ForumsThe TavernWhats the worst teacher youve ever had......

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it could be a substitute, whats the worst teacher and why?

  • 56 Replies
2,911 posts

I have to say the worst teacher I've had was my Honors Physical World Concepts (basically introduction to physics) teacher freshmen year. He would have 4 'warm-up' problems on the board and we'd get them done in about 20 minutes. Then when he would go over these 'warm-up' problems, he spent literally the entire class explaining the first problem. And on the lucky days we he forgot to do a warm-up, there'd be a ton of book-work on stuff he never taught us because he was too busy explaining the first of four warm-up problems. And when you'd have to ask a question, (a lot, in my case) he would answer it with another question.

Me: What is the equation we need to use for this problem?
Teacher: I don't know. What do you think it is?
Me: I don't know, that's why I'm asking for your help.
Teacher: *Spends 30 minutes explaining to me how to use the equation after about 30 minutes of questions that I don't know the answer to* Does that help?
Me: Yes
Teacher: Good *walks off*
Me: *leans in towards the kid sitting next to me* Do you have any idea what he just said?
Kid: Not a clue.

And not only that, but he was the most monotone person I've ever met. I don't know if he could help that or not, but it was terribly boring to sit through his lectures. And I don't know if he could help this either or just doesn't use mouthwash, but he also has the worst breath I've ever had the displeasure to smell. He could say something, and you'd smell it clear from the other side of the room, and I sat in the back of a giant rectangular room that's also used as a lab.

2,226 posts

Strangely, my worst teacher hasn't been a mean one. I had a couple bad teachers (most are science for some reason...probably due to inexperience/ poor qualifications?). My freshmen year in high school, I had a gay biology teacher who taught one of the dumbest classes and (being one of the better students) I was so bored. This year, I have a chemistry teacher who always repeats herself a million times, teaches weeks behind all the other classes, is obsessed with water quality (because, supposedly, she was a chemist at some water company or something but obviously wasn't very successful, because if she was why would she be working as a teacher?) Anyway, I do homework and sleep in her class and still get A's no matter how much she tries to find ways to take points away from me (ex. takes off points from people when they don't write the class hour (when she never told us to in the first place) and one time took off points from a quiz for not doodling on the back)...
And then there's this one other science teacher who supposedly microwaved his cat...
Let's just say I've lost some respect for science since starting high school.
On a more positive note, however, I am a lot more interested in social studies now because all my teachers are awesome and keep the class relevant and alive.

5,552 posts

The worst teacher I ever had was my 3rd grade teacher. Not only was she just a total *****, she hated me for absolutely no reason.

Once when it was one of the kid's birthdays and they brought in cupcakes, my teacher made up a bogus assignment and said I didn't do it and then locked me in her office to do the assignment (I was told that I knew what it was and to do it and given nothing) while everyone else had a party.

205 posts

Worst that I ever had in highschool was my physics teacher. She told me once that the reason that I'm passing was because I COPY everything from my classmate, which was not true. I did everything on my own just to pass her subject. And yet I was inspired by her faith in God but she doesn't have any faith in her students. How awful.

As for my college life, too many to mention. They effin' suck!

213 posts

My 8th grade algebra teacher. One time we counted how many times she said um and it was in the 50's by the time the 40 minute period was over, and I think we quit counting. Whenever she would get mad at us, which was a lot, she would throw her pile of papers on the ground, and start screaming at us, but everything was lost on us when she bent over to pick them up,(she wasn't the skinniest person in the world.) And she would say one thing as she was writing something else. And you would ask a question, and she would act like you were dumb for not understanding something. I quit asking questions because she started yelling at us for asking. And there would be random days where all she talked about was college, and then get mad at the class for not finishing that days lessons.

Wow, that felt kinda good.

311 posts

In grade 5 I had a teacher who called us stupid . . .

819 posts

Well I would have to say the one who is the worst would be the one who refused to teach me. It was eighth grade in math and I was really starting to get used to and started liking math. I had a great teacher in seventh grade but apparently my eighth had other plans for me...

2,917 posts

The one I made a facebook for, which got me arrested. He purposly killed gerbils with a known chemical to see if "it would really work". He had us breathe and stretch before tests. He yelled at my friend and I to stop talking when the whole class is talking. He treated us like we're stupid. So I made the facebook. Sample status: "The ladies love my newton balls." (He was a science teacher.)

TrueStoryBlackTextSS.png&w=574&h=535&ei=SVavTtWiLorZ0QGBvuHJAQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=248&sig=117044987936020293993&amp<i class=age=1&tbnh=165&tbnw=177&start=0&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0&tx=84&ty=53" alt=",r:2,s:0&tx=84&ty=53" />

167 posts

the worst was probaly one that called me a ****** turd...

94 posts

my worst teacher would be Ms. Wallace. She is a fat *** who "waddles" to get around and her ams are so hairy that i wonder what happens to her on a full moon ;And she is covered with pimples

888 posts

Well the worst teacher I've ever had was a Substitute who cussed out a kid before school started, flipped off the first hour class and needless to say was gone by lunch. Good thing I was only in her class for about 5 minutes. They were terrible minutes though.

866 posts

I once had a teacher that was so weird. There was a girl in front of him with a shirt that revealed some of her skin. He was talking about how that was distracting him because she had big boobs and that people in front of him shouldn't wear such things... 0.o

Also people had to stay behind because they had an elastic and someone who was tying his shoes while we watched a movie.. Such weird reasons for staying behind

130 posts

the worst teacher? That would probably be Mrs. Seim. She was such a jerk! she would make fat jokes about one kid, and her teeth were green. She did numerous things that were just plain mean and insulting.

155 posts

My worst teacher was incredibly annoying. She forbade us from using the words "easy" and "hard"... which was hard not to do since she was our math teacher. Overall, she had a bad personality, was an old hag and im glad to be rid of her.

274 posts

My year 5 teacher. Though not had any bad teachers since 'cept supply teachers (subs they are called in USA). The students bullied them!

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