ForumsWEPRSo how 'bout that Marijuana? Do you think it should be legal?

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12 posts

I certainly do. It very rarely causes lung cancer but that's pretty much the only downside.

  • 187 Replies
6,672 posts

ive said it before and i will say it again

4,375 posts

A common misconception about marijuana is that it's not addicting, and that it is addicting. It's not physically addictive, meaning you won't go into physical withdrawal if you don't smoke it, but it is mentally addicting, and people do let marijuana screw up their lives, and can trick themselves into mental withdrawal. But for people who get 'addicted' to marijuana, that's really no ones fault but their own.

Right good sir, well in that case I'm addicted to fruit cake. I can't live without my fruitcake man!

It's the same thing.

I love how I make like the hugest post in the world, and people still argue the issues that I've already covered....
529 posts

I love how I make like the hugest post in the world, and people still argue the issues that I've already covered....

hahahaha thats just how it goes xD
5,043 posts

It'll be safer due to regulations on chemicals for growing them that aren't in place now. Imagine being on the quality control team to make sure each batch is good lol!

I need to look into the history behind the tobacco company as to how their products became universally unhealthy. I honestly believe that even if some companies added added chemicals to marijuana like they do cigarettes, there will always be people selling clean marijuana.

If they do make pot legal, the government could tax it however they want to. That could help the economy.

Nope. Sin taxes are bull****. It doesn't help the economy when a 20 year old making min. wage has to pay 40% more taxes so the government can "get out of debt" or "afford programs that help the poor" (which is quite redundant considering they are taxing the poor). It doesn't make sense to fix the economy by taxing a product insanely high that a lot of middle class and poor people buy. The argument behind sin tax is that it's supposed to "deter" people from doing bad things, which is not the government's role and in all honesty is also redundant since government officials are supposed to "support" business, not "deter" it.

I love how I make like the hugest post in the world, and people still argue the issues that I've already covered....

Me and you both.
1,606 posts

Like maybe there are commercials and things like that for marijuana.

I don't thnk they will since it is already illegal to have commercials of cigaeretts (in US) so why would they make commercials for weed?
879 posts

If I want to do it, I should just go to the nearest Brothel?

If you want to, then yes. I wouldn't do it but if you want to then I see no problem. Just make sure to use a condom.

Marijuana shouldn't be legal.
Even the Medical Crap.
It just makes you die faster.

My friend tried it, and he got the worst headache ever. He said it felt like his head was splitting open. Then he gave it up.

So what? Other people like it. Nobody forces you to smoke weed.
Fast Food shouldn't be legal. It just makes you die faster.

Nope. Sin taxes are bull****. It doesn't help the economy when a 20 year old making min. wage has to pay 40% more taxes so the government can "get out of debt" or "afford programs that help the poor" (which is quite redundant considering they are taxing the poor). It doesn't make sense to fix the economy by taxing a product insanely high that a lot of middle class and poor people buy. The argument behind sin tax is that it's supposed to "deter" people from doing bad things, which is not the government's role and in all honesty is also redundant since government officials are supposed to "support" business, not "deter" it.

5,129 posts

Butcause enough people wanted it that they made their own bars and everything. Thje constitution was written by the people, for the people, and if the people want alcohol, then they should get it. I think with weed, there's just not enough demand for it, except for medical purposes.

i didn't read what this reply was made on but i guess it's the question "why is alcohol legal?"
this is because evry1 in known history drinks it in all parts of society. often the church even had it's own brewery and the king had it own brewery. people made alcohol themself and it is simply excepted as part of life for 1000's of years. and when they did try to make it illegal MR. Al Capone came up and basicly created the mafia whit the money made from illegal alcohol.

My friend tried it, and he got the worst headache ever. He said it felt like his head was splitting open. Then he gave it up.

i smoke it for over 20 years almost daily and never get a headache. i guess the marijuana he smoked was not that pure. probably lots of sticks and leafs and not the real tops.
the sticks and leafs cause headache indeed.

I'm mostly hoping that if we legalize marijuana that it will replace cigarettes. Like maybe there are commercials and things like that for marijuana. The government legalizes it, and it becomes more popular then cigarettes. Hopefully.

that wold be so bad. selling it in EVRY store will be the same as handing it out to kids. you need to keep kids and teenagers away from it because it will damage their brain more then a adult because their brain is still growing and creating its personality.

A common misconception about marijuana is that it's not addicting, and that it is addicting. It's not physically addictive, meaning you won't go into physical withdrawal if you don't smoke it, but it is mentally addicting, and people do let marijuana screw up their lives, and can trick themselves into mental withdrawal.

100% true.

if some companies added added chemicals to marijuana like they do cigarettes, there will always be people selling clean marijuana.

in the netherlands we do evrything whit the plants except for using chemicals on them. 1st it's very very unhealty it causes other bad things then clean marijuana and also does it tast very bad.
you can even tast the difference between a outdoor and a indoor plant. chemicals realy f*ck up the tast of it.
9,439 posts

selling it in EVRY store will be the same as handing it out to kids.

They could make an age limit like 18+. Just because cigs are available everywhere dosen't mean you're handing them out to kids.
5,129 posts

They could make an age limit like 18+. Just because cigs are available everywhere dosen't mean you're handing them out to kids.

but it's very easy for a 12 year old to get cigs. even 8 year olds are able to get them. (don't say they are not ive seen it happening. just in the store. little kid said he bought it for his father and outside he started smoking them himself.)
anyway i also believe that alcohol and cig commercials should be outlawed aswell.
promoting drugs is bad in the 1st place. (it's still drugs, not a cake)
1,606 posts

anyway i also believe that alcohol and cig commercials should be outlawed aswell.
promoting drugs is bad in the 1st place. (it's still drugs, not a cake)

In the US cig commercials are not allowed, but alcohol is, probably because of the diversity in the products and competition.
9,439 posts

but it's very easy for a 12 year old to get cigs.

Does that mean we should eliminate age limits entirely? Carding (checking IDs) has increased a lot in the past few years. Sure some slip through, but nothing's airtight.

promoting drugs is bad in the 1st place. (it's still drugs, not a cake)

Cake is unhealthy too...
59 posts

In the US cig commercials are not allowed, but alcohol is, probably because of the diversity in the products and competition.

Maybe he was talking about the full page "cig" ads in magazines.

And on another point. This is a little off topic but drafts of the declaration of independence may have been written on hemp paper.
5,129 posts

Maybe he was talking about the full page "cig" ads in magazines.

i ment all promotings of them. tv, magazines, games, banners, etc etc.
5,043 posts

that wold be so bad. selling it in EVRY store will be the same as handing it out to kids. you need to keep kids and teenagers away from it because it will damage their brain more then a adult because their brain is still growing and creating its personality.

Actually, I hear it's easier for kids to get their hands on marijuana than it is alcohol. Stores actually require ID cards. I understand that kids can always have other people buy weed for them from the store, but this is almost no different than buying from a dealer who bought his weed off someone else.
4,375 posts

Actually, I hear it's easier for kids to get their hands on marijuana than it is alcohol. Stores actually require ID cards. I understand that kids can always have other people buy weed for them from the store, but this is almost no different than buying from a dealer who bought his weed off someone else.


I linked something about this pages ago......Why are you still arguing that marijuana would be easy to get if it was in stores? It would make it harder to get!

But I'm actually just wasting my time here, since no one is actually debating, they are just getting butthurt about Marijuana.
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