ForumsWEPRSo how 'bout that Marijuana? Do you think it should be legal?

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12 posts

I certainly do. It very rarely causes lung cancer but that's pretty much the only downside.

  • 187 Replies
529 posts

never said that it wasn't addicting. In fact, I said that it could be. I think you missed my point.
then explain to me what your point is exactly?

You're saying that all that with your mom was just because she was smoking pot?
I doubt it was from the marijuana...she was probably doing harder drugs, or even alcohol. As far as affecting peoples' personalities go, alcohol is a whole lot worse than marijuana.

she did smoke marijuuna too, but i can give you more examples of people who smoked pot only if that will make you happier.
508 posts

I wonder how many of the people condemning marijuana have actually tried it...

If prescription pills like vicodin are given, medication pot is fine, but not for recreational use.

Why no for recreational use? It would save a ton of money, because the government wouldn't have to pay for the crackdowns on dealers and the marijuana trade, which is one of the largest drug trades in the world, or prisoners arrested for marijuana possession and their stay in prison (paid for by taxpayers). Beyond that, it would be much harder to access for the group that it wasn't for (i.e. those under 21).

And for people who say marijuana kills, it's not as dangerous as other drugs, including alcohol.
879 posts

Jefferysinspiration please look at the Netherlands. They legalized Marijuana but have actually less pot smokers than the USA. If you legalize it you have more control. The people who want to smoke will smoke, no matter what. Let's be honest, it's not really hard to buy some drugs.
If you legalize Marijuana the kids won't see it as rebellious to smoke pot as now, which will prevent some people from smoking.

Here you have some numbers:

Lifetime prevalence of marijuana use (ages 12+):
USA 36.9%
Netherlands 17.0%

Past month prevalence of marijuana use (ages 12+)
USA 5.4%
Netherlands 3.0%

26,390 posts

she did smoke marijuuna too,

Among other things...

but i can give you more examples of people who smoked pot only if that will make you happier.

Look, I've known people who smoke pot. Maybe they've come down with a baaaad case of SHS(Stupid Hippie Syndrome), but other than that they're totally normal.

then explain to me what your point is exactly?

I was already trying to illustrate it before, but I'll try to explain it as plainly as possible.
Many, many, MANY things can potentially be addicting, from the internet to alcohol to caffeine to cigarettes to medical drugs. As long as it does not pose a risk to other people, then people should be allowed to do whatever they want to their own body. Marijuana really isn't dangerous to other people, so if they want to smoke pot, let them.
I actually think booze is about 10x worse than pot...
26,390 posts

I wonder how many of the people condemning marijuana have actually tried it...

Except that marijuana is illegal. I've never tried it, but I can still tell that it's not as bad as half of the stuff that's actually legal...
529 posts

Among other things...

yes thats true but a drug is a drug some might be worse then other but its still a freakin drug

Marijuana really isn't dangerous to other people

i actually think it is, because then the person that is taking Marijuana can influence ( lets just say a friend ) to take it, so then the friend is now on Marijuana.. that might not be extremly dangerous but i still find it wrong..

I actually think booze is about 10x worse than pot...

i will actually agree with you on that.
508 posts

A common misconception about marijuana is that it's not addicting, and that it is addicting. It's not physically addictive, meaning you won't go into physical withdrawal if you don't smoke it, but it is mentally addicting, and people do let marijuana screw up their lives, and can trick themselves into mental withdrawal. But for people who get 'addicted' to marijuana, that's really no ones fault but their own.

26,390 posts

i actually think it is, because then the person that is taking Marijuana can influence ( lets just say a friend ) to take it, so then the friend is now on Marijuana.. that might not be extremly dangerous but i still find it wrong..

It's wrong, but it's not dangerous. That friend chose to smoke marijuana, it's not like the person put a gun to their head and forced them.

A common misconception about marijuana is that it's not addicting, and that it is addicting. It's not physically addictive, meaning you won't go into physical withdrawal if you don't smoke it, but it is mentally addicting, and people do let marijuana screw up their lives, and can trick themselves into mental withdrawal. But for people who get 'addicted' to marijuana, that's really no ones fault but their own.

Well, it's hard to measure marijuana withdrawal being that it's illegal.

yes thats true but a drug is a drug some might be worse then other but its still a freakin drug

So you don't drink or eat anything with caffeine(chocolate, coffee, soda, etc.), take any medical drugs(Tylenol, Claritin, Epinephrine, etc.)or anything like that?
5,043 posts

no i dont, but i think it would be good if they where illegal.. but i dont concider alcohol and smoking a drug.. im just against drinking, and drugs.. cause that stuff mest up my childhood

Actually, beer and cigarettes are drugs. In fact, caffeine is a drug. These are facts.

