In this spin-off of CtO, there is a lovely city called Lolcatia! Unfortunately, the previous villains of CtO are pissed off at Lolcatia for it's causing them to be killed by intrepid Objective Completers. So, they decided to level the city! Little do they know that the Objective Completers are ready to protect their city...
(Holy ****. This moves fast.) I look at my past weapons. I decide to get a different loadout. I take my Acronym Assault Rifle, Version 4. (AAR-4) I take a Trolololol-9 Pistol. It's rounds weren't as hard hitting as the Cheezburger Eagle, but it's Trolo-9 Rounds caused less recoil, and that was good... Fired pretty fast too.
I grabbed a non-meme armor. Wanted to see if the Kevlar Vest could protect against bullets and meme things... I'd find out soon enough. I grab a "KTHX" Underbarrel Grenade Launcher. I also grab a few Raeg Grenades. (Like flash grenades, except whoever is hit is blinded by RAEG.) I run towards the battlefield, looking for cover. I try to supress whoever fires at me by firing a round of my KTHX Grenade Launcher at them. I swear if any N00b Tuber references are made... I swear to god... I thought angrily... Hopefully there wouldn't...
Okay, that's it. Construct an android suit for Meow Meow and upgrade his sword from regular steel to Titanium, improving his HP, Speed, Attack power, and defence!
Also add nuclear-powered Mecha-wings to the suit so he can fly. >
"GAWDAMMIT!" I scream out angrily. I thought they were above that. I am slightly hurt by the comment, no time to think about that now. I see the Blackholes. Or Blackhawks. Whatever they were. I wish I had one of those Rocket Cat Launchers... No time. Again. I call in a missle turret strike on the Blackhawks while I toss a rage grenade out. After it sets off, I fire at them with the AAR-4.
Sonic heroes, Id like to say to read my whole sentence first, i know its kind of a god mod so i had a backup which was the best i could get with a reasonable amount of money that we have.