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2,515 posts

see idk were this goes but i think its a big problom... see im 13 and i think my self as a mature "teen" were i live people (guys) think fart sounds and harassment is fun... most people on ar are like 14 15 16... so you all know what im talking about... but immaturity isnt just a school problem... if those retards are going to run the world oneday i fear for myself... some girls near me dont no what symbiosis is the day after we "learned" it or even how to do fraction... we have reviews them for three years... some guys litterly make fart noises in class... then laugh like a fat guy fell... i dont get it? wtf

  • 76 Replies
3,386 posts

would you guys think yourselfs a mature?

Ehhh I think I'm a bit ahead of some people in certain areas, but I know there are others farther ahead than I am, or could ever hope to be. So It depends, really.
would you think of your self a mature child if at the age of 2 and 3 you wandered of intothe world with no supervivion and camr back unharmed?

Well, I did that. Doesn't mean I was mature. Just means I knew my way back home and how to cross a few streets.

Maturity DOES has something to do with age, but it isn't once you hit a certain age you realize something, it is just being introduced to newer experiences with age, and you get more and more experiences as you grow older, and learning from those experiences in a positive manner and applying them to life is really what 'defines' maturity.
1,606 posts

Maturity DOES has something to do with age, but it isn't once you hit a certain age you realize something, it is just being introduced to newer experiences with age, and you get more and more experiences as you grow older, and learning from those experiences in a positive manner and applying them to life is really what 'defines' maturity.

That's my definition also, but it's really not how old you are, it's just that it takes time to suck up all the experiences.
8,257 posts

Age is no absolute in that, time and experience do play a role but there are more mature characters than others, who need less experience to be mature. Some will never get mature...

1,606 posts

I've had experience with this and everyone i knew who was immature still is but not as much as in middle school. Their simply learning their way to the right way. Nothing wrong with that even though their immaturity does get out of hand sometimes.

It's quite annoying when you walk into class and a kid is doing fart noises.
1,606 posts

They're going through Puberty.
It normal for them because of their crazy hormones.

I don't think it's normal, there's only one kid who does that in my class.
1,608 posts

I think that if everyone still was a little childish no one had stress and everyone would be more happy.
Just think of it. When u come home what do u rather do : research random non school things to kill time or laugh at stupid jokes with friends.

3,139 posts

I think that if everyone still was a little childish no one had stress and everyone would be more happy.
Just think of it. When u come home what do u rather do : research random non school things to kill time or laugh at stupid jokes with friends.

I think there needs to be a balance between childishness and stress. For example, stress is what motivates me to actually do stuff. I stress of uni reports, so i get them done. I stress when i know bills are coming in, so i make sure i have the money and pay them. Although of course childishness is needed - i'd much rather laugh and goof around with friends than sit in and read about something i have no interest in, just so i sound smarter.
5,061 posts

think there needs to be a balance between childishness and stress. For example, stress is what motivates me to actually do stuff. I stress of uni reports, so i get them done. I stress when i know bills are coming in, so i make sure i have the money and pay them. Although of course childishness is needed - i'd much rather laugh and goof around with friends than sit in and read about something i have no interest in, just so i sound smarter.

^ This.

They're going through Puberty.
It normal for them because of their crazy hormones.
My Sister 15 and she swears all the time.

What? No. It's funny, that's why the do it, well maybe not to you, but it is to them.

When I was 15, I swore a lot too, I still do, granted I know when to use them and when not to, but I don't do use profanity because of a hormone imbalance, I do it because it's an expressive dialogue.

Don't misinterpret me, puberty causes all kinds of craziness, finding humour in farts, and cursing, just aren't part of it.
1,606 posts

research random non school things to kill time

That's why I use Armor Games.
sit in and read about something i have no interest in, just so i sound smarter.

I dn't think that's a fair choice, since I don't think that's really mature, it's more just, stupid. Just to sound smart dosen't sound like a good reason to force yourself to do things.
Don't misinterpret me, puberty causes all kinds of craziness, finding humour in farts, and cursing, just aren't part of it.

I don't know, before middel school, I knew curses but never used em so much as in that one period of my life. But maybe your right, and that's not because of hormone imbalance, maybe I was just excited to be in Middle school or something.
3,139 posts

sit in and read about something i have no interest in, just so i sound smarter.

I dn't think that's a fair choice, since I don't think that's really mature, it's more just, stupid. Just to sound smart dosen't sound like a good reason to force yourself to do things.

You might want to read the whole sentence:

i'd much rather laugh and goof around with friends than sit in and read about something i have no interest in, just so i sound smarter.

I don't do it, but i know people who do, and yes it's lame.
1,608 posts

I don't know, before middel school, I knew curses but never used em so much as in that one period of my life. But maybe your right, and that's not because of hormone imbalance, maybe I was just excited to be in Middle school or something.

I think that is because in Middle School you hear a lot more cursing so it becomes normal. I curse a little more since I watch more grown up movies where they of course curse. I don't think cursing is part of puberty it is part of your environment and everything you do.
2,515 posts

ya its funny one day some one says h F word and in one year its all over... that funny does any one know when cursing started?

1,606 posts

I curse a little more since I watch more grown up movies where they of course curse. I don't think cursing is part of puberty it is part of your environment and everything you do.

I actualy started cursing less after watching grown up movies.
ya its funny one day some one says h F word and in one year its all over... that funny does any one know when cursing started?

I think cursing was always around, we use it to express ourself. I just think it's funny how all the curse words are one sylable in english and in other launguages, using them to express yourself is sometimes tedious and not worth the long word.
843 posts

I think cursing was always around, we use it to express ourself. I just think it's funny how all the curse words are one sylable in english and in other launguages, using them to express yourself is sometimes tedious and not worth the long word.
Yeah that's why most people swear because its easy to pronounce and say, well that's why I occasionally swear.
4,206 posts

I don't really mind immaturity. There is a difference between being immature and simply an idiot, an ******* or someone with short attention span.
Immaturity, to me, is just acting like a small child or at some part acting like one. And even I do that sometime. I play with my favorite toys when I was a kid and I wrestle with my younger brother. It feels really good to not always be mature like society tells you to and just to let yourself go. Of course there are limits to it and you shouldn't do it all the time, or you would have to go see a physiatrist.

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