The problem is that you're only looking at the immediate intended effects of drug prohibition rather than the not so immediate actual effects of prohibition. I'll get more into this later though.

i just think you dont need to do a drug to make you feel better.. other things can make you feel better..

First, I would like to start off saying that I agree with this statement. Even though drugs can make people happy, I believe there are better alternatives. However, this doesn't mean drugs should be illegal. Just because there are better alternatives doesn't mean we should allow laws to be enforced that dictate how others live their lives. Laws should be made purely to protect people and their property.

If people can use drugs without harming others, they should not be criminalized. If people do harm others while using drugs, such as driving drunk or drug induced rage, then they should be arrested for their dangerous acts of driving drunk and raging. I understand that drugs caused these people to act out, but we can't criminalize a drug that causes people to do bad things, we should only criminalize the actual acts that cause harm. This is because drugs effect people differently. Some people can drink responsibly, and some can smoke responsibly.

So, if someone is smoking marijuana, or drinking alcohol without causing any problems towards other people, I feel they should not be punished even when I believe they would be better off not smoking marijuana or drinking. The reason we shouldn't make something illegal because there are better alternatives is because this reasoning could be used to criminalize just about anything, including fatty foods, video games, horror movies, et cetera.

That alone should be reason enough to legalize marijuana. We should merely criminalize any negative acts performed as a result of smoking marijuana (which, there are very few).

However, there are negative effects from criminalizing marijuana. These effects cause more harm than the drug itself. Most people who smoke marijuana don't cause others any harm. However, because marijuana is illegal, people go to jail and even prison for possessing marijuana. The fact that marijuana is illegal also means people will use violence to sell it. If you're trying to sell marijuana and someone points a gun at your head and says "this is my street," you can't go to the police because you're trying to sell an illegal product. If marijuana is legalized, people may be protected when threatened by others.

I won't go into detail, but look up why alcohol prohibition didn't work in the US. This is why drug prohibition doesn't work either.
508 posts

Well, it's hard to measure marijuana withdrawal being that it's illegal.

... you mean like how crack is legal, and E, and heroin, and we can still measure their withdrawal? The difference is that with marijuana there is nothing to meansure.
2,301 posts

I wonder how many of the people condemning marijuana have actually tried it...
I wonder how many people condemning fallacious ad hominem arguments have actually tried them...

Other fun facts: Alcohol being as bad or worse or whatever doesn't make marijuana good or even okay. The legality and use of alcohol should have little bearing on this issue. Smoking weed is bad for you regardless of alcohol's effects.

So you don't drink or eat anything with caffeine(chocolate, coffee, soda, etc.), take any medical drugs(Tylenol, Claritin, Epinephrine, etc.)or anything like that?
I don't. But I'm not against them, I just have no need. Well, you should avoid caffeine. I'm against using caffeine. But it doesn't matter.

On the topic of whether or not it should be legal... well, I don't really have an answer there. I'll have to think about it. I need to hammer out a more consistent philosophy for why governments should use coercion and when. Ah, Nemo's the man for that, so right back off topic:

Laws should be made purely to protect people and their property.
What about achieving things people would be unable to achieve without government aid (or at least run in to significant difficulties)? e.g. building roads. That neither protects people nor their property, but is rather helpful. What's the underlying principle justifying such government projects?
529 posts

So you don't drink or eat anything with caffeine(chocolate, coffee, soda, etc.), take any medical drugs(Tylenol, Claritin, Epinephrine, etc.)or anything like that?

choclate isnt a drug hahaha

It's wrong, but it's not dangerous. That friend chose to smoke marijuana, it's not like the person put a gun to their head and forced them.

yeah but he probubly put a big influence on him
26,390 posts

choclate isnt a drug hahaha

Chocolate contains caffeine, which is a drug.

yeah but he probubly put a big influence on him

This is a hypothetical situation.
And maybe, but the friend would still always have the option to say no if he wanted.
529 posts

This is a hypothetical situation.
And maybe, but the friend would still always have the option to say no if he wanted.

yes, but the infuence is much bigger and he would give in to pier pressure
26,390 posts

yes, but the infuence is much bigger and he would give in to pier pressure

Not necessarily.
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