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270 posts

Just talk to me 'bout what you did today!

  • 58 Replies
229 posts

I am nearly finished reading my book, which I will finish before I go to sleep. Then I'm starting on another book. (:

62 posts

Ah weird day.I woke up at about 9:30 and it had on TV the beauty and the beast.So i saw it then i studied a bit for Uni and now im sitting here.Not so much ^^

15,595 posts

It's 8 AM, and I've been up for about 20something hours or so. I might not go to school today, but if I do I'll probably nap in one of my classes or something. I have a hard time sleeping at night.

3,523 posts

Well. 9:30AM here. So, I woke up (obviously), and went to get some stuff get done on my toe. Before that I got a yearly flu shot, then I lay down on a table, and got some painful stuff happen to my toe. According to my father, they cut off half of my (right) big toe nail off on my foot. I can't see it now since it is wrapped up, but I do see a blood stain at the top of the wrapping, so....

Anyways, because of that I get to miss school. GTA IV, here I come.

3,371 posts

I walked up and down five flights of stairs. BACKWARDS. Then theres the boring stuff. Awesome day at gym, (which is very awesome to me. I love exersise.)

8,231 posts

I went to school.
then the kid in the locker next to me got his head banged really hard by the kid above him.
and everybody is saying my math teacher neads to shave, but i really don't care.
plus, my f riend has invented a "krypton man" to rival superman.
krypton man does very distrubing things.

510 posts

well i woke up at 8:20AM then i did school then cleaned up the cats poop then got on here then waiting for soccer practice at 4:00PM then im going to eat then go to a bible study then come back probably eat then maybe watch something either dragon ball bleach or naruto shippuden then go to bed at 10:30PM then do it all over agian except go to soccer practice

229 posts

I woke up early and went to school; nothing very interesting happened, but I was able to read a good amount. I started reading Brisingr today, so I'm pretty psyched to finish and then reread it over again. Haha!

888 posts

Woke up, went to school, went to the park and played football (ended up cutting my side), came home and slept for 30 min.
a little better than yesterday.

270 posts

I never get to school on time anymore so I didnt make it today, I also didnt get much gym time(which is first hour) which sucked. I got back home after I had a short meeting with my counselor about me selling her jewelry for her. I got back home sorted my jewerly and got on AG. Did I mention that I had a sub today.............

1,608 posts

I didn't go to school since I was kicked out of the bus so i called them and said I was sick. Then I did some funny things like jumping from the balcony on my trampoline, shaved, showered for 2 hours, cleaned my room, watched tv and went to work from 2 in the midday till 0.00. So I am just home and worked for 10 hours.
I'm broken.

2,155 posts
Grand Duchess

I'm a little bit lazy today, so the most amazing thing I've done is posting in the forum.

11 posts

Didn't go to the classes... Just because I didn't felt like going... I don't think Ill do anything productive today Thats about it.

1,606 posts

I got up, did some schoolio, played for a while, got tired of playing flash, did more homeworkio.... Stuffio

531 posts

I'm gonna explain my day in detail since I'm so very bored.

First, I woke up at precisely 7:33am, it took me twenty minutes to shower, and another ten to throw on my uniform, sort out my curly hair, brush my teeth and begin walking to school, this was around 8:03am. I got on 'the height' around 8:05am. I stopped in the 'A-Z Convenience Store' and bought one Lucozade for 65p, and gave the shopkeeper Ayaz Khan the £1.15 I owe him. This, taken away from my £3.50 school money, left me at £1.70.From here I went to 'Big Baps', a breakfast cafe. I bought a Sausage Barm for £1, leaving me with 70p, and walked to school with my friends, Alex, Earl and Wes, whilst eating my breakfast. This took about 20 minutes, we got to school about 8:25am, just in time for the bell. I went straight to form room. At 8:45am, I left form, and went to my first lesson. Double Science. The first hour, we did a practical. This practical was testing different metals to see how they reacted with water. Some set alight, some exploded, and some sparkled. The second hour, we did some simple question answering, copying from text books and drinking my lucozade.
After Science was break time. This began at 10:45am. I went and bought a bacon sandwich with the 90p that was still on my 'machine' in school. This left me with 10p on my machine. I went and bought a Crunchie chocolate bar from my friend Cathal for 50p, leaving me with 20p in my pocket, which I put on my machine, and spent 19p on a piece of toast. Leaving me with 11p on my machine. I went outside and leant 50p off my generous friend Aaron, then we went inside, and did English. This was 11:00am. In English, we did the usual. Practice exam paper questions for our upcoming GCSE English resits for people who want to do better in the exam they took last year. Next, at 12:00pm, was my BTEC, Construction. Today's lesson was the theoretical part of painting and decorating; labelling equipment, making a list of safety working practices, writing why these should be used, etc. After finishing my work I went on the computer for half an hour, and played some Kingdom Rush here on AG. At 1:00pm is upper school's lunchtime, so off I went to lunch, I got another 50p off my friend Kinsley, which he owed me. I had £1, which I instantly put on the 'machine', along with a 10p coin somebody chucked at my friend, which hit him and 'landed' in my hand . This made £1.21. I used this to buy a piece of the school's pizza. (a very, very large piece), for £1.14, leaving me with 17p left on the machine. I quickly ate the pizza and went outside to stand with my friends, it was raining. I didn't do much for the rest of dinnertime. At 1:30pm, I went inside and got a Lucozade off Aaron, who sells them for my friend Acer, I promised to give him £1 tomorrow since I didn't have it on me. I went to my last lesson now, ICT. I finished off my 'South Park Quiz' and played some more games on here, whilst socializing a bit . 2:30pm, the end of my school day. I left, and walked home with Acer, Earl and Alex. We had some funny conversation, I went into Ayaz Khan's shop, and he gave me some free Pringles and a Galaxy Cookie Crumble for answering his riddle. I walked home. I got home around 3:30pm, did some coursework, and played some games on here. I went on Facebook for a bit to speak to my girlfriend, who came here around 5pm. She went home around 8pm, I walked her all the way home and back, taking me 25 minutes. Now, it's 8:31pm, and here I am. ^_^

Oh, for those of you wondering what the machine is, it's our schools weird way of paying for food and drinks. They take our fingerprint and add it to their databaste. There's some machines in school where you place your finger, and it detects your fingerprint and opens your account, all you do now is add money and leave. Simple ^_^

Showing 16-30 of 58