument all of the possible interpretations of that ideology you neglected to expound upon. I stand by my statement. You can never be mature without having aged. Maturity is to some loose degree dependent on your age... you just can't use it as a measuring stick for just how mature a person is. (you might could use statistics that plot perceived maturity (you can quantify some things for scaling purposes) and age to see an average trend line for people in general tho... and I'm almost certain that line will have a definite upward slope from infancy to adulthood)
58 posts

Okay first dont say the R word spend some time with mentally disabled kids and you will see. I have had teachers that literal would kick you out of class if you said the R word using that word provides a negative connotation and makes a lot of people think that person is an inconsiderate b... umm person.
The maturity problem well we all have to act like kids sometimes otherwise nothing would be fun

Wow heres a personal example for me about maturity. I have come a long way since I was born 2 months early. I was born with a malformation of the brain I still have it I can never remember the name of it para ventricu something with that in it well lets just say it affects my cerebral cortex. I am considered to have a learning disability ( I have an IEP) well Im actually a very good student not to many bad affects of the brain malformation Just ADHD slightly impaired motor functions and some other random stuff. Lets just say I was really lucky

So lets get back to the point maturity I am known to act childish at times dont we all your, callin certain people stupid just cause for no reason at all you got to think.
I get straight A's and yes I have also been asked by other students to help them figure this or that out solving quadratic functions ETC. so yeah I can understand where you are coming from. In my view dont just go making coclusions without first testing your hypothesis what im trying to say is Im not a naturally smart person I have to work and work and work at it so I see where people are coming from when they ask me how do I do this. I cant pay attention sometime ADHD duh... so people arent immature if they dont know stuff they are just having trouble if you are such a good student help them with stuff. Helpi people who need it they just need that extra push to help them on their way your viewpoint is very flawed

508 posts

I think people draw too many connections between intelligence and maturity.

There are a lot of brilliant kids out there. I spent most of my school life in a program for "geniuses", but the first thing I noticed was that these kids were so much more immature than most other kids around them, with lower IQs and worse test scores. However, many of them assumed that Brains=Maturity, which isn't the case. They would talk down to "dumber" kids, because they assumed they had less maturity, which often wasn't the case.

That being said, when I was younger people used to tell me I was one of the most mature kids they met. I think that's a load of bull****. From what I've noticed, many people assume maturity in a child results from the ability to take something, and really think about it. Basically, people assume concentrated contemplation=maturity. However, what seems like true maturity to me is the ability to take something, and think about it without bias, and be able to see something from all angles.

But that's just me

2,515 posts

Actually ... i see your point... okay.. i understand now.. thanks for the insight...

5,552 posts

There are a lot of brilliant kids out there. I spent most of my school life in a program for "geniuses", but the first thing I noticed was that these kids were so much more immature than most other kids around them, with lower IQs and worse test scores. However, many of them assumed that Brains=Maturity, which isn't the case. They would talk down to "dumber" kids, because they assumed they had less maturity, which often wasn't the case.

I think people draw too many connections between intelligence and maturity.

No, I think the real problem is that people draw connections between good grades and intelligence. You don't have to be all that smart to get A's in school, you just have to be dilligent and do all the work. Good grades does not always equal smarts. I was always considered "That smart kid" in school, and everyone assumed I had an A in every class. Not so, it was so uninteresting to me that I usually ended with D's or C's because of all the homework that I didn't do, even though I got 100%'s on the tests and what not.

Back to the topic of maturity...

It seems we have some differing views on what it actually is. I think maturity is not how good you are with grammar, or how much you know, I think it is how you are able to deal with things. An immature person will not look at another person's view, or acknowledge another person's needs over their own. They will think only of themselves. A mature person will not complain about every single thing, and can pretty much just "suck it up." A mature person will not let emotions completely control their decisions or act with a whim on serious matters.
1,766 posts

Immaturity comes and goes from time to time. Younger guys are immature most of the time to fit in.

It's funny sometimes but you need to know when to become mature. Otherwise it becomes awfully annoying.

5,061 posts

It's a part of childhood, there are times that one needs to be serious, it just so happens that adults have to do it far more often, we all have the ability, it's just that at younger ages we have no reason to do so.

In short, maturity is acting like you give a ****, it really doesn't have to do with intelligence or life, although those are factors on how often you act mature.

3,025 posts

This is gonna sound immature, but; AHHHHH! TOO MANY WORDS!

Hehe. Sorry about that. ^^

Ahem, now that that's over; It is correct that is has nothing to do with age

I think whether it's important to question whether it is. Experience seems to hep people a large amount in most cases, I wouldn't be surprised if it naturally makes them wiser - hell, that's what it does.
But that doesn't necessarily mean that my father is more mature than me. :P

But for some people, those in the not-so-happy median, they achieve understanding of maturity as they get older.

