ForumsWEPRSo how 'bout that Marijuana? Do you think it should be legal?

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12 posts

I certainly do. It very rarely causes lung cancer but that's pretty much the only downside.

  • 187 Replies
879 posts

choclate isnt a drug hahaha

Chocalate contains Ananamide (similar to THC), Theobromine, Phenylethylamine, Tetrahyro--beta-Carbolines, Epicatechin, Procyanidins and Tryptophan, which could all be considered as drugs. Sure, the quantities of these ingredients are very low and have nearly no effect, but still.
5,043 posts

What about achieving things people would be unable to achieve without government aid (or at least run in to significant difficulties)? e.g. building roads. That neither protects people nor their property, but is rather helpful. What's the underlying principle justifying such government projects?

Talking about laws, not taxation. Granted, it's the law that you must pay your taxes, but that's a different topic for a different time. I believe redundant laws are absolute bull****. Let's take alcohol. I believe the drinking age should be lowered, but that aside, I think it's BS how those under 21 can't drive with alcohol in their car.

I understand that when a 21 year old is driving with alcohol in their car, they are very likely planning to drink it, but the act of drinking alcohol while under age is ALREADY illegal. Why make it illegal to drive completely sober with alcohol too? I understand that it's supposed to be a &quotreventive" measure, but I feel that we can't limit freedoms in the name of prevention.

For example, it's illegal for a minor to open a bottle of wine in a restaurant, even if they are working there! This is absolutely redundant, unnecessary, and nothing more than an inconvenience. I am positive that the law does NOTHING to prevent under aged drinking. When an 18 year old opens a bottle of wine, in front of customers, that they are selling, they are not going to drink the wine. Even if the 18 year old DID take a sip, a swig, or chug the whole thing, the fact that it's already illegal for him to drink makes the law completely unnecessary and redundant.
5,043 posts

RainbowGoGangster, please read my post on page 6.

I would also like to tell you about Penn Jillette. He doesn't smoke, nor does he do any drugs. However, he advocates the legalization of drugs. He did a video blog answering a question many people would ask him. Someone asked "What if someone you cared about started doing drugs? Wouldn't you want the government to step in?" He replied "If someone I cared about started doing drugs, I would do everything in my power to stop them. I would do just about whatever it takes to prevent them from doing drugs... but, the government should do nothing. The government shouldn't get involved at all."

People abuse drugs, however, we can't criminalize drugs such as marijuana just because people are abusers. The reason? Not everyone smokes marijuana abuses it. You can't take toys from 20 kindergarteners just because 2 of them wants to throw them at everyone. If the 2 kids, 4 kids, or 10 kids decide they want to throw their toys, then they should be separated from the rest of their class and have their toys taken away, rather than taking away everyone's toys. The toys shouldn't be prohibited, but the act of throwing the toys. The same goes for drugs.

508 posts

Other fun facts: Alcohol being as bad or worse or whatever doesn't make marijuana good or even okay.

No, but it makes one wonder why alcohol is legal and marijuana isn't,

The legality and use of alcohol should have little bearing on this issue. Smoking weed is bad for you regardless of alcohol's effects.

Actually, it should have a lot of bearing. Of course marijuana is bad for you, as are many, many other things, but it has a lesser negative effect on the user and the people around them (usually, I can't speak for all cases) than alcohol, and costs much, much more to regulate, which also causes a massive increase in the marijuana use among underage teens, which legalizing would lessen (based on the effect of legal alcohol).

I'm not saying marijuana>alcohol=marijuana should be legalized, but using alcohol as an example of a legal drug, legalization of marijuana makes a lot of sense.
1,606 posts

You're assuming that every one gets the same high you do. I for one, do a lot of stuff while experiencing my elevation, and it's not like people are going to be baked 24/7
You're assuming that marijuana legalization means people ripping bongs out in the middle of walmart.

I am, but I think that's just because of what I see in the current comsumer of Marijuana, they are like you said, using it for their problems.
1,606 posts

And something else fun about swat teams and pot

I never knew that, interesting...
Some people smoke 60 cigarettes a day, while people will smoke a joint every other day or even every day. Cigarettes are still more harmful

I agree with that.
The problem with an age limit on pot is the same with alcohol - the fact it would be legal/ widely available to the population, younger kinds could get hold of it very easily - if they had a sibling above the minimum age: or people dealing it to kids for a higher price.

