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Just talk to me 'bout what you did today!

  • 58 Replies
370 posts

I didn't do anything out of the normal today. Got up at a quarter til seven. Got ready for school and got on the bus. Got off that bus and got on another bus. Went to class and studied for my ASE certification test. Then worked on my friends truck for a while. Went to my history class but, the teacher was out so we read a chapter out of the book and took some notes. Went back down to Collision and worked on my friends truck some more. And then I came home.

1,608 posts

Home alone today.

So I woke up at 8:30, called school and said I was sick, and immediately told 2 friends they were sick to, so they bought some stuff at the store and went to my house. They got here like 9:00. We turned up some music, got a beer and sat on the glass covered porch whilst it was raining. At 10:00 I turned my brothers xbox on and played some FIFA 12 and Cod Zombies.
This went on till 11:30 and then we got bored so we went for a walk and buyed some pizza. Since I was home alone we ate it at 11:40 and destroyed my eating rhythm. After the pizza we all walked home so I was alone again. At 12:30 my girlfriend called and said she was on the way back from school so I asked her to come over. I picked her up with my bike and went to my place of course. It was 13:00 when we got there.
We did some nice stuff till I got hungry at 17:00 so I made some lasagna.
At 17:50 we ate and watched some tv. But because we were bored I tossed her my iPad and went to work out in the basement for 10 mins. I showered after that so at 18:15 I was all ready. But because my mum and dad werent home I needed a place to sleep so we went my girlfriends house, I walked up to her dad, hugged him and asked if I could sleep at their place. I could but on the couch.
So from 20:00 till 22:30 we did some things, and now I'm sleeping here on the couch/bed with my phone.

It was a nice relaxing day.

229 posts

My day at school went by pretty slowly. I have a large mass of homework and assignments I need to do, not including tests I should study for. I'm glad I'm home though; I hate school so much. -_-

517 posts

Well, today I got sprayed with Axe in the eye and when I went to wash it out I hit my head on the sink:'(...

341 posts

today I asked the girl i like for her phone number and plan on asking her out eventually ;P (yes i got her number)

other than that its been really boring

2,911 posts


I'm trying to win this girl over (it seems to be working, so far ) I asked her last night if she liked me and she said sometimes (??? the f***?) and then said I'll find out what she meant, and we're going to try to hang out over Fall Break next week, so i might find out then, which makes me beyond excited.

But as of right now I should be making a brochure on cancer and typing a paper for english...both are due this Friday and I'm wasting time on AG while listening to metal on Youtube , I'm probably going to get off soon and get to working on the brochure since it'll take a lot longer.

8,051 posts


Alarm woke me up after 5-6 hours of sleep at 5:27am and I proceeded to jump out of bed, hit snooze, and jump back in bed; at 5:58-ish I had to pee, and jumped back into bed.

My mother poked my foot at 6:00am, I put on a blank white tee shirt, gym shorts, and sweatpants (cold!), and put in contact lenses. While walking up towards a small gym we regularly go to, it was sprinkling. We arrived and I took off the sweatpants. I did the elliptical, 5min 0(difficulty-level) 100(stairs-per-minute), 5min 4 125spm, 5min 8 150spm, 5min 4 125spm, 5min 0 100spm. We left and it was sprinkling harder. I carried my sweatpants and wiped down the van's windows, unsure if the sprinkling would continue.

I arrived home at 6:45am, proceeded to rest face-down-standing-up on my bed (it's 4 stacked mattresses) for about 10 minutes while my fat white cat paraded my legs for attention. I went and pooped, then 'relaxed' myself until 7:25am. I hung up a partially wet towel, the only one near me; then took a 15 minute long shower, soap/shampoo/conditioner, and got out. I proceeded with my usual routine of deodorant, dabbing cologne in the appropriate areas, and gathering socks. I put on clean pants, clean underwear, a tool shirt, and went outside to check the weather. I was undecided in wearing a striped purple hoody; looked in the mirror and thought of the last time I had worn it with the same shirt. I could brave the slightly-harder sprinkling as I was only going to be outside the journey to the van and school vice-versa.

I brushed my teeth and it was 7:52am. Didn't really know what to do after that, so I just hung around, drank water, and talked to my mother who just got out. At 8:00 I yelled 'SCO!' (let's go) at my sister's door and went out to the van. I turned it on, on the lights, windshield wiper, unlocked the doors, and popped in a deadmau5 CD my brother (off at college) made beforehand.

My sister eventually came trudging out, and got in shotgun. A few minutes into the trip she explained that she doesn't like loud sound beats because she usually has a headache in the morning. I was at a recently-green light so I told her to take the CD out. At another light, I put in a Nine Inch Nails (also made by my brother) and put it on smooth songs (Beauty of Being Numb/La Mer). We arrived at school; the rain was pouring harder (sparing you the details of parking).

I don't know what time I arrived because my first block (English 4 CP) teacher taped a paper note to the clock entailing 'Time will pass, Will you?'. We had journals which was an eck question. 'What is your idea of a perfect date?' It was optional to share, but I just wrote 'I don't like the idea of perfect, because whatever I choose I know it won't be any better'. People shared; then people shared stories of what had happened to them recently. We checked vocabulary books. Our tables were formed into groups hereafter, and answered menial questions trying to identify over exerted ambition as being selfish when I'm quite the cynic already. Now, we had an activity, which was randomly drawn out of a box. Each of the students got different action to do, (mine was skip around and yell 'We're off to see the Wizard!'. After she (teacher) commanded all of us to do it, she asked us what we noticed, and made a correlation of that to dramatic chaos. She then informed us that we would be acting out MacBeth, which we start reading tomorrow. 1st block ends.

