In this spin-off of CtO, there is a lovely city called Lolcatia! Unfortunately, the previous villains of CtO are pissed off at Lolcatia for it's causing them to be killed by intrepid Objective Completers. So, they decided to level the city! Little do they know that the Objective Completers are ready to protect their city...
@rivercrab01: You plant several landmines at the 75% distance marker.
@sonicheroes95: You try to do so, but you get shot away by the tanks!
@rick073: It costs $800 to upgrade a Banshee to a Deathawk.
@loco5: The Trolls try to flame them, but their iron hides are immune to it.
@ericthai: You activate another turret! You also lower the bazooka training for 3 turns in order to train them.
@bigfatkitty: Unfortunately, you fail to withdraw the money. You lower the security by 55% in the process though. As for the coffee shop, where do you think I'm reporting from?
@loco5: And yes, it has a great view of the battlefield.
it's basically making someone invulable for 8 seconds.. or for this game, about 2 rounds. thank you being the fastest person here...
i train the medigun on Rivercrab01 and start healing him and over-healing him.(since this is a normal medigun, it over heals to 150% normal max) while charging the uber... ^.^
I call Matt and Natz from EBF and ask them to send over...MEOW MEOW! He'll chop the tanks in half with that giant sword of his...if he joins, that is. :3
Do these tanks happen to be M808B MAIN BATTLE TANKS with shelia esque AI's? I create a forerunner monitor the size of the big one in cold storage(assumeing you have played halo 3, if not, i shall provide a picture) complete with object manipulate and spartan laser eye features, with the main eye color being purple. If this cannot be afforded, or not afforded without draining a large part of our money, i start a loan shark company to screw everyone who gets a loan from us. Once i can make the monitor(definitly NOT a computer type monitor, dont play with that on me, it has an O instead of an E) I make it without sentience and i transfer my soul/brain/personallity into it. I mean, gravity manipulating beams(grabbing something with a beam) and spartan laser from mah eye, who wouldnt want that? Also, i name the loan shark company "Ravenous Man Eating Loan Sharks And Co."
@rivercrab01: You would have to lay down new mines in order to change them to EMP, and the mine layer's filled with the Anti-tank frags.
@sonicheroes95: By the time this turn is over, you'll have your uber.
@rick073: The Banshees have been upgraded! Still probably won't do much ATM, but we'll have them for later waves.
@loco5: Well, what do you expect for modern-style seating?
@ericthai1: They already have them. These are Anti-Tank rifles.
@DarthNerd: No, they aren't.
The Loan Sharks drop the bank's security by 30% and increase our income by $1000! As for that monitor, it costs $25,000 to make, and would be more along the lines of Guilty Spark 347 instead of the one in Cold Storage.