Ok, I know all you Muslims, Atheists, buddists and others are thinking: wtf is this stupid question??? (I myself am an abuser and I don't belive in Cheese)
But what if it happened? No matter how science or any Oher thing proves it wrong, what would you do?
if i'm dead and i do see god then i will instandly believe in him even tho i did not believe in him when i was alive. then god can no longer punish me for not believing in him because i do =)
err no, you will not believe - you will know knowledge is not faith, faith is not knowledge well..at least in my view. You could easily say "seeing is believing" and I don't have anything sensible to argue with that still..
Faith is necessary for salvation
Favourite saying of slavedriver priests..or fanatics. Ok, let's sa faith IS necessary for salvation, but even if you don't have faith in God, God has faith in you. Ain't he neat?
faith is necessary to look stupid against athiests
That would be fanaticism actually.
god will save me because he loves me and forgives me for not believing
You've just expressed faith in God. Doesn't it feel better Well of course don't forget you might make more blunders than just disbelief to postpone your salvation. Be an *** and it will be harder to forgive you.
Then you are both wrong. Faith is necessary for salvation. Heaven is defined as being perfect union(relationship) with God. How can you have any relationship with God if you do not believe in Him? If you do not believe in God you cannot be saved.
If they showed they existed i would believe they were real. The requirement of faith is a complete load. It's asking they we believe without anything supporting the claim of existence. If we were to apply this requirement elsewhere we would likely regard the person as gullible and easily taken in. For example: You just have to have faith that you have a dead relative from Zimbabwe who left you millions of dollars.
If God does exist he gave us the ability to reason. Part of the process of reasoning is to not simply take things on faith but to further investigate and only believe that which is proven.
My response: Those circumstances are obviously going to be different so my guess this they would be based off of living a moral life.
Actually given you line of thinking here my response would be "The why tell us in the first place?"
No biggie, I'm just a few steps ahead of the game :P
None of your steps would have been how I would have responded so your Q&A fails.
Be an *** and it will be harder to forgive you.
How could it be any harder for a supposed all loving being?
How could it be any harder for a supposed all loving being?
Harder..on the sinner Love does not necessarily deny an examplary lesson on why evil isn't the way to go (also called punishment, but the kind that will let you learn)
Harder..on the sinner Love does not necessarily deny an examplary lesson on why evil isn't the way to go (also called punishment, but the kind that will let you learn)
but god is all loving and and all forgiving. he will forgive me for not believing.
If they showed they existed i would believe they were real. The requirement of faith is a complete load. It's asking they we believe without anything supporting the claim of existence. If we were to apply this requirement elsewhere we would likely regard the person as gullible and easily taken in. For example: You just have to have faith that you have a dead relative from Zimbabwe who left you millions of dollars.
so are you just assuming that i blindly believe in God? And what 'supports the claim of existence' in your opinion?
god will save me because he loves me and forgives me for not believing
Nope. God will accept your choice for not believing in him and acknowledge that you do not want a relationship with him and woulnd't force you to go to heaven against your free will.
There should have been a question what if christian people disapeared and we were left behind. what if he was really the son of God. That would be a better question than this one.
so are you just assuming that i blindly believe in God? And what 'supports the claim of existence' in your opinion?
Your telling me you take it on faith so I don't need to assume your going about it blindly, that's what your flat out telling me.
I've listed what it would take for me to believe a number of times. Out of them the biggest one would be him sowing up and demonstrating that he is who h says he is by doing something only God could do such as create matter from nothing and do all this in a way I can be sure it wasn't trickery or a hallucination of some sort. I know it sounds like a tall order but this one is at the top of the list and I'm sure it wouldn't be a chore for an omnipotent being.
Nope. God will accept your choice for not believing in him and acknowledge that you do not want a relationship with him and woulnd't force you to go to heaven against your free will.
How can I possibly have a relationship with a being who doesn't demonstrate that he exists? It would be like me trying to have a relationship with a father I never met, or heard from, or even knew existed or not.
How can I possibly have a relationship with a being who doesn't demonstrate that he exists? It would be like me trying to have a relationship with a father I never met, or heard from, or even knew existed or not.
I assume the kind of relationship you'd have is one of hoping to meet that father sometime in the future. God would be the same, hoping to meet Him when you die, even if it's just to tell him he's a jerk.
I assume the kind of relationship you'd have is one of hoping to meet that father sometime in the future. God would be the same, hoping to meet Him when you die, even if it's just to tell him he's a jerk.
I would call that wishful thinking, not a relationship.