Not always though. :/

That, and I would say that wealth doesn't equate to maturity either - in some cases it can mean the opposite. A family struggling with the recession would have his child more disciplined because he and others are going through hell and need to work together. It's a selfish act at first - but it stems into a permanent aspect of your character, usually.

People have sights on maturity and different ways to grasp it - but it doesn't change the fact that they can do it indepentantly with no loss and no gain except a better personality.

but we also house some of the greatest minds on Earth.

At first I was like O.o
I mean, just look at me and Highfire.

And then I was like O.O

You make me laugh man, I got to say

but I also adore intelligent conversation, mostly because I'm a bleedin' genius and can out-think most anybody I've met (Curse you Dr. P!).

I'm not going to lie, I do take joy in presenting myself as adept in an area of expertise, which usually goes around philosophy or morality and being capable of holding my own to anyone willing to put their ear out to me

Especially in real life, I could be talking with my History teacher about religion (he's a Catholic) and we're playing this domination game with eachother, trying to take lead of the debate. :P
In a friendly manner of course.

In terms of attention, sure, I lose myself once or twice in Math or Science, but that's just because its so BLACK AND WHITE.

This actually gave me insight ^^
I'll use an example, when I play games - in this case Starcraft II, I like to play at my highest level. I put effort in to being the most efficient, faster or just best in general. I know I'm not - otherwise I'd be at the WCG and Assembly 2011 :P
Doing things &quotroperly", which in games would be generally what the professionals do - I would compare doing Maths / Science the same way. Granted, I've found work-arounds to some formulae that apply better to my thought pattern and don't seem half as confusing but I don't see the need to adjust my thought pattern ^^

But in classes like English, where I can write and read and interpret my way, where there's twelve-thousand rainbows to explore for each sentence in Frankenstein or The Catcher in the Rye, or in History, when tales of the America of Old inspire me further into my Capitalistic lifestyle, I find myself completely engaged, and usually at my highest maturity level.

I generally dislike the idea of English. I've never had problems with spelling, if I did - I would fix it. It takes 5 minutes to do that though, half my vocabulary is learnt from games, and I thought about the psychological effects of words and phrases since I was 6 (as Chillz has said, I'm now 14) - I understand myself and through it I've understood others. It's good to write and I enjoy constructing sentences and honing my skills but if I wanted that I could simply do a blog.
Which I have... :P

It also doesn't help that my English Teachers are generally idiots. What happens when she puts up "Heros" (with the intention of having it plural - not "Hero's&quot and it takes me getting the backup from my brother-in-law AND a dictionary just to prove her wrong because the class would automatically assume I was wrong?
She would yell at me, of course ^^

I already expected that and thought of my own point against her, because what I did was valid, no doubt. The only thing I could've done better was how I said "You spelled heroes wrong" - that's what I said, I could've said "I think you missed the e Miss", but ultimately she didn't think I was right - the outcome would've been the same.
Yay, theorycraft ^^

Oh, and that was three years ago when I first came to high school :P

think that if you don't act in an educated manner at all times when asked questions, then you're an idiot, or insane.

I guess I've failed on multitudes of occasions then

that which is different or better than you often gets put down by you, I'll be ****ed if I let someone call me an idiot.

That's one way of putting it ^^
I've not much to say but this does remind me of what I think I'm (sadly) capable of doing in real life. You know Thank you for Smoking? It's a lobbyist who kind of obviously works for the wrong side but due to his ability to wage a word-war he's pulled others against the enemy who is actually right. I've played Devil's Advocate without people noticing and have "won" debates against people in real life through sheer oration or reasons which they were incapable of countering (even if I could blatantly see one ^^ ).

On the contrary, I'm the best there is.

Either you lack modesty or you're full of honesty. :P

I find it's actually a problem saying something like that. People interpret it as arrogance and if you're right, a lack of modesty - to me it's blatant that mental practices is something I achieve better than any other student in my year, however I don't ACTUALLY say that. :P

In order to learn what these things are and to be able to properly apply them, one needs time.

I would say that's capabilities of the human brain, for the most part. I spent 8 years on all moral points I came across and most there are ever, but it was weighing it out - bare in mind that nearly always in a situation there are consequences far beyond what happens between two things. It's one of the reasons killing murderers (ones that deserve it) wouldn't be my "go-to" idealogy of punishment, because I don't think the culture would understand or want it.

If you disagree with my definition of maturity, then apply this paragraph to yours... and see if I'm still wrong.

