Hello. While I was exploring AG-based Xats, I've met several unactive/banned/"old-school" AG Users. Most of them said that, one of the main reasons to their inactivity here is that the site was better before.
Is that true?
How better? They say that the threads had more quality back in time.
Well, I can't tell if it was. I joined June 26th, so that's not too much knowledge on our awesome site...
Maybe she doesn't have a new job. Maybe she's still around, but doesn't feel like posting! Maybe!
Nah, she's was the community manager. Keyword community. She was everywhere when she was active. What's the point of lurking around? But she might be because threads these days aren't interesting.
Kind of, but it also gives me something of a motivation to post as much as possible.
I would actually appreciate if you read them, Ernie. I spend time on them, actually. Plus, it's better than spamming like a wild animal.
I do generally read the parts where you're actually replying to something I said. I just don't read the parts where you're talking to other people, but it's okay because I don't read a lot of what they say either.
What's the point of lurking around?
Usually it's to look for a place to post, but for someone who hasn't posted in many months, I don't think she's doing much lurking at the moment...
Newcomers coming and saying hello; humm, it probably didn't change much.
What baffles me is that 99% of the people who introduce themselves in that section are users who you'll never see again anywhere. It's been this way for as long as I can remember.
I introed my self in that section, god knows what happened to it
I spent over an hour one day looking for my introductory thread. I don't think I ever found it.
I guess games are more fun than making [good] conversation...
But they aren't! Most of them are just the exact same game with some slight minor difference that leads people to believe it's an entirely different game, when they should know darn well it isn't.
Dunwana necro
It's the Newcomer's Forum. Nobody's going to care if you necro a thread here and there. :P
I remembered one thread in the newcomers area being locked for necro. I think it was some guy who kept reviving it to talk about how he was doing and how his family was doing, etc.
Please, Knight. Be a good Vet and read through my posts. I spend time on them and think about what I'm writing.
Yes but if the point is right in the middle of a sea of replies in one giant text, us old geezers lack the willpower or eyesight to read it. Getting old is a pain in the thyroid neck.