no i dont, but i think it would be good if they where illegal.. but i dont concider alcohol and smoking a drug.. im just against drinking, and drugs.. cause that stuff mest up my childhood
Actually, beer and cigarettes are drugs. In fact, caffeine is a drug. These are facts.
The problem is that you're only looking at the immediate intended effects of drug prohibition rather than the not so immediate actual effects of prohibition. I'll get more into this later though.
i just think you dont need to do a drug to make you feel better.. other things can make you feel better..
First, I would like to start off saying that I agree with this statement. Even though drugs can make people happy, I believe there are better alternatives. However, this doesn't mean drugs should be illegal. Just because there are better alternatives doesn't mean we should allow laws to be enforced that dictate how others live their lives. Laws should be made purely to protect people and their property.
If people can use drugs without harming others, they should not be criminalized. If people do harm others while using drugs, such as driving drunk or drug induced rage, then they should be arrested for their dangerous acts of driving drunk and raging. I understand that drugs caused these people to act out, but we can't criminalize a drug that causes people to do bad things, we should only criminalize the actual acts that cause harm. This is because drugs effect people differently. Some people can drink responsibly, and some can smoke responsibly.
So, if someone is smoking marijuana, or drinking alcohol without causing any problems towards other people, I feel they should not be punished
even when I believe they would be better off not smoking marijuana or drinking. The reason we shouldn't make something illegal because there are better alternatives is because this reasoning could be used to criminalize just about anything, including fatty foods, video games, horror movies, et cetera.
That alone should be reason enough to legalize marijuana. We should merely criminalize any negative acts performed as a result of smoking marijuana (which, there are very few).
However, there are negative effects from criminalizing marijuana. These effects cause more harm than the drug itself. Most people who smoke marijuana don't cause others any harm. However, because marijuana is illegal, people go to jail and even prison for possessing marijuana. The fact that marijuana is illegal also means people will use violence to sell it. If you're trying to sell marijuana and someone points a gun at your head and says "this is my street," you can't go to the police because you're trying to sell an illegal product. If marijuana is legalized, people may be protected when threatened by others.
I won't go into detail, but look up why alcohol prohibition didn't work in the US. This is why drug prohibition doesn't work either.