I agree, but bare in mind it doesn't stay relative between people - I didn't say you said otherwise but I figured expanding on what you said could help everyone.

I'm unsure of how much time I've spent thinking about this compared to everyone else, but I would imagine I've spent much more. Does this mean I'm slower in maturing than others, since it took 8 years of hard thought progressing my moral standard? It was concentrated, solely moral thoughts for what I would think was EVERY DAY, that's over 2,000 days thinking of it - I can easily say that's well over 2,000 hours.
Granted, it wasn't just to do with maturity - would actually say when I wasn't influenced by emotions or something that I was pretty heavily mature throughout though, since I'd be thinking about a serious thing, probably.

To say that the two are absolutely independent and have nothing to do with each other is fallacious thinking.

Bare in mind it may have been a simple inaccurate wording on his part, I think it would help to clarify that IF he meant that the two are absolutely independent and have nothing to do with each other is...

There are also different forms of maturity. These include: social maturity, mental maturity, and physical maturity... now, that last one by nature of the beast has to coexist with age.

Including? In total I would say there are four - social, mental, intellect and physical. Intellect would be your intelligence, the theory of power and scientific theories that could be put forward as "what is / happened". Physical would be related to of course Sonatavirus' explanation:
by nature of the beast has to coexist with age.

Mental maturity to me would be based on subjective philosophies, your lifestyle (religion, being my primary guess), your thought patterns and mental "strength" on a whole. It's too difficult to actually pinpoint these things though.
By strength, I do not mean brain power. ^^

I know... this was arguing semantics...

Glad you realized

but therein again... making absolute statements without further clarification of your thoughts brings into the argument all of the possible interpretations of that ideology you neglected to expound upon.

Which would be the reason I would expand on "Glad you realized" with a smiley, some people's interpretation would be sarcasm, which is why I'm going to say that hell no, I'm serious.
Which sounds a little exaggerated considering that "Glad you realized" just seems so casual ^^

Okay first dont say the R word spend some time with mentally disabled kids and you will see.

I'd like to ask where exactly this happened and by who - I feel like it was me, and it probably was.

Using the word "retard", I don't see why it would be insulting. This is ironically to do with maturity. Learn to know what people mean, if they use the word "retard" excessively or unnecessarily then of course point it out but if I DID say it then I would use it fairly. Idiocy is just stupid - blatantly stupid, but the "R" word is simply a step up from that in the context I generally mean it.

I bare no reference to people who are mentally or physically handicapped, the sooner people understand that the sooner they will see how much I'm expressing my point.

I have had teachers that literal would kick you out of class if you said the R word using that word provides a negative connotation and makes a lot of people think that person is an inconsiderate b... umm person.

Difficult topic. I don't swear infront of adults or others in real life because it's regarded "disrespectful" - I think expressing myself with curse words (not excessively of course) is justified, but I still don't do it because people who think that I think it's fine anyway, which is generally the case with others don't actually understand. If I felt the need to actually swear I'd do it and anyone appearing insulted I would justify it to them, if they still don't appreciate that I don't do it all that often (er... anymore) I'd simply apologize to and move on.

The maturity problem well we all have to act like kids sometimes otherwise nothing would be fun

The time and place for related behaviour is what defines maturity (to an extent) to me.

I get straight A's and yes I have also been asked by other students to help them figure this or that out solving quadratic functions ETC.

I did quadratics 2 years ago so I've forgot what they are.
The thing I was just thinking of when trying to remember was simultaneous equations ^^

what im trying to say is Im not a naturally smart person I have to work and work and work at it

... Sorry for the nitpick, but I'd like to say that so does everyone else who is intelligent - to reach that level of intelligence you naturally need to work harder, though. Is that what you meant?

Although I should point out that it's more or less using your time to actually learn that I find is the problem, people generally don't care about that kind of stuff, be it for social standing or simple laziness. Intelligence kind of correlates with discipline.

so people arent immature if they dont know stuff they are just having trouble if you are such a good student help them with stuff.

Anyone who asks or anyone I like enough to offer (which is generally anyone who isn't an aggressive fool) is who I help. I don't see how exactly they didn't pick up on something although I find myself being very observant (how ironic) pretty much all of the time. Have you ever had someone on the phone or laptop, whatever they are were doing and you just couldn't grab their attention? I've never understood that, and because of it I've always developed a system where I prioritize things. If I'm on the computer and I hear my name I give recognition so that they don't feel ignored and furthermore actually aren't being ignored.