I went to the bathroom, got a drink of water, and started 2nd block, Gov/Econ CP.
It started out, as usual, with the first 20 minutes of doing nothing. I gave notes of amendments 4 through 16 to my forever-partner in that class because he was dismissed in the beginning of class yesterday. We took notes on amendments 16 to the last one last one. Some time in the middle between switching to take a vocab test, we had time to chat with people around us and I remarked how I wanted to switch Chemistry 2 into Chem AP (Many people were trying to do the opposite). Then we had a vocab test of definitions we took yesterday. With 20 minutes of class left, we were to our own whatever-we-wanted-to-doings. I attempted to rest my eyes in my inner arms, eavesdropping on conversations nearby. Class ended 11:40.

3rd block, Chemistry 2 H, I had the teacher stamp my homework from monday-friday last week (to see that it was done, we're allowed to do that). The class started. We had to take a solutions test. The teacher warned us that our time limit was up until 5 minutes after the class ends (we have lunch right after this block). The test was mildly difficult. I'd expect teachers to not want paper-clippings from tearing out your paper from a notebook, so I ripped them off and just laid them on my desk to clean later. I turned in mine first with 30 minutes before the block ends. I checked my homework and the second person was finished 5 minutes after me. I finished checking homework at 1:00pm, and went to my desk to get rid of paper-ends by dumping them in my backpack and worked on a Freezing Point Depression Lab (turn-in lab, all neat and nice). It was 3 minutes until end of class 1:17pm, so I just packed up instead of working more on the lab. The class ended and about five of the thirty people were ready to go beforehand.

I have no 4th block and the last lunch of the day, so I get to leave school at this point (1:17pm dismissal). Jogged slightly through the rain (moderately more now); squinting my eyes through wind-water splashing my face. I reached my van, and searched for the deadmau5 CD I refrained from playing that morning. I cleaned it off with my tongue and noticed large scratch marks. Nevertheless, I put it in and resumed listening at high-volume on my way home. I have the option of taking the highway travelling, and I usually do on the way home because it is easier to get to than in the morning. The scratches took effect on the one song I was listening to, but I continued listening until I was off the highway; then skipping forward a few tracks.

I arrived home (sparing you the details of parking). I entered with cats all excited I arrived home, shook off my backpack, shoes, socks, and went to the bathroom (peed). I turned on my Ps3, went on Netflix, and ventured into the kitchen to search for food. No frozen pizzas, and ramen hadn't entered my mind. I took out Smoked Honey Ham, and of course my fat white cat and orange skinny cat wanted some. I gave them each half of what I determined was a slice, and then cut the deck of ham in half to take and eat. I needed something more, so took half a loaf of uncut bread and filled a cup I drank earlier this morning with water. I ate all the Honey Ham while searching for my laptop, and plugging it nearby Netflix on the TV. I watched one episode of Ren and Stimpy I had previously started and stopped because I was distracted at that time. By the time the next episode of the 2-per-show started I was on the computer browsing websites.

At 4:00pm my sister wanted a turn on the computer, so told me, then proceeded to turn on netflix and watch a documentary about the ocean. I had already been playing Civ 5, and continued to do so until around 6:00pm (stopped because I was tired of horrible start spots). My sister had fallen asleep. I started writing this at 6:44pm, my mother arrived home at that time, my sister woke up, and my mother asked us later at 7:10pm if we wanted anything to eat. I informed her of what I had eaten earlier and returned to writing this. Pancakes sprung into conversation and we both demanded some. Now, the pancakes are ready, and my sister wants to get on the computer.

I bet this was an interesting read, huh?

341 posts

I bet this was an interesting read, huh?

yes it was

and i texted the girl a liked a little while ago and she was happy, so i was happy and ect go me!

and now I'm here on armor games again after dealing with annoying friends and working around the house
(cooking, cleaning ect)
3,371 posts

I had a bad day. Not specificly terrible but slightly bad. Add on to the fact that nothing very good happened, that made the day bad. Some good happened, but not enough. And I still have basicly the same problems I've been having for a while.

Um... I went to school. I found out I'm taking PSAT tomorrow...Yeah.

1,467 posts

I had an okay day. Today is my birthday (October 11th, of course.) I'm hoping to finally get a PS3... =P I've been using my cousin's for so long.

2,155 posts
Grand Duchess

I woke up after sleeping about two hours and in a three or four hours I will be sleeping again. Amazing day, isn't it?

5,129 posts

tomorrow is going to be a hell =(

start working at 3:30am and done working at 9:30pm =(
ow well... money money money ^^

347 posts

I had an ok day today, but I'm dead tired. I had the cross country meet today and it rained so I got all full of mud. I also got 136 out of 252 so I guess that's pretty good ^_^.

4,104 posts

I started vacation today so I'm fairly happy.

2 posts

i had a normal day... go to school come back to home... my routine xD

Showing 31-45 of 58