Today is the day that, or so camping claims, the world ends. every one Die's today because the world ends. Or is this just another one of his wild theories. I cant help but laugh at this predicament.
The Bible explains as much as any other religion does. Yes you could have uniformity with a polytheism, with the multiple gods working together. Even humans are capable of working together in unity for a common goal.
There is no guarantee that the gods will get along; their power fluctuates and they are not immutable. Uniformity of nature does not follow from polytheism.
No it's not fallacious or irrelevant. Just like how I don't have to check to see if my chair will collapse under my weight every time I sit down. I can be reasonably sure it won't because of the past observations and experiences with that chair. As such I can make the prediction that the chair will support my weight.
It is fallacious for you to think the chair will support your weight, because you're assuming the future will be like the past. How could you possibly know this unless you assumed it? In order to extrapolate past experiences and observations into the future, you must assume uniformity of nature.
It is fallacious for you to think the chair will support your weight, because you're assuming the future will be like the past. How could you possibly know this unless you assumed it? In order to extrapolate past experiences and observations into the future, you must assume uniformity of nature.
Since our observation do indicate such uniformity I can make that prediction.
Has camping decided to make a statement yet after the end of the world didn't happen?
Since our observation do indicate such uniformity I can make that prediction.
Your observations indicate that in the past there has been such uniformity. However, it is fallacious to extrapolate this into the future unless you assume the uniformity you are trying to prove.
Your observations indicate that in the past there has been such uniformity. However, it is fallacious to extrapolate this into the future unless you assume the uniformity you are trying to prove.
If you can observe a pattern in something, then it is compleatly reasonable to assume the pattern shall continue. For example, lets say everyday day you walk outside and see the ground. You do this everyday for a year and you have an explaination with backed up evidence of why you see the ground everyday, then it is compleatly reasonable to say that tomorrow you will see the ground. We don't assume uniformity we observe it. When we observe that under certain conditionds something is always uniform we can make predictions. Its how we predict weather, solar events, and many other things. We observe the world around us and watch for patterns it produces under different circumstances. We look at the evidence we already have, and this allows us to make reasonable predictions.
We look at the evidence we already have, and this allows us to make reasonable predictions.
Those predictions are based on the principle that the universe behaves in a uniform fashion; that the future will reflect the past, and laws of nature will continue to behave the way they have. As a biblical creationist, I have a justification for this. The Bible teaches that the universe is being upheld by a consistent, omnipresent God's power, therefore it makes sense that the universe will behave in a law-like, orderly fashion. Therefore, the Christian is justified in making predictions and drawing generalizations from observations.
The atheist has no similar justification. At the very best, an atheist can claim that in the past the universe has seemed to have uniformity. But how could the atheist know that uniformity will continue into the future unless the atheist knows about uniformity some other way? The atheist would have to assume what he is trying to prove: that because there has been uniformity in the past, there will be uniformity in the future.