That recognition could be from "One sec" to "Sorry, what?" :P

Helpi people who need it they just need that extra push to help them on their way your viewpoint is very flawed

Whom's viewpoint is very flawed? If you're referencing me then I'm certain I didn't say the METHOD of having people with attention &quotroblems" - expressing the situation and confronting it are done very differently by me.

They would talk down to "dumber" kids, because they assumed they had less maturity

What can I say? They're more idiotic because they lack mental maturity (my clarification).
The #1 priority is morality, but morality requires maturity to discuss on a serious basis because of what it involves (which ranges from so many things). Intellect and Physical Maturity are not good if you use them incorrectly.

From what I've noticed, many people assume maturity in a child results from the ability to take something, and really think about it.

Whilst I would say that most people who assume that do so for the wrong reasons, I would say the ability to keep focus on a matter that actually... matters does require a state of maturity which is not always present in young people.

However, what seems like true maturity to me is the ability to take something, and think about it without bias, and be able to see something from all angles.

Yes and no, I think the ability to keep focused on something isn't all that hard to do (for me at least) but for the "lower levels" of maturity that actually take this into account I think that being capable of sustaining thoughts of something until you... I don't know - understand it?

It's difficult to interpret what maturity actually is, different things apply depending on how mature you are and furthermore in what criteria. How would you define my social maturity? The way I communicate and get along with people in general or how many friends I've had and their relationship with me?

Different conditions bring up different measurements.

You don't have to be all that smart to get A's in school, you just have to be dilligent and do all the work.

True, but you actually KNOW it now...

Good grades does not always equal smarts.

Certainly not, but I would think your actual exams at the end of school equate to intelligence on a tighter scale.

Not so, it was so uninteresting to me that I usually ended with D's or C's because of all the homework that I didn't do, even though I got 100%'s on the tests and what not.

No offense but I think your school is very dumb. In mine they have two things: Reports with your levels etc, which is based on your exams, and the sheet about your behaviour / progress / homework etc. They're not the same thing and they're separate for each topic. Yours seems to take homework into account, which is rediculous.

I think it is how you are able to deal with things.

Not necessarily, even that is a difficult thing to agree with. The ability to deal with things and how you actually deal with things and furthermore how "normal" it is to you to do it in that way is what I think is maturity. I'm used to thinking on a logical / reasonable level and I do it with pretty much everything, although I add or take away what wouldn't help the situation - it could be insults, complements, an expression, the way I say / do something, etc.

A mature person will not complain about every single thing, and can pretty much just "suck it up."

I would actually say that only recently I've matured, if I compare myself to your clarification.
I'd like you to be more specific, sucking it up? Accepting something, recognition of something and the will to do something about it, not caring... what is it you think it is, exactly?

A mature person will not let emotions completely control their decisions or act with a whim on serious matters.

I've inadvertantly removed emotions from the equation in a few cases. :/

Emotions are influences which are not helpful in a debating situation, honestly. Out of a situation that comes through I naturally know what to do, but the thing is emotions still don't come into it.

The only times I think I could actually be emotional would be when expressing myself on THAT large a level (which wouldn't be a bad thing), or whenever it's not necessary to hide, conceal, remove etc, with my emotions.

In short, maturity is acting like you give a ****,

A higher level of maturity would actually be giving a ****. NOT caring about something is widely overused I think, I am not bothered by something could be a way of putting it, although if a friend needs help I'll put in the effort to make sure what's right happens, and furthermore to support them.

Honestly? People are always immature, for the whole of their lives.

... I think you're expecting someone to call you immature or something.
You're imfunny, just saying. ^^

Sorry for ultra-long post, I'm bored?

- H
5,552 posts

No offense but I think your school is very dumb.

None taken, I said the same thing to just about everyone in it over the 4 years I was there.

Yours seems to take homework into account, which is rediculous.

Homework on average accounted for 30-40% of the total grade. All of which was busy work of what you did that day mind you.

sucking it up?

As in you realize that there are some things you have to do. Of course, I don't believe this means you actually do them, just that you realize that you should.
1,606 posts

Make a conscious effort to focus on the work - let your mind drift off IN your work. I've a different way of doing trigonometry to everyone else in the class because I've been able to essentially "cut corners" or dumb it down to my own thought patterns.

I can't really control it, seriously. I will be having my full attention (or I assume I do, I prolly have half of my mind on something else since this happens) and all of the sudden, a new train of thought pops into my mind and everything around me dosen't even register, I could still see the teacher talking, but the words that should be going into my mind don't even reach my ears, and the image is non essential to me. Then I have to relize agian that my mind should be focused on the teacher and I do, but everything he or she said before that is gone, and I could go back into that kindof trance where the teacher no longer matters agian and agian before the period ends.
For some reason, the only class where that dosen't happen is math.
In order to learn what these things are and to be able to properly apply them, one needs time. If the person has never progressed through time, then that person has never learned. Age is but a measure of time. Without time... without aging... one can never be mature. If you disagree with my definition of maturity, then apply this paragraph to yours... and see if I'm still wrong.