Surprisingly I never saw anyone selling alcohol or cigaretts to kids, I think its mostly older siblings that have it around.
No, the difference now is kids smoke pot but it isn't always readily available. Sometimes there's weed droughts and the citys potless for a while.
If it's legal and available everywhere, more kids might get into it.
And more adults.

But who knows if it will be used as much after it is no longer illegal, some kids just use it to look cool.
Studies have shown Kids say it is easier to find Marijuana then it is alcohol.

It's alot easier, although I never actualy searched for them,I just knew people who found out a source of getting it.
Anything can be addicting, once you get into it.
If a drug is not addictive by nature, then a person might be.
It's there, but not as readily available, and not worldwide.

But it is pretty much available, there's pretty much a kid selling it in every school.
1,322 posts

People abuse drugs, however, we can't criminalize drugs such as marijuana just because people are abusers. The reason? Not everyone smokes marijuana abuses it. You can't take toys from 20 kindergarteners just because 2 of them wants to throw them at everyone. If the 2 kids, 4 kids, or 10 kids decide they want to throw their toys, then they should be separated from the rest of their class and have their toys taken away, rather than taking away everyone's toys. The toys shouldn't be prohibited, but the act of throwing the toys. The same goes for drugs.

Singling people out hurts their feelings. It's cruel and unusual punishment. Making a show of one person's punishment is bad.... mmmmkay. (or that's what some people will tell you)

I don't care what you do behind your own doors. I hate the smell of smoke. It irritates me. My school just banned ciga-weed smoking on campus. (It's a private skewl, so good luck fighting that one) I don't think that if it is legalized that it should be legalized everywhere. If you smoke, then do it at your own inconvenience... not everyone else's... that's something a law would be well spent on.

Marijuana causes emphyzema and cysts in your lungs. It causes cancer. It may be to a lesser degree than ciga-weed, but then again I don't care to have that around either.

For you people who say to tax the hell out of it... what if people are skipping out on their taxes? Do we penalize them then? That's exactly what's going to happen. People are going to continue to grow it on their own and sell it on their own w/o permits and paid taxes.

No, but it makes one wonder why alcohol is legal and marijuana isn't,

...b/c enough people were killed on both sides in the fight to keep moonshiners from making and distributing it?

Chocalate contains Ananamide (similar to THC), Theobromine, Phenylethylamine, Tetrahyro--beta-Carbolines, Epicatechin, Procyanidins and Tryptophan, which could all be considered as drugs. Sure, the quantities of these ingredients are very low and have nearly no effect, but still.

tryptophan is an amino acid... you can find it in pretty much anything that has protein. ...when you consume anything, you can consider it and/or any of its constituents drugs... b/c pretty much any given one of them affects you in some way shape form or fashion.

If you do legalize it, then I don't think it should exist w/o regulation... yes... regulation. If it alters your state of mind, then maybe you shouldn't drive and smoke for the safety of other people on the road? Maybe you shouldn't smoke it where other people are who don't want to smell it? Nothing all that outrageous... but w/o regulation people will do it because there isn't anything saying they can't. I shouldn't have to breathe your 2nd hand garbage in the name of freedom. ...bump that crap.
5,129 posts

I hate the smell of smoke. It irritates me.

marijuana doesn't smell like smoke, it's more something like incense.

If you smoke, then do it at your own inconvenience... not everyone else's... that's something a law would be well spent on.

in the netherlands there is a law just for that. if you do the police is allowed to take your marijuana. (wich they almost never do. but they are allowed.)

People are going to continue to grow it on their own and sell it on their own

in the netherlands there is a law saying that you are allowed to grow for your own use only. wich is stated by law for 5 plants per household. if they know you got more then 5 plants then they come and take it away. and you will go in jail for a night and get a big fine. if it are more then 15 plants a judge will take the case. depending on the amount of plants what punishment you get.

the police is not actively searching for the coffeeshops stash houses but if they incidentally find them they will also lose their weed.

marijuana: Do you think it should be legal?

yes. marijuana is 1 of the less harmfull drugs. by banning this drug you make people try out new other ways to get high - stoned - drunk - or however they call being that not feeling yourself thingy.
they try new products to get the same effect but wich are actualy waaaayyyyy more harmfull to their bodys then marijuana is.

and it's a passive drug not a active drug. people that have used the drug are not going to be a problem for the public. they have a relaxed feeling. it's not a run around and shout out loud drug like most others. (including alcohol)
1,606 posts

It's wrong, but it's not dangerous. That friend chose to smoke marijuana, it's not like the person put a gun to their head and forced them.

