see idk were this goes but i think its a big problom... see im 13 and i think my self as a mature "teen" were i live people (guys) think fart sounds and harassment is fun... most people on ar are like 14 15 16... so you all know what im talking about... but immaturity isnt just a school problem... if those retards are going to run the world oneday i fear for myself... some girls near me dont no what symbiosis is the day after we "learned" it or even how to do fraction... we have reviews them for three years... some guys litterly make fart noises in class... then laugh like a fat guy fell... i dont get it? wtf
I have good parents that teach me the lessons of restraint and discipline without forcing them onto me, thus the lessons are learned. As a result, I become more mature than others. Then there are the bad parents that either force these lessons down your throat or don't give two ****s about morality. This leads to rebellion and eventual immaturity, as they lack restraint and discipline.
For me I really didn't learn much from my parents other than the way they act and how other people reasspond when they do that or vice versa. I learned most of my maturity just by listening to people talk and how they act.
And I have a question for you Highfire, you say you were thinking about morality for a long time (can't remember what number you said), what did you think about? Right and wrong?
Everybody knows that calling someone immature is just because he/she is jealous because they're more interesting or fun than they are. But I'd say yes, some people are immature in a bad way.
Then with that experience you've matured somewhat. When things settle down you'll probably immature a bit because of the influence of your friends.
I don't think the last part of what you said applies because I made friends with people who are as mature as me or more and am not friends with people who think fart jokes are still funny.
if those retards are going to run the world oneday i fear for myself...
I think it's a given that if they are incapable of handling themselves, they very likely won't be placed into a position of handling others. So don't worry about that.
some girls near me dont no what symbiosis is the day after we "learned" it or even how to do fraction... we have reviews them for three years...
I don't see how that directly refers to maturity. I think it is more reflected by an unwillingness to learn and intellectual capability.
I don't see how that directly refers to maturity. I think it is more reflected by an unwillingness to learn and intellectual capability.
I think the willingness to learn comes with maturity though, I've noticed that through the years, school has been more and more fun and no longer daunting (also because I've seen homeless people and I don't wanna end up like them)
Unlike what many think, maturity is not correlated with age. At least to my eyes they are not. Immature teenies just act different from immature adults, doesn't mean adults are mature only because of their age....
Unlike what many think, maturity is not correlated with age. At least to my eyes they are not. Immature teenies just act different from immature adults, doesn't mean adults are mature only because of their age....
My thought about what maturity is, is how much you know about the world and take that knowledge and use it in your everyday lifestyle.
Hmm.. I don't give much importance to knowledge when defining maturity, it's more the approach to a matter, the attitude and the way you handle that matter, that for me tells if someone is mature or not.
Hmm.. I don't give much importance to knowledge when defining maturity, it's more the approach to a matter, the attitude and the way you handle that matter, that for me tells if someone is mature or not.
Don't you first have to understand what is the correct way to approach a matter first? How else would you know how to other than seeing how other's approach matters and mimicing them almost until it becomes automatic for yourself.
would you guys think yourselfs a mature? and would you think of your self a mature child if at the age of 2 and 3 you wandered of intothe world with no supervivion and camr back unharmed?
Don't you first have to understand what is the correct way to approach a matter first? How else would you know how to other than seeing how other's approach matters and mimicing them almost until it becomes automatic for yourself.
Yes, but, what I meant is you don't have to be a genius to be mature. You can learn about mature approaches to matters, but not use them yourself later on. And there isn't only one way to approach things, if you're mature, I'd say you have the right feeling about what would be the correct approach, without having to learn it first. Though you're right, this is something that has to be acquired as a child.
Another thing...Your maturity is also measured in your grammar. If you fail to use periods and commas, then I'll assume you are an immature moron.
I thought Armor Games was a place for fun, not for being made fun of for a reason like finishing your answer quicker or maybe if the person has a learning disorder...
@Omnihero10 Why did you end every sentence with multiple periods? According to keeton52 you're an immature moron.
I consider a teen a child, so I guess I consider myself a mature child.
And there isn't only one way to approach things, if you're mature, I'd say you have the right feeling about what would be the correct approach, without having to learn it first. Though you're right, this is something that has to be acquired as a child.
Well the aproach is to pick the best angle on a subject and back up your responce nicely. I learned that just from observing how other people where talking.
I thought Armor Games was a place for fun, not for being made fun of for a reason like finishing your answer quicker or maybe if the person has a learning disorder...
I agree that this isn't the place to be a grammer nazi, and that we aren't writing essays that will later be graded, this place is more for free thought than well constructed sentences.