I think time has something to do with it, but I think what has to do with it more is how much of the world you understand, like the machanics of how to succeed in it and what to do if you don't, also how to relize that you shouldn't rage over a little thing and to always have a clear head, those things you learn from experiencing the world around you, and yes it does take time to do that.
Please re-word what you said,

What I was saying is they really just wanted to get their AG points up, and really didn't want to add to the debate, or maybe they did, but were too lazy to read about it and just went ahead and put their thoughts into it, even if they didn't have much of an idea as to what the debate was for.
From what I've noticed, many people assume maturity in a child results from the ability to take something, and really think about it. Basically, people assume concentrated contemplation=maturity. However, what seems like true maturity to me is the ability to take something, and think about it without bias, and be able to see something from all angles.

Yea I agree that most people think if you contemplate something then your mature, but the reason for my concentrated contemplation is usualy because I have a VERY you can say laggy mind, I never really noticed this till recently and it really made me realize it when a orthodox jewish person was walking down the street and asked me if I'm jewish, for most people that's an immediate responce, yes or no. But for me it took me about 2 seconds to answer, I dunno why other than I don't know if I'm christian or atheist (I don't know if I really believe or not) but if I was either christian or atheist the answer to them is still no... But luckily I can see points from all angles, so that still makes me somewhat mature in your definition.
1,606 posts

Difficult topic. I don't swear infront of adults or others in real life because it's regarded "disrespectful" - I think expressing myself with curse words (not excessively of course) is justified, but I still don't do it because people who think that I think it's fine anyway, which is generally the case with others don't actually understand. If I felt the need to actually swear I'd do it and anyone appearing insulted I would justify it to them, if they still don't appreciate that I don't do it all that often (er... anymore) I'd simply apologize to and move on.

I NEVER use curse words on serious conversations unless the conversation is about that curse word, I find that once you use it while in a conversation it goes from serious to casual quickly. The only time I swear is to make a conversation more casual, to surprise some1 (not too mature on my part and I don't do it anymore), or if I'm alone and I need to get a point across to myself, basicly cursing at myself helps me become disiplined and not act stupidly.
Certainly not, but I would think your actual exams at the end of school equate to intelligence on a tighter scale.

Actualy most grades count for just memorization, not an understanding of the subject, so good grades don't completly equal intelligence.
I would actually say that only recently I've matured, if I compare myself to your clarification.
I'd like you to be more specific, sucking it up? Accepting something, recognition of something and the will to do something about it, not caring... what is it you think it is, exactly?

I think what he means, is understanding that it happens and find some way to cope with it, or use it to your advantage.
although if a friend needs help I'll put in the effort to make sure what's right happens, and furthermore to support them.

I really don't do that for friends, the most I do is give them advice on how to solve their problems, but I never make sure they do it or anything.
As in you realize that there are some things you have to do. Of course, I don't believe this means you actually do them, just that you realize that you should.

I think if you relize you should, then carrying out what should do means that your mature, because it is relizing that lazieness gets you no where.
1,078 posts

Age and maturity are not linked in anyway, unless in terms of the biological. Even then, it's genetics. Personality Maturity is based on an individuals experiences. I see myself as many times more mature than most people in my school, mainly because I can go more than 5 minutes without making a sex joke. Sure due to biology we are more prone to talk about sexual interactions at this age, but that is because when we were cavemen 13-25 was prime breeding time, so we developed it then. It's all about restraint and discipline, which most people in my school lack.
I have good parents that teach me the lessons of restraint and discipline without forcing them onto me, thus the lessons are learned. As a result, I become more mature than others. Then there are the bad parents that either force these lessons down your throat or don't give two ****s about morality. This leads to rebellion and eventual immaturity, as they lack restraint and discipline.

1,766 posts

Homework on average accounted for 30-40% of the total grade.

Really? Homework is only 15% of my grade.
I have good parents that teach me the lessons of restraint and discipline without forcing them onto me, thus the lessons are learned. As a result, I become more mature than others.

I partially agree with you. Parents are a factor of whether you are mature or not. But not always in that kind of situation. Maybe your parents are divorced or both of them are dead and you had to live through those tough emotions that floated inside of you. Then with that experience you've matured somewhat. When things settle down you'll probably immature a bit because of the influence of your friends.
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