Haha remindes me of a part in Training Day where that actualy DID happen.
yes, but the infuence is much bigger and he would give in to pier pressure

I've found that the people who actualy smoke weed that I know, don't do peer presure, they don't care if you do or don't, it just dosen't matter to them.
No, but it makes one wonder why alcohol is legal and marijuana isn't,

Butcause enough people wanted it that they made their own bars and everything. Thje constitution was written by the people, for the people, and if the people want alcohol, then they should get it. I think with weed, there's just not enough demand for it, except for medical purposes.
Singling people out hurts their feelings. It's cruel and unusual punishment. Making a show of one person's punishment is bad.... mmmmkay. (or that's what some people will tell you)

And yet the government does that every single day...
I shouldn't have to breathe your 2nd hand garbage in the name of freedom. ...bump that crap.

Yea sometimes the smell of it is overwhelming.
and it's a passive drug not a active drug. people that have used the drug are not going to be a problem for the public. they have a relaxed feeling. it's not a run around and shout out loud drug like most others.

Yea it has a very lazy effect to it for most people.
3,139 posts

Butcause enough people wanted it that they made their own bars and everything. Thje constitution was written by the people, for the people, and if the people want alcohol, then they should get it. I think with weed, there's just not enough demand for it, except for medical purposes.

Not always. Prohibition?

and it's a passive drug not a active drug. people that have used the drug are not going to be a problem for the public. they have a relaxed feeling. it's not a run around and shout out loud drug like most others.

Yea it has a very lazy effect to it for most people.

My view always with this is: you haven't met every pot smoker in the world, and therefor cannot make an assumption that most people have simply a lazy affect. Maybe for the people you know, sure but it can affect people differently.

Side effects can include:
Trouble remembering things, Slowed reaction time, Difficulty concentrating, Sleepiness, Anxiety, Paranoia (feeling that people are "out to get you&quot, Altered time perception, red bloodshot eyes, Tremors (shaking), Nausea, Headache, Decreased coordination, Breathing problems, Increased appetite, Reduced blood flow to the brain, Changes in the reproductive organs.
3,371 posts

If I want to do it, I should just go to the nearest Brothel?
Marijuana shouldn't be legal.
Even the Medical Crap.
It just makes you die faster.
My friend tried it, and he got the worst headache ever. He said it felt like his head was splitting open. Then he gave it up.

So. If people are going to be allowed to kill themselves with ciggarettes I think we need to allow them to kill themselves with weed. Which is much better. Seriously. And just because your friend didn't like weed doesn't mean nobody else will. Besides a brothel is compleatly different from smoking weed.
3,139 posts

So. If people are going to be allowed to kill themselves with ciggarettes I think we need to allow them to kill themselves with weed. Which is much better. Seriously. And just because your friend didn't like weed doesn't mean nobody else will. Besides a brothel is compleatly different from smoking weed.

I'd personally rather a headache than an STD.
3,371 posts

I'd personally rather a headache than an STD.

Headaches are a lot easier to get rid of too.

I'm mostly hoping that if we legalize marijuana that it will replace cigarettes. Like maybe there are commercials and things like that for marijuana. The government legalizes it, and it becomes more popular then cigarettes. Hopefully.
9,439 posts

Like maybe there are commercials and things like that for marijuana.

The government should get Cheech and Chong to do the ads! That would be epic!

If they do make pot legal, the government could tax it however they want to. That could help the economy. The current street market value for good quality cannabis is about $3000/lb. That could be greatly reduced to get more people to buy it.

It would also put illegal street dealers out of business (how many guys walk up to you and say "hey buddy... wanna buy some alcohol?" *opens trench coat full of bottles*). Sure we'd have more potheads, but it's no more of a hindrance than alcohol and is much safer than other things they could be taking like meth or "bath salts".

It'll be safer due to regulations on chemicals for growing them that aren't in place now. Imagine being on the quality control team to make sure each batch is good lol!
6,672 posts

it would lower crime rates, it would create jobs, the gorvernment could tax the hell out of it, it can create new trade markets, overall it would be a good thing.

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